Scleractinia source details
Madrepora caespitosa Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Cladocora caespitosa (Linnaeus, 1767) (original description)
Madrepora cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Montastraea cavernosa (Linnaeus, 1767) (original description)
Madrepora fascicularis Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Galaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) (original description)
Madrepora interstincta Linnaeus, 1767 † accepted as Heliolites interstinctus (Linnaeus, 1767) † (original description)
Madrepora muricata (Linnaeus, 1758) accepted as Acropora muricata (Linnaeus, 1758) (new combination reference)
Madrepora musicalis Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Galaxea astreata (Lamarck, 1816) (original description)
Madrepora porpita Linnaeus, 1767 † accepted as Cyathophyllum porpita (Linnaeus, 1767) † (original description)
Madrepora turbinata Linnaeus, 1767 † accepted as Omphyma turbinata (Linnaeus, 1767) † (original description)
Linné (1764:662) gives a broader description, mentioning "anfractibus 20 s. 30 ...", which indicates the use of ... [details]
Linné (1767:1239) added additional references as compared to the 10th ed. (1758): Fauna Svecica (1761) = sensu ... [details]
According to McIntosh (1922: 165) the species (McIntosh does not give a name) "was first described by H. Martin ... [details]
Medusa hemisphaerica Linnaeus, 1767: 1098 [details]
As 'penicillus' is a masculine Latin noun diminutive meaning a little brush, it is here regarded as unchanging as a ... [details]
Not stated by Linnaeus. According to Merriam Webster it is New Latin, from diminutive of Latin terebra borer or ... [details]
Terebella lapidaria is named (with feminine suffix) from the adjective lapidarius -a -um, meaning belonging to stones. [details]
Feminine, based on treatment by authors of the time and the existence of Sabella as a female personal name. [details]
Feminine, as -ella is the feminine of the diminutive -ellus -a -um. [details]
The species is originally spelled as Nereis lacustris in Linnaeus (1758: 654), but later misspelled as Nereis ... [details]
The name Serpula contortuplicata has been used by various authors for various taxa, mostly for what is now Serpula ... [details]
A re-evaluation of the validity of this subspecies has not been found [details]
Linnaeus (1767) included Tubipora arenosa Ellis and Tubularia arenosa anglica under Sabella alveolata. [details]
"In Aqaeductu ad Sevillam" [in an aqueduct near Sevilla], Spain. [details]
Sweden. Not indicated in Linnaeus (1758: 654), but Linnaeus (1767: 1085) points "Habitat in Paludibus argillosis ... [details]
Linnaeus in both the 10th and 12th editions of Systema Naturae gives "Habitat in Indiis" as the collection ... [details]