WoRMS name details
original description
Mehlis, E. (1831). Novae observationes de entozois. Auctore Dr. Fr. Chr. H. Creplin. <em>Isis (Oken).</em> (1): 68–99; (2): 166–199. page(s): 172 [details]
source of synonymy
Mehra, H. R. (1980). Platyhelminthes Vol. I. Trematoda. <em>The Fauna of Indian and the adjacent countries.</em> Manager of Publications, Government of India. Delhi, 418 pp. page(s): 338 [details]
Lebour, M. V. (1907). Larval trematodes of the Northumberland coast. <em>Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland.</em> n. s. 1(3): 437–454. page(s): 441 [details]