Traits name details
original description
(of ) Maxwell, W. G. H. (1954). Strophalosia in the Permian of Queensland. Journal of Paleontology. 28: 533-559. [details]
additional source
Briggs, D. J. C. (1998). Permian Productidina and Strophalosiidina from the Sydney-Bowen Basin and New England Orogen: systematics and biostratigraphic significance. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists. 19: 1-258. [details]
new combination reference
Dear, J. F. (1971). Strophomenoid brachiopods from the higher Permian faunas in the northern Bowen Basin and their distribution throughout the basin. Geological Survey of Queensland. Publication 347(Palaeontological Paper 21): 1-39. [details]
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