WoRMS taxon details
original description
Gofas S. (2007). Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northeast Atlantic seamounts. <i>Journal of Natural History 41(13–16)</i>: 779–885 page(s): 810-811 [details]
From editor or global species database
Biology Type of larval development: direct (non planktotrophic) denoted by paucispiral protoconch. [details]
Diagnosis Shell 1.8- 2.1 mm high, with protoconch of 1.75 whorls and teleoconch of 2.75 to 3 whorls. Protoconch rather smooth. Teleoconch with a sculpture of faint, poorly defined axial ribs, and of spiral cords which are indistinct on the first spire whorls and become more definite on the last whorl. There is one stronger cord stronger at a short distance abapically from the suture, and a weak cord overhanging adapically the suture, both continued on the body whorl. Outer lip thickened externally at a distance of the edge by a broad rim, overrun by the spirals; smooth inside. Shell entirely white, translucent.
This form is sympatric with Alvania adiaphoros on Hyères and on Atlantis seamounts, in discrete depth intervals. It shares with A. adiaphoros the general shape and size, and the architecture of the very thick outer lip, but differs in that the spiral sculpture usually dominates over the axial. It most resembles Alvania tarsodes (Watson, 1886) from the Azores but has a stouter profile with one whorl less, and with both cords and ribs more delicate. [details]
Distribution Hyères, Cruiser and Tyro seamounts, common in 845-1060 m; Atlantis seamount, moderately common at 1340 m. [details]
Type locality Hyères seamount (31º09.5'N, 28º43.5'W, 845 m). [details]
From editor or global species database