Traits taxon details
original description
Linton, E. (1910). Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes. <em>Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington.</em> 4: 11–98. page(s): 77 [details]
additional source
Lloyd, L. C.; Guberlet, J. E. (1932). A new genus and species of Monorchidae. <em>Journal of Parasitology.</em> 18 (4): 232-239. page(s): 238 [details]
identification resource
Madhavi, R. (2008). Family Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911. In: Bray, R. A.; Gibson, D. I.; Jones, A. (Eds). <em>Keys to the Trematoda. Volume 3.</em> Wallingford: CAB International and Natural History Museum, pp. 145–175. page(s): 156 [details]
identification resource
Sobolev, A. A. (1955). Family Monorchidae Odhner, 1911. <em>Osnovy Trematodologii.</em> 11: 255-464. (In Russian). page(s): 275 [details]
biology source
Yamaguti S. (1975). <em>A synoptical review of life histories of digenetic trematodes of vertebrates with special reference to the morphology of their larval forms.</em> Tokyo, Keigaku Publishing Co. pp. LXI I + 590 + 219 plates. page(s): 30 [details]
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