Gurjanova, E. (1938). Amphipoda, Gammaroidea zalikov Siaukhu i Sudzukhe (Yaponskoe More). [Amphipoda, Gammaroidea of Siaukhu Bay and Sudzukhe Bay (Japan Sea)]. Reports of the Japan Sea Hydrobiological Expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1934. 1: 241-404, 59 figs.
Gurjanova, E.
Amphipoda, Gammaroidea zalikov Siaukhu i Sudzukhe (Yaponskoe More). [Amphipoda, Gammaroidea of Siaukhu Bay and Sudzukhe Bay (Japan Sea)]
Reports of the Japan Sea Hydrobiological Expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1934