Foraminifera taxon details
original description
Zaninetti, L.; Ciarapica, G.; Decrouez, D.; Miconnet, P. (1984). <i>Altinerina meridionalis</i>, n. gen., n. sp., un foraminifère du Trias Supérieur (Norien) récifal de l'Apennin Méridional et de la Sicile, Italie. <em>Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève.</em> 3(1): 15-18. page(s): p. 15 [details]
basis of record
Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp., available online at [details] Available for editors [request]
From editor or global species database
Diagnosis Test small, upto0.3mmindiameter, weakly conical to subspherical?, short early irregular trochospiral or streptospiral evolute coil, with sharp change of about 90¡ in plane of coiling by the penultimate whorl and final whorl partly covering the umbilicus, chambers oblong, broader than high, septa arcuate, prolonged into the elevated sutures as imperforate crests or spines possibly developed for attachment in the reef environment, although they may be septal remnants of an eroded outer whorl; wall appearing dark in transmitted light, microgranular, perhaps originally porcelaneous, outer wall coarsely perforate in the later stage, septa imperforate; aperture a long areal slit in the regularly coiled part, close to the base of the septum, but becoming areal and terminal after the change in plane of coiling in the adult stage. U. Triassic (Norian or L. Rhaetian); Sicily. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification) [details]
From editor or global species database
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