WoRMS taxon details
original description
(of Segmentatum qadrii Bilqees, 1971) Bilqees, F. M. (1971). <em>Marine fish trematodes of West Pakistan II & III. Descriptions of four new genera and sixteen species (Hemiuridae), with notes on the histology, segmentation, asexual multiplication and regeneration of some of them.</em> Agricultural Research Council, Government of Pakistan, Karachi.: 1-55. page(s): 9 [details]
new combination reference
Kazmi, Q.B. and Naushaba, R. (2013). Checklist of marine worms reported from Pakistani marine waters. <em>Pakistan Journal of Nematology.</em> 31 (2) : 187-280. page(s): 203 [details] Available for editors [request]