WoRMS taxon details
original description
Gray, J. E. (1837). On a new genus of land shells. <em>Magazine of Natural History, N.S.</em> 1: 484-487., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2334843 page(s): 485 [details]
original description
(of Alcidia Bourguignat, 1890) Bourguignat, J.-R. (1890). Mollusques de l'Afrique équatoriale de Moguedouchou à Bagamoyo et de Bagamoyo au Tanganika. 1-229, pls 1-8. Book dated 1889, publication date 1890., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12909251 page(s): 46 [details]
original description
(of Artemon H. Beck, 1837) Beck, H. (1837-1838). <i>Index molluscorum praesentis aevi musei principis augustissimi Christiani Frederici</i>. 124 pp. Hafniae [Copenhagen]. Pp. 1-100 [1837]; 101-124 [1838]; Appendix: 1-8 [June 1837]. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32058074 page(s): 48 [details]
additional source
Brown, K. (2023). A guide to the hunter shells. Vol. 2. The Streptaxoidea. The Enneinae, Orthogibbinae, Marconiinae, Odontartemoninae, Streptaxinae and the Diapheridae. ConchBooks, Germany. page(s): 302 [details]
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