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Turbellarians source details
Sluys, R. (1989). A monograph of marine triclads. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield., 463 pp
Sluys, R.
A monograph of marine triclads.
A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield.
463 pp
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2016-06-27 09:30:41Z
Tyler, Seth
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Taxa (38)
Distributions (13)
Bdelloura parasitica
Leidy, 1851
accepted as
Bdelloura candida
(Girard, 1850)
(source of synonymy)
Cercyra dioica
(Claparède, 1863)
accepted as
Sabussowia dioica
(Claparède, 1863)
(source of synonymy)
Cercyra papillosa
Uljanin, 1870
accepted as
Cercyra hastata
Schmidt, 1861
(source of synonymy)
Cercyra verrucosa
Du Plessis, 1907
accepted as
Cercyra hastata
Schmidt, 1861
(source of synonymy)
Cercyroidea Böhmig, 1906
(original description)
Fovia lapidaria
Mereschkowsky, 1878
(status source)
Fovia warrenii
(Girard, 1850) Stimpson, 1857
accepted as
Uteriporus vulgaris
Bergendal, 1890
(source of synonymy)
Gunda graffi
Bohmig, 1893
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Gunda segmentata
Lang, 1881
accepted as
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
(source of synonymy)
Gunda segmentatoides
Bergendal, 1899
accepted as
Procerodes variabilis
(Bohmig, 1902)
(source of synonymy)
Gunda ulvae
Ørsted, 1843
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Miava ernesti
Hyman, 1958
accepted as
Synsiphonium ernesti
(Hyman, 1958)
(source of synonymy)
Micropharynx murmanica
Awerinzeir, 1925
accepted as
Micropharynx parasitica
Jägerskiöld, 1896
(source of synonymy)
Palombiella macquari
Nurse, 1964
accepted as
Synsiphonium ernesti
(Hyman, 1958)
(source of synonymy)
Pentacoelum caspium
Beklemischev, 1954
accepted as
Pentacoelum fucoideum
Westblad, 1935
(source of synonymy)
Planaria affinis
Ørsted, 1843
accepted as
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
(source of synonymy)
Planaria amara
Fox, 1927
accepted as
Uteriporus vulgaris
Bergendal, 1890
(source of synonymy)
Planaria cornuta
Müller, 1777
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Planaria frequens
Leidy, 1855
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Planaria limuli
Graff, 1879
accepted as
Bdelloura candida
(Girard, 1850)
(source of synonymy)
Planaria ulvae
Ørsted, 1888
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Planaria ulvae
Uljanin, 1870
accepted as
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes gerlachei
Bohmig, 1907
accepted as
Obrimoposthia wandeli
(Hallez, 1906)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes grisea
Verril, 1873
accepted as
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes ireneae
Hartog, 1968
accepted as
Procerodes plebeius
(Schmidt, 1861)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes jaqueti
Bohmig, 1906
accepted as
Procerodes plebeius
(Schmidt, 1861)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes littoralis
Van Beneden, 1860
accepted as
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes sameha
Marcus & Marcus, 1959
accepted as
Procerodes dahli
Marcus & Marcus, 1959
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes sanderi
Hauser, 1987
accepted as
Obrimoposthia wandeli
(Hallez, 1906)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes segmentata
(Lang, 1881)
accepted as
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes segmentatoides
(Bergendal, 1899)
accepted as
Procerodes variabilis
(Bohmig, 1902)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes trigonocephala
Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916
accepted as
Paucumara trigonocephala
(Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes ulvae
(Ørsted, 1843)
accepted as
Procerodes littoralis
(Strøm, 1768)
(source of synonymy)
Procerodes warreni
(Girard, 1850)
accepted as
Uteriporus vulgaris
Bergendal, 1890
(source of synonymy)
Stummeria trigonocephala
Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916
accepted as
Paucumara trigonocephala
(Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916)
(source of synonymy)
Synhaga auriculata
Czerniavsky, 1881
accepted as
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
(source of synonymy)
Synsiphonium stephensoni
Palombi, 1938
accepted as
Palombiella stephensoni
(Palombi, 1938)
(source of synonymy)
Typhlolepta opaca
Schmarda, 1859
accepted as
Palombiella stephensoni
(Palombi, 1938)
(source of synonymy)
Black Sea for
Cercyra hastata
Schmidt, 1861
Black Sea for
Procerodes plebeius
(Schmidt, 1861)
Canada for
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
English Channel for
Procerodes plebeius
(Schmidt, 1861)
Georgian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
Maine for
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
Maine for
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
Maine for
Foviella affinis
(Ørsted, 1843)
Mediterranean Sea for
Cercyra hastata
Schmidt, 1861
Mediterranean Sea for
Procerodes plebeius
(Schmidt, 1861)
Spain for
Pentacoelum hispaniensis
Sluys, 1989
Ukrainian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)
Ukrainian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Procerodes lobatus
(Schmidt, 1862)