Jensen, O. S. (1878). Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. <em>J W Eided Bogtrykkeri, Bergen.</em> 97 pp., available online at page(s): 54, Tab. V, fig. 9 (Penis).; note: Jensen (1878) already indicates that this species is synonymous with Planaria crocea Fabricius, 1826. Acknowledged by Graff (1882, p. 325) [details]
Tyler, S., Artois, T.; Schilling, S.; Hooge, M.; Bush, L.F. (eds) (2006-2025). World List of turbellarian worms: Acoelomorpha, Catenulida, Rhabditophora. Gyrator fabricii Jensen, 1878. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-02-17
original descriptionJensen, O. S. (1878). Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. <em>J W Eided Bogtrykkeri, Bergen.</em> 97 pp., available online at page(s): 54, Tab. V, fig. 9 (Penis).; note: Jensen (1878) already indicates that this species is synonymous with Planaria crocea Fabricius, 1826. Acknowledged by Graff (1882, p. 325) [details]
original description(ofPlanaria crocea Fabricius, 1826)Fabricius, O. (1826). Fortsaettelse of nye zoologiske bidrag. 6. Nogle lidet bekjendte og tildeels nye Flad-Orme (Planariae). <em>Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs naturvidenskabelige og mathematiske afhandlinger.</em> Ser. 4(2): 16-35/ With three plates. (In Danish).[details]
basis of recordTom Artois; Ernest Schockaert. (2005-2017). World database of Proseriata and Kalyptorhynchia. (look up in IMIS) [details]
Present Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality