Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Bakken, Torkild; Wilson, Robin S. (2005). Phylogeny of nereidids (Polychaeta, Nereididae) with paragnaths. Zoologica Scripta. 34(5): 507-547.
10.1111/j.1463-6409.2005.00200.x [view]
Bakken, Torkild; Wilson, Robin S.
Phylogeny of nereidids (Polychaeta, Nereididae) with paragnaths
Zoologica Scripta
34(5): 507-547
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
Available for editors  PDF available
A phylogenetic analysis was conducted of the Nereidinae — those members of the Nereididae (Polychaeta) with pharyngeal paragnaths. We had two objectives: to test the monophyly of currently accepted genera, subgenera and informal subgeneric groupings within the Nereidinae, and, if warranted, to propose a more natural classification of the Nereidinae. Parsimony analyses were undertaken, including 52 terminal taxa from all genera and informal groupings from the large heterogeneous genera Nereis, Ceratonereis, Neanthes and Perinereis. Analyses of a character set of 52 informative characters yielded more than 10 000 equally parsimonious trees with a length of 176 steps (consistency index [CI] = 0.34, retention index [RI] = 0.66). Reweighting three times resulted in 445 most parsimonious trees with length 54.62 (CI = 0.59, RI = 0.79). Many characters widely used in nereidid systematics were found to exhibit high levels of homoplasy. The most parsimonious trees could not be rooted such that the selected ingroup, ‘Nereididae with paragnaths’, was monophyletic, causing us to reject the monophyly of the Nereidinae as currently defined. The following genera were well supported by the parsimony analyses and are newly diagnosed: Alitta, Ceratonereis, Pseudonereis, Simplisetia, Solomononereis and Unanereis. Alitta succinea, Pseudonereis cortezi, Pseudonereis noodti and Pseudonereis pseudonoodti are proposed as new combinations. The parsimony analysis supported the monophyly of neither Composetia, Neanthes, Nereis and Perinereis nor of any new groupings of remaining species presently placed in those genera. It is these poorly supported genera that comprise most species of Nereididae.
Phylogeny, Phylogenesis
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2015-12-29 23:06:57Z
2018-08-21 19:00:51Z

Alitta Kinberg, 1865 (taxonomy source)
Nereididae Blainville, 1818 (additional source)
Nereidinae Blainville, 1818 (additional source)
 Depth range

Intertidal to 5 m. [details]


Diagnosis by Bakken & Wilson (2005: 525), modified from Qiu & Qian (2000: 1112-1113): "Eversible pharynx with pair ... [details]


Australia. Common in estuaries throughout the southern coast of Australia, extending to the north-east and ... [details]


Australia: Western Australia; South Australia; Victoria; Tasmania; New South Wales. New Zealand. [details]


Australia: South Australia; Tasmania; Victoria. [details]


Common in estuaries and sheltered bays, in intertidal beaches and sand spits, in salt water, often associated with ... [details]


Intertidal to shallow water coastal environments, recorded by Hutchings & Turvey (1982) inclumps of sponge at 5 m ... [details]


In the original description of Nereis maxillodentata, Hutchings & Turvey (1982: 93) state "[...] Nereis is partly ... [details]


Erected for Ceratonereis with middle and posterior supra-aciculär neuropodia with 1 to few slightly thicker, but ... [details]


Moved to different genus. [details]


"Species of Hediste are recognized by the presence of a large and stout fused falciger in the dorsal fascicle in ... [details]


Genus reassignment pending. Perhaps a Neanthes. Probably does not belong in Hediste (fide Sato & Nakashima, 2003; ... [details]


In the original description of Nereis maxillodentata, Hutchings & Turvey (1982: 93) state "[...] Nereis is partly ... [details]


The unpaired antenna defining characteristic of Unanereis macgregori Day 1962 is suspected to be a morphological ... [details]


Khlebovich (1996) under Leonnates comments that "L. simplex Monro, 1939 I singled out in the new genus Wuinereis, ... [details]

 Type designation

Neanthes vaalii is listed first but otherwise is not selected as type species. Perhaps Hartman 1959 effectively ... [details]

 Type locality

Southern Norway Atlantic Ocean (Norway, not Denmark as may be seen in litt. Fide Bakken & Wilson, 2005:525). ... [details]

 Type locality

Sars states Nereis virens occurs in "Bergens Fjord" (although this name may not be currently used), Norway. Bakken ... [details]