Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Kinberg, J.G.H. (1866 [or 1867]). Annulata nova. [Continuatio.]. Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm. 23(9): 337-357.
Kinberg, J.G.H.
1866 [or 1867]
Annulata nova. [Continuatio.]
Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm
23(9): 337-357
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Published at the end of 1866 but date as 1867 also seen used. After the last page 357, there is an erratum with a year date as 1867 printed at the bottom. However this could be a later insertion. The next article (number 10) is dated Wednesday 12 December, 1866. Date is 1866 in Theel (1910). Contains only Sedentaria. A number of Kinberg Errantia, especially Nereididae species were wrongly linked in WoRMS to this part of the 'Annulata nova'. This now corrected.
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2013-04-21 22:30:05Z
2015-08-05 06:59:53Z
2016-04-16 19:33:09Z
2016-11-20 21:50:12Z
2017-04-16 18:16:36Z
2017-10-10 22:42:42Z
2017-10-14 02:51:29Z


This was a recombination, not a new taxon. The authorship is (Schmarda), not Kinberg as usually seen. [details]

 Depth range

Not stated, probably intertidal to shallow subtidal.  [details]

 Depth range

Shallow water (?; type material from urban harbor) to 80 m. [details]

 Depth range

2-3 fathoms (3.6 to 5.5 m). [details]

 Depth range

Apparently collected swimming near the surface of the water: "ubi summam aquam fucumque natantem habitat" (Kinberg, ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1866: 346): "Cirri tentaculares parum numerosi, latitudine segmenti buccalis ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 348): "Branchiae dorsuales nullae; pedes dorsuales 14, setis paucis, subrectis; ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 348): "Branchiae dorsuales nullae; pedes dorsuales 34 setis ciliatis: aliis ... [details]


Pacific coast of North America.  [details]


Atlantic Ocean: Brazil; Uruguay. [details]


South Atlantic Ocean: off Argentina. [details]


Not stated by the author. The specific epithet dendriticum is a Latinized word of Greek origin meaning 'having ... [details]


Not stated in the original description. The species is clearly dedicated to Pierre-Joseph van Bénéden (b. ... [details]


Not stated. The name of the genus refers probably to Cyaxares, the third king of Media, who ruled during 625-585 BC. [details]


Not stated. The name of the genus refers probably to Deioces, the first Median king, who ruled during the first ... [details]


Not stated. Demonax (Greek: Δημώναξ, Dēmōnax, gen.: Δημώνακτος) was a male ancient Greek ... [details]


Not stated, but E. plateni is evidently named after its La Plata collection station of the Swedish frigate Eugenie ... [details]


Not stated. Lygdamis is from a Greek male name familiar as the name of various leaders and tyrants circa the ... [details]


Not stated. Odysseus, in Greek mythology, was the son of Laertes, king of Ithaca, and was the eponymous hero of ... [details]


Sandanis in Herodotus "The histories" was a Lydian man who advised Croesus not to attack the Persians [details]


Not stated in the original description. The specific epithet natans is a Latin participle meaning 'swimming' or ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Masculine. Demonax is known to be the name of a male Greek lawmaker at around 550 BCE. This gender is strongly ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Masculine, a male given name in classical times, and confirmed by Kinberg's choice of species name suffix as 'indicus' [details]

 Grammatical gender

Masculine as Kinberg used a masculine suffix adjective 'arenosus' for the type species, and, matching that, the ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Sandanis is a male given name, confirmed as masculine here as Kinberg changed 'rubicunda' to 'rubicundus' [details]


On algae covered with dirt, probably littoral. [details]


Not stated, type material from an urban harbor, nature of sediment unknown. [details]


Amongst rhizoids of fucoids, at shallow water. [details]


The species was apparently found swimming near the surface of the water: "ubi summam aquam fucumque natantem ... [details]


Asychis Kinberg, 1867 is senior homonym to Asychis Gray, 1867 in Porifera (Phylum), Demospongiae (Class), ... [details]

 Publication date

Date is 1866 in Theel, but some have it as 1867. See source entry for more explanation [details]

 Type locality

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate 49.5°, -125.5°). [details]

 Type locality

City harbor of Rio de Janeiro ("Portus urbis Rio Janeiro"), Guanabara Bay, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer ... [details]

 Type locality

Port Natal, South Africa, Indian Ocean. Port Natal is a superseded name for the harbour of the city of Durban in ... [details]

 Type locality

Off the mouth of La Plata River, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean (-48°, -65°). The type locality was stated by Kinberg ... [details]

 Type locality

Strait of Magellan, Bucket Island [details]

 Type material

Syntypes (NRS 975 and NRS 976) deposited at the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden), all in poor ... [details]