Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Kinberg, Johan Gustaf Hjalmar. (1867). Om Amphinomernas systematik. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm. 24(3): 83-91.
Kinberg, Johan Gustaf Hjalmar
Om Amphinomernas systematik
Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm
24(3): 83-91
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
[None. Introduction starts as:]
Slägtet Amphinome uppställdes af Bruguière uti Encycl. Méth. Hist. Nat. du Vers, p. 44. Han räknade dit:
Aphrodita flava, Pall. Amph. capillata Brug.
» carunculata Pall.
» complanata Pall.
» rostrata Pall.; Amph. tetraedra Brug.
Sålunda borde förstnämnde art anses såsom typ för detta slägte. Emellertid delade Savigny detsamma och uppförde A. flava Pall. under Chloeia och de öfriga arterna under namn af Pleione, hvilket dock förut blifvit begagnadt uti botaniken.
Blainville och derefter Andouin och Edwards bibehöllo namnet Chloeia Sav., men återskänkte Bruguières namn åt de öfriga 6 då kända arterna, och togo likasom Savigny A. rostrata Pall. till typ för detta genus, dock under namn af tetraedra efter Bruguiére.
Grube uppställde såsom vi sednare skola visa med skäl slägtet Notopygos.
Peters omtalade i Verhandl. d. Akad. Berl. 1854 Amphinomer från Mossambique, deribland en ny art A. incarunculata, hvilken Grube sedan år 1860 närmare har beskrifvit jemte en annan art A. stylifera. Dessutom beskref Grube uti Annulata Örstediana 2 nya Amphinomer och en ny Notopygos.
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2015-12-10 21:50:45Z
2019-09-06 00:07:45Z

 Depth range

Not stated by the author. [details]

 Depth range

Not stated by the author. [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 90): "Carunculus lamellosus; branchiae pedum dorsualium binae."  [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 89): "CaruncuIus sulcatus; antennae a segmento bruccali et ex parte a lobo ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 90): "Rami branchiarum sessiles; setae dorsuales laeves, arcuatae obtusae, ... [details]


Author: p. 86 "Setae dorsuales filiformes, ventrales illas aequantes L vix bidentatae" [details]


Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1867: 89): "CaruncuIus circularis; setae dorsuales obsolete serrulatae, aliae ... [details]


"Setae dorsuales serratae, ventrales filiformes aliaeque bifidae. Habitus Chloeiae." (Kinberg, 1867: 86).  [details]


"Setae infra apices inflatae, apicibus setarum dorsualium singulis, ventralium binis et ternis" (Kinberg, 1867: 86).  [details]


Pacific Ocean: Panama. [details]


SW Atlantic Ocean: Rio de La Plata (Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay). [details]


Not stated by the author. The generic name is composed by the Latin prefix of Greek origin amphi-, meaning 'on both ... [details]


Not stated by the author, unknown. [details]


Not stated by the author. Blenda may refer to the namesake heroine found in Swedish legends and myths (J.G.H. ... [details]


Not stated by the author, uncertain. The specific epithet armata is a Latin adjective meaning 'armed', 'armoured' ... [details]


Not stated by the author. The name Colonianella refers clearly to the type locality of the type taxon, Colonianella ... [details]


Not stated by the author, uncertain. The specific epithet rostrata is a Latin adjective meaning 'rostrate', ... [details]


Unknown.  [details]


The name of the genus probably refers to the Greek mythological name Thesmia or Thesmophoros, the ''law-giver'', a ... [details]


Not stated by the author. [details]


Not stated by the author. [details]


There is no Chloenea McIntosh, 1885 homonym as incorrectly stated by Hartman Catalogue p. 132. McIntosh indicates ... [details]


Collection locality recorded as Brazil. The (undescribed) specimen in the Swedish Museum was reported upon by ... [details]


Originally a nomen nudum in Kinberg (1867:86) as only the name is given, with the comment that the species will be ... [details]


The species is referred as new by Kinberg (1867: 89) in a single line, without a description or supporting figures, ... [details]


Kinberg (1867: 90) has no description or figure of Amphibranchus occidentalis. There is only the generic diagnosis [details]


erected by Kinberg, 1867, for Chloeia candida, an existing combination from Kinberg 1857, and for Chloenea pallida, ... [details]


Chloenopsis Fauchald, 1977 may be valid simply as a new genus for Chloenea sensu McIntosh and C. atlantica ... [details]

 Type locality

Barthelemy. Assumed to be Saint Barthélemy, an island of the Leeward group in the Caribbean. It was a Swedish colony. [details]

 Type locality

Bay of Biscay (= "Spanska sjön"), Atlantic Ocean. The type locality has been usually cited as "Spanish Seas" (e.g. ... [details]

 Type locality

Panama, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate 8.96°, 79.53°). [details]

 Type locality

"Malacca Sound". Most likely this location name is referring to the Malacca Strait, Malaysia  [details]

 Type locality

Colonia (= Colonia del Sacramento), Uruguay, Rio de La Plata, SW Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate -34.48°, -57.85°). [details]