Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Malmgren, Anders Johan. (1866? vol for 1865). Nordiska Hafs-Annulater. [part three of three]. Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm. 22(5): 355-410, plates XVIII-XXIX.
Malmgren, Anders Johan
1866? vol for 1865
Nordiska Hafs-Annulater. [part three of three]
Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm
22(5): 355-410, plates XVIII-XXIX
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). In the 1865 volume but usually considered published in 1866. This is the third part of a three part work
Arctic Basin in general
Cold North Atlantic and Arctic together
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2013-09-30 01:16:26Z
2015-08-06 06:59:19Z
2019-05-28 22:15:33Z
2019-09-11 19:30:18Z
2022-08-14 08:17:37Z

Terebellides Sars, 1835 (additional source)
Trichobranchidae Malmgren, 1866 (original description)

See Polycirrini, downgraded in rank (Stiller et al 2020) from former subfamily rank as Polycirrinae in Terebellidae [details]


Malmgren (1866) included the trichobranchids in his family Terebellacea. Most of the terebellid genera were in ... [details]

 Depth range

20-40 fathoms (36.6-73.2 m). [details]

 Depth range

20-120 fathoms (36.6-219.5 m). [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 394). "Lobus cephalicus labium suborbiculatum nudum magnum antice fingens, ... [details]


According to Hutchings & Peart (2002) the consistent (whereas other differences were suggested by Malmgren in ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 391): "Corpus antice inflatum postice sensim attenuatum. Lobus cephalicus ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 391-392): "Corpus dorso convexo, ventre subplano, antice tumidum posteriora ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 379-380): "Corpus antice subcylindricum, postice attenuatum. Segmentum ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 390): "Lobus cephalicus expansus suborbiculatus labium superius magnum ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 390-391): "Corpus teres elongato-subfusiforme, medio inflato, utrinque ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 380): "Corpus antice inflatum, postice attenuatum ventre subplano, dorso ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1866: 392-393): ''Lobus cephalicus valde dilatatus integer suborbiculatus, aut ... [details]


(After Zhang et al. 2019). Unique characters Petta differs from other pectinariid genera in having a pair of ... [details]


Arctic Ocean: Svalbard (= Spitsbergen). North Atlantic: South Greenland. [details]


Arctic Ocean: Svalbard (= Spitsbergen). North Atlantic: South Greenland; Norway. [details]


Atlantic Ocean: Skagerrak (Bohuslän and Koster Island, Sweden). [details]

 Editor's comment

There has been some past confusion in the WoRMS records, now corrected, because of the similarity of names of ... [details]


unknown (probably a Greek female given name?). The molluscan and annelid original sources do not indicate a ... [details]


Etymology not given, but the name Amage refers likely to the Sarmatian warrior queen Amage, who lived and ruled as ... [details]


unstated by Malmgren, but it seems at the time he was using ancient Greek names of women for genera. Ampharete, ... [details]


The species is named after the British zoologist Dr. John Edward Gray (b. Walsall, England, 12 February 1800 – d. ... [details]


Not stated in the original description, but probably a Greek female given name, as Malmgren uses often ancient ... [details]


Not stated, unknown. [details]


Not stated in the original description, origin uncertain. Maybe derived from the Greek verb ereutho, meaning 'to ... [details]


Not stated in the original description. The species is probably named after Prof. Dr. Fredrik Adams Smitt (b. ... [details]


Lagis is a feminine Greek given name. In Nordiska Hafs-Annulater Malmgren multiple times uses ancient Greek female ... [details]


Not stated. Koren is a surname in German and in Hebrew, and koreni is a masculine genitive indicating Malmgren was ... [details]


Lagisca is an ancient Greek female given name. Malmgren multiple times uses ancient Greek female names for new ... [details]


Not stated in the original description, uncertain. The name Lanice may be derived from the Latin noun lanitium ot ... [details]


Not stated. However, Laonome is a female name in Classical Greece. In Greek mythology Laonome, sister of Heracles, ... [details]


Based on the personal name 'Kröyer', assumed to be honouring the biologist Henrik Krøyer of Denmark. [details]


Not stated, uncertain. Maybe referring to Leucariste Cléomédon, a celtic warrior referred by Tour Hotman in 1634, ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet albicans is a Latin participle meaning 'whitening' or 'white', and refers ... [details]


The etymology of Loimia is unknown. Usages outside of references to Loimia terebellids are almost non-existent. ... [details]


Not stated in the original description, uncertain. Lysilla could refer to a feminine character appearing in the ... [details]


Not stated in the original description. The species is named after Sven Ludvig Lovén (b. Stockholm, 6 January 1809 ... [details]


unstated by Malmgren, but it seems at the time he was using ancient Greek names of women for genera. Ampharete, ... [details]


Unknown.  [details]


Petta appears as a female given name in ancient Greek texts. While we should not make assumptions, this is ... [details]


Malmgren's source for the name is not known with certainty, although the name appears to be in use as a ancient ... [details]


unstated by Malmgren, but it seems at the time he was using ancient Greek names of women for genera. Ampharete, ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

feminine as Malmgren changes trilobatus to trilobata. [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine, as Ampharete is a Greek female name, and all adjectival names created have been feminine. [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine, according to the ending of the specific epithet of Malmgren's type species, 'proboscidea'. Moreover, the ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Lagis is feminine from an ancient Greek given name, Lagis. Malmgren's species name for the type species appears to ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

feminine as Lagisca is a Greek given name (see etymology) [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine (see above note on 'Etymology'). [details]

 Grammatical gender

feminine, from ancient Greek given name [details]

 Grammatical gender

feminine from ancient Greek, consistent with the feminine adjectival ending of species group name 'pusillus', ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Authors have treated Potamilla as feminine, starting with Malmgren. Also the name appears to be a ancient Greek ... [details]


Muddy sediments, at shelf depths. [details]


Muddy sediments, at shelf depths. [details]


Amaea Malmgren (1866) is a junior homonym to Amaea Adams and Adams 1853 in Gastropoda, and was replaced by the ... [details]


Malmgren (1866: 383) failed to indicate Scione is a new genus, inconsistent with his usual practice in the article, ... [details]


Malmgren 1865 included four new species in his new genus Ampharete, but the first listed is his Ampharete grubei. ... [details]


Eriographidae has priority over the much later Myxicolinae. However, a family-group name must be derived from a ... [details]


A long Latin diagnosis is given. Erected solely for Terebella flexuosa Grube. Fauchald (1972:319) erected ... [details]


Created by Malmgren as family 'Eriographidea' for genus Myxicola (M. steenstrupi), in which Malmgren included ... [details]

 Type locality

Arctic, multiple locations. Malmgren had specimens from several locations, including Greenland and Iceland. The ... [details]

 Type locality

Syntypes from several different localities, mainly at Spitsbergen (= Svalbard), but also south Greenland: a) ... [details]

 Type locality

Syntypes from several different localities, mainly at Spitsbergen, but also south Greenland and Norway: a) ... [details]

 Type locality

Bohuslän, Sweden, Skagerrak, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate 58.3°, 11.3°). [details]

 Type locality

Bohuslän, Gullmarsfjord, Sweden, 58.2667, 11.4667 (58º16.002´N 11º28.002´E), depth unknown [details]

 Type material

No type material located by Glasby & Hutchings (2014: 115). [details]

 Type material

Glasby & Hutchings (2014: 22-24) designated a lectotype and five paralectotypes from six specimens of the syntype ... [details]

 Type species

The type species of Ampharete is Ampharete grubei Malmgren (via Code Article 69.2.2), and Ampharete acutifrons ... [details]

 Type species

Malmgren (1866) established Euchone for 4 speceis, Sabella analis Kroyer, Chone rubrocincta Sars, Sabella papillosa ... [details]