WoRMS name details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Verseveldt, J.; Cohen, J. (1971). Some new species of Octocorallia from the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). <em>Israel Journal of Zoology.</em> 20: 53-67. page(s): 60 [details]
new combination reference
Alderslade, P. (2001). Six new genera and six new species of soft coral, and some proposed familial and subfamilial changes within the Alcyonacea. <em>Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 10:15-65. page(s): 51 [details] Available for editors [request]
Othercontext source (Hexacorallia)
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
van Ofwegen, L.P., S.D. Cairns & J. van der Land (eds). (2000-2007). as a contribution to UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Reinicke, G.B. (1997). Xeniidae (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) of the Red Sea, with descriptions of six new species of Xenia. <em>Fauna of Saudi Arabia.</em> 16: 5-62. page(s): 33-35 [details]
additional source
Benayahu, Y. (1990). Xeniidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) from the Red Sea, with the description of a new species. <em>Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden.</em> 64(9): 113-120. page(s): 118 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Reinicke, G.B. (1995). Xeniidae des Roten Meeres (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). <em>Beitrage zur Systematik und Okologie.</em> 6: 1-193. page(s): 35 [details]
additional source
Dullo, W.; Gektidis, M.; Golubic, S.; Heiss, G. A.; Kampmann, H.; Kiene, W.; Kroll, D. K.; Kuhrau, M. L.; Radtke, G.; Reijmer, J. G.; Reinicke, G. B.; Schlichter, D.; Schuhmacher, H.; Vogel, K. (1995). Factors controlling Holocene reef growth: an interdisciplinary approach. Facies, 32, 145-188 page(s): 162, 164, 165, 167, 168 [details]
additional source
Reinicke, G. B.; Schuhmacher, H. (1996). Significance of different traits of soft-coral assemblages (Octocorallia, Alcyoniina) in benthic reef communities of the Red Sea. Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie Paläontologie, Sb2, 77-84 page(s): 80 [details]
additional source
Benayahu, Y. (1991). Reproduction and developmental pathways of Red Sea Xeniidae (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Hydrobiologia, 216/217, 125-130 page(s): 126, 127, 128 [details]
additional source
Reinicke, G. B. (1997). Different modes of adaptation to light conditions in Red Sea Xeniidae reflected by their depth distribution patterns (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, 393-402 page(s): 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400 [details]
Holotype HUJ I Co. 120, geounit Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype MNB C-3248, geounit Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype NMW C.16623, geounit Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23473, geounit Israeli Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23474, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23475, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23476, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23477, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23478, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23479, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23480, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23481, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23483, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23484, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23485, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23486, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23487, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23488, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype RMNH 23489, geounit Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type RMNH 23482, geounit Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Type locality Ras el Muqebla, Gulf of Elat, Red Sea (Verseveldt & Cohen, 1971). [details]
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