BeRMS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 96 matching records.
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- Alitta succinea (Leuckart, 1847)
- Alitta virens (M. Sars, 1835)
- Anaitides maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Aphrodita aculeata Linnaeus, 1758
- Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866)
- Erinaceusyllis erinaceus (Claparède, 1863)
- Eteone barbata (Malmgren, 1865) accepted as Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865
- Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780)
- Eteone foliosa Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Hypereteone foliosa (Quatrefages, 1865)
- Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780)
- Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840)
- Eulalia fucescens [auct. misspelling] accepted as Eulalia fuscescens Saint-Joseph, 1888
- Eulalia pusilla Ørsted, 1843
- Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Eumida sanguinea (Örsted, 1843)
- Eunereis longissima (Johnston, 1840)
- Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867
- Exogone (Exogone) naidina Örsted, 1845 accepted as Exogone naidina Örsted, 1845
- Exogone (Parexogone) hebes (Webster & Benedict, 1884) accepted as Parexogone hebes (Webster & Benedict, 1884)
- Exogone naidina Örsted, 1845
- Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766)
- Glycera alba (O.F. Müller, 1776)
- Glycera capitata Örsted, 1842
- Glycera convoluta Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Glycera tridactyla Schmarda, 1861
- Glycera fallax Quatrefages, 1850
- Glycera gigantea Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Glycera fallax Quatrefages, 1850
- Glycera lapidum Quatrefages, 1866
- Glycera rouxii Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 accepted as Glycera unicornis Lamarck, 1818
- Glycera tesselata Grube, 1863
- Glycera tridactyla Schmarda, 1861
- Glycera unicornis Lamarck, 1818
- Glycinde nordmanni (Malmgren, 1866)
- Goniada maculata Örsted, 1843
- Goniadella bobretzkii accepted as Goniadella bobrezkii (Annenkova, 1929)
- Goniadella bobrezkii (Annenkova, 1929)
- Goniadella galaica (Rioja, 1923)
- Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
- Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865)
- Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839)
- Harmothoe longisetis (Grube, 1863)
- Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776)
- Hesionura augeneri (Friedrich, 1937) accepted as Hesionura elongata (Southern, 1914)
- Hesionura elongata (Southern, 1914)
- Hypereteone foliosa (Quatrefages, 1865)
- Lepidonotus squamatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Malmgrenia arenicolae (Saint-Joseph, 1888)
- Malmgrenia castanea McIntosh, 1876
- Malmgrenia lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
- Malmgreniella arenicolae (de Saint Joseph, 1888) accepted as Malmgrenia arenicolae (Saint-Joseph, 1888)
- Malmgreniella castanea (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgrenia castanea McIntosh, 1876
- Malmgreniella glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865)
- Malmgreniella lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830) accepted as Malmgrenia lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
- Maupasia coeca Viguier, 1886
- Microphthalmus similis Bobretzky, 1870
- Myrianida prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1788)
- Mysta picta (Quatrefages, 1866)
- Nephtys assimilis Örsted, 1843
- Nephtys caeca (Fabricius, 1780)
- Nephtys cirrosa Ehlers, 1868
- Nephtys hombergii Savigny in Lamarck, 1818
- Nephtys kersivalensis McIntosh, 1908
- Nephtys longosetosa Örsted, 1842
- Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758
- Odontosyllis ctenostoma Claparède, 1868
- Odontosyllis fulgurans (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833)
- Ophiodromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje, 1827) accepted as Oxydromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje, 1827)
- Oxydromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje, 1827)
- Parexogone hebes (Webster & Benedict, 1884)
- Pholoe inornata Johnston, 1839
- Pholoe minuta (Fabricius, 1780)
- Pholoe pallida Chambers, 1985
- Phyllodoce (Anaitides) groenlandica Örsted, 1842 represented as Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842
- Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842
- Phyllodoce laminosa Savigny in Lamarck, 1818
- Phyllodoce lineata (Claparède, 1870)
- Phyllodoce longipes Kinberg, 1866
- Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Phyllodoce mucosa Örsted, 1843
- Phyllodoce rosea (McIntosh, 1877)
- Pisione remota (Southern, 1914)
- Podarkeopsis capensis (Day, 1963)
- Pseudomystides limbata (Saint-Joseph, 1888)
- Sagitella kowalewskii Wagner, 1872
- Sigalion mathildae Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832
- Sphaerodorum gracilis (Rathke, 1843)
- Sphaerosyllis hystrix Claparède, 1863
- Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1833)
- Sthenelais limicola (Ehlers, 1864)
- Streptodonta pterochaeta (Southern, 1914)
- Streptosyllis websteri Southern, 1914
- Syllidia armata Quatrefages, 1866
- Syllis armillaris (O.F. Müller, 1776)
- Syllis cornuta Rathke, 1843
- Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840
- Syllis hyalina Grube, 1863
- Tomopteris (Johnstonella) helgolandica (Greeff, 1879)