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CaRMS source details

Teppner, W. von. (1922). Lamellibranchia Tertiaria, Anisomyaria II. In C. Diener, ed., Fossilium Catalogus, I. Animalia, Pars (15). W. Junk. Berlin. p. 67–296.
Teppner, W. von
Lamellibranchia Tertiaria, Anisomyaria II
In C. Diener, ed., Fossilium Catalogus, I. Animalia, Pars (15). W. Junk. Berlin.
p. 67–296
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
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2015-01-30 07:34:22Z
2023-05-27 07:18:05Z

Chlamydini Teppner, 1922 (original description)

Replacement name for Pecten intercostatus Grzybowski, 1899, non Griffith, 1844. Teppner (1922) referred to an ... [details]


Might be a synonym of Chlamys pavonacea (Fontannes, 1878) according to Roger (1939). [details]


Not found in the literature, except the catalogue by Teppner (1922) [details]


Listed as synonym of Aequipecten angelonii by Teppner (1922), who apparently considered Meneghini's (1859) "in ... [details]


Listed as "Pecten multisulcatus Bronn, 1848" in synonymy of Hilberia bifida (Münster, 1835). If the synonymy is ... [details]


After the original description, listed by Teppner (1922) in the Fossilium Catalogus, but not treated in the ... [details]

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