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CaRMS source details

Watling, Les
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone for Cumella (Cumella) vulgaris Hart, 1930 
Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone for Diastylis sulcata Calman, 1912 
Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone for Lamprops carinatus Hart, 1930 
Alaskan Exclusive Economic Zone for Lamprops fuscatus G.O. Sars, 1865 
Arctic Ocean for Brachydiastylis resima (Krøyer, 1846) 
Arctic Ocean for Campylaspis costata (Sars, 1865) 
Arctic Ocean for Campylaspis rubicunda (Liljeborg, 1855) 
Arctic Ocean for Cumella (Cumella) carinata (Hansen, 1887) 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis bidentata Calman, 1912 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis edwardsii (Krøyer, 1841) 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis goodsiri (Bell, 1855) 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis lepechini Zimmer, 1926 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis oxyrhyncha Zimmer, 1926 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis paraspinulosa Zimmer, 1926 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis scorpioides (Lepechin, 1780) 
Arctic Ocean for Diastylis sulcata Calman, 1912 
Arctic Ocean for Eudorella spitzbergensis Zimmer, 1926 
Arctic Ocean for Leptostylis longimana (Sars, 1865) 
Arctic Ocean for Leptostylis villosa Sars, 1869 
Arctic Ocean for Leucon (Alytoleucon) pallidus G.O. Sars, 1865 
Arctic Ocean for Leucon (Leucon) acutirostris G.O. Sars, 1865 
Arctic Ocean for Leucon (Leucon) fulvus Sars, 1865 
Arctic Ocean for Leucon (Leucon) nasica (Krøyer, 1841) 
Arctic Ocean for Leucon (Leucon) nasicoides (Krøyer, 1841) 
Arctic Ocean for Petalosarsia declivis (Sars, 1865) 
Atlantic Coast of Canada for Lamprops fasciatus G.O. Sars, 1863 
Atlantic Coast of Canada for Mancocuma altera Zimmer, 1943 
Atlantic Coast of Canada for Mancocuma stellifera Zimmer, 1943 
Atlantic Coast of Canada for Pseudoleptocuma minus (Calman, 1912) 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Cyclaspis varians Calman, 1912 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Eudorella hispida Sars, 1871 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Eudorella pusilla Sars, 1871 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Mancocuma altera Zimmer, 1943 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Mancocuma stellifera Zimmer, 1943 
Atlantic Coast of United States of America for Pseudoleptocuma minus (Calman, 1912) 
Atlantic Europe for Diastylis quadrispinosa G.O. Sars, 1871 
Atlantic Europe for Leucon (Leucon) acutirostris G.O. Sars, 1865 
Atlantic Europe for Leucon (Leucon) nasicoides (Krøyer, 1841) 
Baltic sea for Lamprops fasciatus G.O. Sars, 1863 
Barents Sea for Diastylis sulcata Calman, 1912 
Barents Sea for Lamprops fasciatus G.O. Sars, 1863 
Bering Sea for Cumella (Cumella) carinata (Hansen, 1887) 
Bering Sea for Diastylis sulcata Calman, 1912 
Bering Sea for Eudorellopsis biplicata Calman, 1912 
Bering Sea for Eudorellopsis deformis (Krøyer, 1846) 
Bering Sea for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Bering Sea for Lamprops fuscatus G.O. Sars, 1865 
Boreal Arctic for Eudorella emarginata (Krøyer, 1846) 
Boreal Arctic for Eudorella hispida Sars, 1871 
Boreal Atlantic for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Boreal Atlantic for Leucon (Alytoleucon) pallidus G.O. Sars, 1865 
Boreal Pacific for Eudorella pacifica Hart, 1930 
Boreal Pacific for Lamprops quadriplicata S.I. Smith, 1879 
Boreal Pacific for Lamprops serratus Hart, 1930 
British Columbia for Hemilamprops gracilis Hart, 1930 
British Isles for Eudorella emarginata (Krøyer, 1846) 
Canada for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Cape Cod for Almyracuma proximoculi Jones & Burbanck, 1959 
Cape Hatteras for Eudorella truncatula (Bate, 1856) 
Casco Bay for Lamprops quadriplicata S.I. Smith, 1879 
Chesapeake Bay for Leucon (Leucon) americanus Zimmer, 1943 
Chesapeake Bay for Mancocuma altera Zimmer, 1943 
Danish Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucon (Leucon) nasica (Krøyer, 1841) 
Davis Strait for Eudorella hispida Sars, 1871 
Davis Strait for Eudorella truncatula (Bate, 1856) 
Deep Cove for Eudorella pacifica Hart, 1930 
Depature Bay for Eudorella tridentata Hart, 1930 
Depature Bay for Lamprops serratus Hart, 1930 
Drobak Strait for Leucon (Leucon) acutirostris G.O. Sars, 1865 
Durham Coast for Eudorella emarginata (Krøyer, 1846) 
Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone for Eudorella truncatula (Bate, 1856) 
Gloucester for Lamprops quadriplicata S.I. Smith, 1879 
Gloucester for Pseudoleptocuma minus (Calman, 1912) 
Greenland for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Gulf of Mexico for Cyclaspis varians Calman, 1912 
Gulf of St. Lawrence for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Halifax for Eudorellopsis integra (S.I. Smith, 1879) 
Isle of Man for Leucon (Leucon) nasica (Krøyer, 1841) 
Kamchatka for Leucon (Leucon) nasicoides (Krøyer, 1841) 
Kara Sea for Eudorella spitzbergensis Zimmer, 1926 
Korea Island for Diastylis koreana Calman, 1911 
Kullaberg Naturreservat for Leucon (Leucon) nasicoides (Krøyer, 1841) 
Laptev Sea for Eudorella spitzbergensis Zimmer, 1926 
Lofoten Islands for Lamprops fuscatus G.O. Sars, 1865 
Lofoten Islands for Leucon (Leucon) fulvus Sars, 1865 
Long Island (USA) for Eudorella pusilla Sars, 1871 
Maine for Diastylis cornuifer Blake, 1929 
Massachusetts for Almyracuma proximoculi Jones & Burbanck, 1959 
Massachusetts for Leucon (Leucon) americanus Zimmer, 1943 
Mediterranean Sea for Diastyloides serratus (Sars G.O., 1865) 
Mitlenatch Island for Hemilamprops gracilis Hart, 1930 
New Jersey for Eudorella hispida Sars, 1871 
Newfoundland and Labrador for Eudorellopsis biplicata Calman, 1912 
North Atlantic for Campylaspis rubicunda (Liljeborg, 1855) 
North Atlantic for Diastylis edwardsii (Krøyer, 1841) 
North Atlantic for Diastylis goodsiri (Bell, 1855) 
North Atlantic for Diastylis lucifera (Krøyer, 1837) 
North Atlantic for Diastylis oxyrhyncha Zimmer, 1926 
North Atlantic for Diastylis rathkei (Krøyer, 1841) 

Bodotria africana Zimmer, 1946 [details]


Cyclaspis sp. nov. 1 Tafe & Greenwood, 1996 found off Dunwich (27°29' S, 153°22' E) and Cyclaspis sp. nov. 2 ... [details]


Gephyrocuma sp. 1 Tafe & Greenwood, 1996 in Pumiceston Passage, 26°49' S - 153°08' E (SE Australian), at 2 m depth [details]


Pomacuma sp. 1 Tafe & Greenwood, 1996 in Raby Bay, 27°30' S - 153°18' E (SE Australian) at 5 m depth [details]


  • No free telson.
  • Uropod inner ramus one or two-articulate.
  • Male pleopods, 5 pairs, occasionally 3, 2, or 0 ...


  • with exopods only on first pair of pereopods
  • male with five pairs of pleopods
  •  [details]


  • Telson present, small.
  • Uropod inner ramus uniarticulate.
  • Male pleopods 5, 4, or 3 pairs, with external process ...


  • Telson present, usually of medium or large size, occasionally small, usually with 2 terminal setae, rarely with ...


  • Telson present, small, usually without terminal setae, but occasionally with 2.
  • Uropod inner ramus of 1, 2, or 3 ...


  • Telson present, of medium or large size, with 3 or more terminal setae, rarely with only 1. Uropod inner ramus ...


  • No free telson.
  • Uropod inner ramus of two articles, rarely uniarticulate.
  • Male pleopods, 2 pairs, rarely 1 or ...


  • with exopods on pereopods beyond the first pair
  • male with 0, 2, or 3 pairs of pleopods
  •  [details]


  • No free telson.
  • Uropod inner ramus uniarticulate.
  • Male pleopods absent.
  • Number free thoracic somites ...


  • Telson present, small.
  • Uropod inner ramus uniarticulate.
  • Male pleopods 2 pairs, somewhat rudimentary, without ...


  • with exopods on pereopods beyond the first pair
  • male with five pairs of pleopods
  •  [details]


Ceratocuma horrida [details]


Probably a typo or a lapsus calami [details]


The name is invalid - probably a type species or lapsus calami [details]


Styloptocuma was a subgenus of Cumella for a long time. I now accept the idea that it is a separate genus. [details]

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