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CaRMS source details

Fry, C. H.; Keith, S.; Urban, E. K. (1988). The Birds of Africa, Volume III. Academic Press, London.
Fry, C. H.; Keith, S.; Urban, E. K.
The Birds of Africa, Volume III
Academic Press, London
Third in the series, it completes the non-passerines. It deals with the Orders Psittaciformes, Musophagiformes, Cuculiformes, Strigiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes, Coliiformes, Coraciifromes and Piciformes. As with the previous volume, the colour plates are all by Martin Woodcock. Again the line drawings are by Ian Willis and acoustic references by Claude Chapuis.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2019-04-23 06:42:49Z

Ceryle Boie, 1828 (basis of record)
Megaceryle Kaup, 1848 (basis of record)
English African palm swift for Cypsiurus parvus (Lichtenstein, 1823)
English bat-like spinetail for Neafrapus boehmi (Schalow, 1882)
English bee-eater for Merops Linnaeus, 1758
English blue-cheeked bee-eater for Merops persicus Pallas, 1773
English Bohm's spinetail for Neafrapus boehmi (Schalow, 1882)
English brown-breasted barbet for Lybius melanopterus (Peters, 1854)
English carmine bee-eater for Merops nubicus Gmelin, 1788
English common cuckoo for Cuculus canorus Linnaeus, 1758
English common swift for Apus apus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English European cuckoo for Cuculus canorus Linnaeus, 1758
English European roller for Coracias garrulus Linnaeus, 1758
English European swift for Apus apus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English Forbes-Watson's swift for Apus berliozi Ripley, 1965
English Gabon nightjar for Caprimulgus fossii Hartlaub, 1857
English giant kingfisher for Megaceryle maxima (Pallas, 1769)
English green malkoha for Ceuthmochares aereus (Vieillot, 1817)
English half-collared kingfisher for Alcedo semitorquata Swainson, 1823
English lilac-breasted roller for Coracias caudatus Linnaeus, 1766
English little bee-eater for Merops pusillus Müller, 1776
English Madagascar bee-eater for Merops superciliosus Linnaeus, 1766
English Madagascar lesser cuckoo for Cuculus rochii Hartlaub, 1863
English malachite kingfisher for Corythornis cristatus (Pallas, 1764)
English mangrove kingfisher for Halcyon senegaloides Smith, 1834
English marsh owl for Asio capensis (Smith, 1834)
English Nubian nightjar for Caprimulgus nubicus Lichtenstein, 1823
English Pel's fishing-owl for Scotopelia peli (Bonaparte, 1850)
English pied kingfisher for Ceryle rudis (Linnaeus, 1758)
English short-eared owl for Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763)
English square-tailed for Caprimulgus fossii Hartlaub, 1857
English trumpeter hornbill for Ceratogymna bucinator (Temminck, 1824)
English white-collared kingfisher [from synonym] for Halcyon chloris (Boddaert, 1783)
English white-throated bee-eater for Merops albicollis Vieillot, 1817
English yellowbill for Ceuthmochares aereus (Vieillot, 1817)

Size: small. Plumage: blue upper and rufous under parts; tail short. Other characters: bill laterally flattened, ... [details]


Length: 180-200 mm. Colour: Adult: Bright blue and turquoise upperparts; white nape patches, chin and throat; white ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: black or brown with whitish throats. Other characters: feet heterodactyl, but appear ... [details]


Length: 16-18 cm. Plumage: uniform dark brown with whitish throat; forked tail. Immature below, white edges to ... [details]


Length: 16-17 cm. Plumage: sooty-brown with large white throat patch; sometimes with forehead whitish; some with ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: ear tufts placed close together above eyes, either short or long; wings long, narrow; tail ... [details]


Length: 32-38 cm. Plumage: brown above and below, vermiculated and barred with buff below; round face pale brown ... [details]


Length: 38 cm. Plumage: pale tawny buff with darker streaks; facial disc pale buff with darker border; dusky around ... [details]


Generally does not possess any of the elaborate feather modifications of other genera; e.g. elongate wing feathers, ... [details]


Length: 23-24 cm. Plumage: back and wing coverts dark brown with pale edges; mantle buff crown dark brown bordered ... [details]


Length: 21-23 cm. Plumage: head and back silvery-grey with rufous collar on hindneck and white line from bill to ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: black and white; feathers of crown large, broad. Other characters: male with large well ... [details]


Length: 58-65 cm. Plumage: black above with rump and ends of outer rectrices white; tips of secondaries and inner ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: soft, black and white. Tail long. Slightly sexually dimorphic. Other characters: bill ... [details]


Length: 230-250 mm. Crest flat. Colour: Adult: Crest black, superciliary stripe white; ear coverts black; cheeks, ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: no distinct pattern, soft, diffuse, glossed blue or green above; tail long and graduated; wings ... [details]


Length: 30-35 cm. Plumage: above soft greenish grey with diffuse blue or green iridescence on back and long tail; ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: blue and pink. Other characters: black bill. Display flight fast and tumbling. [details]


Length: 32-36 cm. Plumage: above, back light brown, rump purplish blue; deeply forked tail greenish cobalt blue; wing ... [details]


Size: very small. Bill somewhat fattened laterally; red or black. Plumage: blue and chestnut above, chestnut below; ... [details]


Length: 115-120 mm. Shaggy crest. Colour: Adult: upperparts deep blue; top of head turquoise with black bars; ... [details]


Size: small to medium. Plumage: most grey above, barred below; rump feathers thick, long and stiff forming a pad; ... [details]


Length: 31-38 cm. Plumage: above grey; below throat and chest pale grey, belly barred black and white; long heavy ... [details]


Length: 26-28 cm. Plumage: dark grey above; throat grey; breast to crissum barred black and white; crissum cream; ... [details]


Size: small. Plumage: plain brown; long forked tail. Other characters: feet modified pamprodactyl, deeply divided ... [details]


Length: 14-17 cm. Plumage: uniform brownish-grey; tail long and deeply forked and pointed. Immature edges to ... [details]


Size: medium. Plumage: always some blue in the plumage; tail relatively long; outer primary shorter than 5th; tibia ... [details]


Length: 17-20 cm. Plumage: blue green above; white collar continuous with all-white underparts; narrow white ... [details]


Length: 215-230 mm. Colour: Adult: head, breast, flanks and belly grey, blue grey on back, rump azure blue; wings ... [details]


Size: medium to large. Plumage: lacks bold facial stripes; tail short to moderate. Other characters: large deep ... [details]


Length: 18-19 cm. Plumage: crown to back black with red tips to feathers; wing coverts brown with white shafts; ... [details]


Size: medium to giant size. Plumage: hard in texture; markedly sexually dimorphic; tail long; inter-ramal feathers ... [details]


Length: 380-430 mm. Colour: Adult male: Crest dark slate with white speckles; back and wings slatey-black with ... [details]


Size: small, slender. Plumage: colourful; feathers of throat contrasting with breast, but not long or dependent. ... [details]


Length: 19-20 cm not including median rectrix extension which is over 12.5 cm. Plumage: above, olive green on back, ... [details]


Length: 24-26 cm not including elongate central rectrices which can add 10 cm. Plumage: almost entirely various ... [details]


Length: 23-24.5 cm exclusive of elongate central rectrices which may be 7 cm. Plumage: above and below bright ... [details]


Length: 14-18 cm. Plumage: above green; below ochre-yellow belly, chestnut to cinnamon breast, black breast-band ... [details]


Length: 23-24 cm not including elongate central rectrices which can be 7 cm. Plumage: above dull olive green, paler ... [details]


Size: small to medium. Plumage: rump and belly white: uppertail-coverts dark; tail very short with spines. Other ... [details]


Length: 7.8-10 cm. Plumage: above black; rump white; belly white, throat, breast and sides brownish-grey. Wings ... [details]


Size; medium to large. Plumage: poorly developed facial disc, no eartufts; head, nape and flank feathers long and ... [details]


Length: 61-63 cm. Plumage: above tawny rufous barred brownish black; below tawny buff streaked and spotted blackish ... [details]


Forms a superspecies with A. unicolor & A. niansae [details]


Forms a superspecies with A. pallidus, A. barabtus & A. bradfieldi [details]


Taxonomically difficult genus, several controversies exist as to placement of certain species within other genera. [details]


Forms a superspecies with C. abyssinica and C. garrulus [details]


Forms a superspecies with C. abyssinica and C. caudata. Please remove. [details]


Forms a superspecies with C. poliocephalus [details]


Forms superspecies with M. superciliosus [details]


Forms a superspecies with M. persicus [details]

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