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CaRMS source details

Mortensen, T. (1943). A Monograph of the Echinoidea. III, 3. Camarodonta. II. Echinidæ, Strongylocentrotidæ, Parasaleniidæ, Echinometridæ. 446 pp., C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen.
Mortensen, T.
A Monograph of the Echinoidea. III, 3. Camarodonta. II. Echinidæ, Strongylocentrotidæ, Parasaleniidæ, Echinometridæ
446 pp., C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen
from Kier & Lawson (1978)
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-12-14 20:32:29Z


Author sometimes misspelled as "Parry". [details]


Mortensen (1943) spells the author Diakonov, but the spelling D'yakonov used by Hansson (2001) seems to be more ... [details]


Erroneously attributed to Nilsson, 1817 by Mortensen (1943b: 26) - correct authority is Nilsson & Holst, 1817. [details]


Diakonov, Op. cit., has found some specimens differing from the typical form in having "very elongated spines, a ... [details]


Not recorded from Madagascar and Mauritius yet in the primary literature (despite being assigned to that region in ... [details]


Erroneously cited as E. schwartzii Nilsson, 1817 by Mortensen (1943b: 26) - original spelling is E. swartzii in ... [details]


This species has alternatingly been spelled mammillatus/mamillata in the literature. Linné (1758: p. 664)) ... [details]


The status of the (sub-)genus Podophora is currently poorly resolved, various opinions regarding it s relation to ... [details]


The status of the (sub-)genus Podophora is currently poorly resolved, various opinions regarding it s relation to ... [details]

 for Discaster

Manuscript name applied to an abnorm specimen of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus in the collection of the Ecôle des ... [details]


Despite having been cited as if it was established by Say (1827) and thus representing a junior homonym of Echinus ... [details]


Mortensen (1943: footnote on p. 198-199) remarks that: "It is very questionable wether Lamarck's Echinus neglectus ... [details]


Mortensen (1943: footnote on p. 26) states that: " Agassiz [1872-74: p. 123] and Bell [1892: p. 152] enumerate also ... [details]


The var. parvispina is described by Clark as characterized by the primary spines being nearly or quite wanting; if ... [details]


The type species, Microcordyla asteriae Zirpulo, 1927, is based on detached globiferous pedicellariae of ... [details]


Microcordyla asteriae Zirpulo, 1927 is based on detached globiferous pedicellariae of Paracentrotus lividus ... [details]


Mortensen (1943b: 179) was the first to cited the two original spelling Stirechinus and Styrechinus together. He ... [details]


Mortensen (1943: p. 214) notes that he has "had the opportunity of seeing the type of Brandt's Strongylocentrotus ... [details]


According to Mortensen (1943) the record of S. droebachiensis by Airaghi, 1898 erroneous and represents ... [details]


Hansson (2001) lists this name as a possible synonym of Strongylocentrotus pallidus (Sars, 1871), while listing ... [details]


Mortensen (1943: p. 200) considered Toxopneustes pallidus G.O. Sars, 1871 as a junior subjective synonym of ... [details]


Mortensen (1943b: 179) was the first to cited the two original spelling Stirechinus and Styrechinus together. He ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The status of the (sub-)genus Podophora is currently poorly resolved, various opinions regarding it s relation to ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Echinus saxatilis sensu Tiedemann, 1816 is a misidentified Paracentrotus lividus (fide Mortensen, 1943) [details]

 Type species

Mortensen (1943) lists Heterocentrotus mamillatus as type species, but this is not one of the originally included ... [details]

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