Adult animals are free-living and monostomatous. Their outline varies from circular to oval; the coralla vary from ... [details]
Fungia elegans Bronn, 1837, is senior homonym of Fungia elegans Verrill, 1870 [details]
Type species: Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1816 (Veron, 1986). [details]
The septal ornamentation of the type specimen as illustrated by Veron (2000, 2002) is typical for Fungia fungites. ... [details]
Dahab, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea [details]
"Mare Indicus" Indian Sea. Neotype from Thousand Islands, Java Sea [details]
Southern coast of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) [details]
Santa Cruz major island, off Samboangan, Philippines [details]
Dahab, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea [details]
Pari Island, Thousand Islands, Java Sea [details]
Sapeh Bay, East Sumbawa, Indonesia [details]
Holborn Island, off Port Denison, Queensland, Australia [details]
Miocene, Linggapdang near Margasari, java, Indonesia [details]
Plio-Pleistocene, Niki Niki, Tmor [details]
Miocene, Tji Boerial, Java, Indonesia [details]
Miocene: Lingapaddang Mountain, near Margasari, Java [details]
Laing Island, Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea [details]
Salawatti, New Guinea [details]
Lower Pleistocene, Putjangan, Java, Indonesia [details]
Carteret Harbour, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea [details]
Lower Pliocene, Prupuk, Java, Indonesia [details]
Miocene, Tji Boerial, Java, Indonsia [details]
Lower Pliocene, Prupuk, Java, Indonesia [details]
Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia [details]