Perkins, Thomas H. (1981). Syllidae (Polychaeta), principally from Florida, with descriptions of a new genus and twenty-one new species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 93(4): 1080-1172.
Perkins, Thomas H.
Syllidae (Polychaeta), principally from Florida, with descriptions of a new genus and twenty-one new species
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb); The article is dated 1980 on the title page, but was published the next year in issue 4 on the 16th January 1981. Issue 3 was published 6 November 1980.
The following new species are described: Brania gallagheri, Dioplosyllis octodentata, Exogone arenosa, E. atlantica, Odontosyllis longigulata, Pionosyllis gesae, Plakosyllis quadrioculata, Sphaerosyllis aciculata, S. bilobata, S. brevidentata, S. glandulata, S. magnidentata, S. piriferopsis, S. riseri, S. taylori, Streptosyllis pettiboneae, Syllides bansei, S. floridanus, Trypanosyllis inglei, T. parvidentata, and T. savagei. Dentatisyllis, n. gen., is proposed for Syllis carolinae Day. Brania swedmarki Gidholm is newly reported for the western Atlantic. Brania wellfleetensis Pettibone is newly reported from Tampa Bay, Florida. Exogone longicirris (Webster and Benedict) is removed from synonymy with E. dispar (Webster), and both and E. lourei Berkeley and Berkeley are additionally described. Parapionosyllis longicirrata (Webster and Benedict) is newly reported from both coasts of Florida, and Pionosyllis manca Treadwell from Virginia is reported as a synonym. Presence of Pionosyllis uraga Imajima, originally described from Japan, is confirmed for North Carolina and newly reported from Florida. Florida specimens of Trypanosyllis coeliaca Claparède are described. Sphaerosyllis longicauda Webster and Benedict is removed from synonymy with S. erinaceus Claparède and redescribed. North American specimens previously referred to S. hystrix Claparède are referred to S. taylori, n. sp. Specimens from North Carolina previously referred to S. pirifera are referred to S. glandulata, n. sp. Characters of systematic importance to Sphaerosyllis Claparède are discussed, and a key is given for 13 species of the genus from the northwestern Atlantic Ocean.