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Porifera source details

Van Soest, R.W.M.; De Voogd, N.J. (2018). Calcareous sponges of the Western Indian Ocean and Red Sea. Zootaxa. 4426 (1): 1-160.
10.11646/zootaxa.4426.1.1 [view] [view]
Van Soest, R.W.M.; De Voogd, N.J.
Calcareous sponges of the Western Indian Ocean and Red Sea
4426 (1): 1-160
Indian Ocean, Western
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2018-06-01 11:24:38Z

Amphoriscus semoni Breitfuss, 1896 (additional source)
Arturia adusta (Wörheide & Hooper, 1999) accepted as Janusya adusta (Wörheide & Hooper, 1999) (additional source)
Arturia angusta (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) accepted as Janusya angusta (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) (new combination reference)
Arturia compacta (Schuffner, 1877) (new combination reference)
Arturia sueziana (Klautau & Valentine, 2003) (additional source)
Ascoleucetta sagittata Cavalcanti, Rapp & Klautau, 2013 accepted as Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 (source of synonymy)
Borojevia pirella Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Borojevia trispinata Azevedo, Padua, Moraes, Rossi, Muricy & Klautau, 2017 (additional source)
Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Borojevia voigti Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 (basis of record)
Clathrina maremeccae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Clathrina pulcherrima (Dendy, 1891) (additional source)
Clathrina repens Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Clathrina rowi Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 (basis of record)
Clathrina sinusarabica Klautau & Valentine, 2003 (additional source)
Clathrina tenuipilosa (Dendy, 1905) accepted as Arturia tenuipilosa (Dendy, 1905) (taxonomy source)
Ernstia arabica Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 accepted as Ernsta arabica (Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017) accepted as Neoernsta arabica (Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017) (basis of record)
Ernstia indonesiae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 accepted as Neoernsta indonesiae (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) (additional source)
Ernstia klautauae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 accepted as Ernsta klautauae (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) accepted as Neoernsta klautauae (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) (additional source)
Ernstia naturalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 accepted as Ernsta naturalis (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) accepted as Neoernsta naturalis (Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015) (basis of record)
Grantessa glabra Row, 1909 accepted as Sycettusa glabra (Row, 1909) (additional source)
Grantessa sycilloides (Schuffner, 1877) accepted as Sycettusa sycilloides (Schuffner, 1877) (additional source)
Grantessa woerheidei Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Grantia indica Dendy, 1913 (additional source)
Grantilla Row, 1909 accepted as Sycettusa Haeckel, 1872 (status source)
Grantilla quadriradiata Row, 1909 accepted as Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) (status source)
Grantilla quadriradiata Row, 1909 accepted as Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) (source of synonymy)
Kebira tetractinifera Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Kebira uteoides Row, 1909 (additional source)
Leucaltis bathybia Haeckel, 1869 accepted as Leucandra bathybia (Haeckel, 1869) (additional source)
Leucaltis nodusgordii (Poléjaeff, 1883) (additional source)
Leucandra echinata Schuffner, 1877 (additional source)
Leucandra mozambiquensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Leucandra pilula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Leucandra pulvinar (Haeckel, 1870) (additional source)
Leucandrilla intermedia (Row, 1909) (additional source)
Leucandrilla wasinensis (Jenkin, 1908) (additional source)
Leucascus schleyeri Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 (additional source)
Leucetta microraphis Haeckel, 1872 (additional source)
Leucetta pyriformis Dendy, 1913 (additional source)
Leucetta sulcata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Leuclathrina translucida Voigt, Ruthensteiner, Leiva, Fradusco & Wörheide, 2018 (additional source)
Paraleucilla crosslandi (Row, 1909) (additional source)
Paraleucilla erpenbecki Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Pericharax orientalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 (additional source)
Sycettusa glabra (Row, 1909) (additional source)
Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) (basis of record)
Sycettusa hirsutissima Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Sycettusa simplex (Jenkin, 1908) (additional source)
Sycettusa zanzibaris (Jenkin, 1908) (new combination reference)
Sycon ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780) (biology source)
Sycon munitum Jenkin, 1908 (additional source)
Sycon oscari Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Sycon proboscideum (Haeckel, 1870) (additional source)
Sycon scaldiense (Van Koolwijk, 1982) (biology source)
Trichogypsia Carter, 1871 (additional source)
Ute insulagemmae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Vosmaeropsis glebula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 (original description)
Agulhas Bank for Kebira tetractinifera Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Delagoa for Leucascus schleyeri Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Egyptian part of the Red Sea for Ernstia arabica Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Eritrean Exclusive Economic Zone for Sycettusa stauridia (Haeckel, 1872) 
Gulf of Oman for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Borojevia voigti Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Ernstia arabica Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Leucandra pulvinar (Haeckel, 1870) 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Leucandrilla intermedia (Row, 1909) 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Paraleucilla crosslandi (Row, 1909) 
Israeli part of the Gulf of Aqaba for Sycettusa stauridia (Haeckel, 1872) 
Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina pulcherrima (Dendy, 1891) 
Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucandra mozambiquensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta sulcata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Maldives for Arturia sueziana (Klautau & Valentine, 2003) 
Maldives for Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Maldives for Clathrina repens Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Maldives for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Maldives for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Maldives for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Maldives for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Maldives for Leuclathrina translucida Voigt, Ruthensteiner, Leiva, Fradusco & Wörheide, 2018 
Maldives for Pericharax orientalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Maldives for Sycettusa simplex (Jenkin, 1908) 
Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone for Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina repens Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone for Pericharax orientalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone for Sycettusa simplex (Jenkin, 1908) 
Mascarene Islands for Borojevia pirella Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mascarene Islands for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Mascarene Islands for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Mascarene Islands for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Mascarene Islands for Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mascarene Islands for Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mascarene Islands for Ernstia naturalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Mascarene Islands for Ernstia naturalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Mascarene Islands for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Mascarene Islands for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Mascarene Islands for Leucetta sulcata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mascarene Islands for Pericharax orientalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Borojevia pirella Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ernstia naturalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta sulcata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone for Pericharax orientalis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Arturia sueziana (Klautau & Valentine, 2003) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Borojevia voigti Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina maremeccae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina rowi Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina rowi Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina sinusarabica Klautau & Valentine, 2003 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina sinusarabica Klautau & Valentine, 2003 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Clathrina sinusarabica Klautau & Valentine, 2003 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Ernstia arabica Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Grantessa woerheidei Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Kebira uteoides Row, 1909 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Leucandra pulvinar (Haeckel, 1870) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Leucandrilla intermedia (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Leucetta pyriformis Dendy, 1913 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Paraleucilla crosslandi (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa hirsutissima Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Northern and Central Red Sea for Sycettusa stauridia (Haeckel, 1872) 
Omani Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina maremeccae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina rowi Voigt, Erpenbeck & Wörheide, 2017 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Grantessa woerheidei Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Kebira uteoides Row, 1909 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone for Sycettusa hirsutissima Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Amphoriscus semoni Breitfuss, 1896 
Seychelles for Arturia adusta (Wörheide & Hooper, 1999) 
Seychelles for Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Clathrina luteoculcitella Wörheide & Hooper, 1999 
Seychelles for Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Ernstia indonesiae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015 
Seychelles for Grantia indica Dendy, 1913 
Seychelles for Leucaltis nodusgordii (Poléjaeff, 1883) 
Seychelles for Leucandra pilula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Leucandra pilula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Leucandra pilula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Leucandrilla wasinensis (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913 
Seychelles for Leucetta pyriformis Dendy, 1913 
Seychelles for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa hastifera (Row, 1909) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa simplex (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa simplex (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa zanzibaris (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa zanzibaris (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Sycettusa zanzibaris (Jenkin, 1908) 
Seychelles for Ute insulagemmae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Seychelles for Vosmaeropsis glebula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018 
Unknown type RMNH 10072, geounit Maldives, identified as Leuclathrina translucida Voigt, Ruthensteiner, Leiva, Fradusco & Wörheide, 2018
Unknown type RMNH 10090, geounit Maldives, identified as Leuclathrina translucida Voigt, Ruthensteiner, Leiva, Fradusco & Wörheide, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 10004, geounit Northern and Central Red Sea, identified as Sycettusa hirsutissima Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Paratype RMNH Por. 10113, geounit Maldives, identified as Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 10158, geounit Maldives, identified as Borojevia tubulata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 10161a, geounit Maldives, identified as Clathrina repens Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 10528, geounit Seychelles, identified as Leucandra pilula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 10608, geounit Seychelles, identified as Vosmaeropsis glebula Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 11562, geounit Seychelles, identified as Ute insulagemmae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 11622a, geounit Mascarene Islands, identified as Borojevia pirella Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Paratype RMNH Por. 11622b, geounit Mascarene Islands, identified as Borojevia pirella Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 11639, geounit Mascarene Islands, identified as Leucetta sulcata Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 11694, geounit Mascarene Islands, identified as Clathrina rodriguesensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 13444, geounit Northern and Central Red Sea, identified as Borojevia voigti Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 15245, geounit Agulhas Bank, identified as Kebira tetractinifera Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 15734, geounit Delagoa, identified as Leucascus schleyeri Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 22408a, geounit Western and Northern Madagascar, identified as Leucandra mozambiquensis Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype ZMA Por. 22409a, geounit Western and Northern Madagascar, identified as Paraleucilla erpenbecki Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 9586, geounit Northern and Central Red Sea, identified as Grantessa woerheidei Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018
Holotype RMNH Por. 9662, geounit Northern and Central Red Sea, identified as Clathrina maremeccae Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018

Van Soest & De Voogd (2018) discovered that molecular sequences (partial 28S) of this species are not found in the ... [details]


Slides of the holotype were examined but these did not contain any of the pseudosagittal tetractines described by ... [details]


This is a senior homonym of L.echinata (Carter, 1886, originally as Leuconia). If the two are not synonymous (as ... [details]


This combination is a senior secondary homonym of Leuconia echinata Carter, 1886. Both Schuffner's and Carter's ... [details]


This combination is a senior primary homonym of Sycandra tabulata Schuffner, 1877. Dendy & Row (1913) noticed this ... [details]


The precise properties of Leucaltis bathybia Haeckel, 1872, recorded by several subsequent authors, remain elusive. ... [details]


Leucandra cucumis var. bassensis Haeckel, 1971 has been indicated by Van Soest & De Voogd (2018) as the typical ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015. C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015. C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872756 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872755 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872729, 30 & 31 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872732 & 33 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872735-41 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872752 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872742 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872743-51 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872753 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872754 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872757-65 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872773 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872786 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872784-85 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872787-88 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872766 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872767 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872790-94 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872795-97 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872798-801 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872789 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF686052-53 [details]


From a specimen collected in Van Soest et al 2007. Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but ... [details]


From a specimen collected in Van Soest et al. 2015. Sequence data not published in Van Soest et al. 2015, but in ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872728 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872802 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872877-78 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872774-76 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872779-81 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872782 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872783 [details]


S. aff. ciliatum: C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF686096 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF686095 [details]


C2–D2 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene. Genbank acc. n°: MF872772 [details]


Sequence data not published in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2015, but in Van Soest & De Voogd, 2018. C2–D2 region of the ... [details]


According to Van Soest & De Voogd (2018), this genus is a likely synonym of Sycettusa Haeckel, 1872. [details]

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