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Polychaeta source details

Augener, Hermann. (1922). Ueber litorale Polychaeten von Westindien. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschende Freunde zur Berlin. (3-5): 38-53.
Augener, Hermann
Ueber litorale Polychaeten von Westindien
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschende Freunde zur Berlin
(3-5): 38-53.
Journal issue of year 1922, volume dated 1924, likely true date 1925. Part 3-5 mostly accepted as published locally in late 1922, although some authors (following Uebelacker, 1982) have preferred to use the volume date of 1924 (likely not distributed worldwide on exchange until 1925 as the complete volume). The journal part is printed as if issued in November 1922 (p.37), and Augener himself (1927 Curacao paper) later used that date. Therefore 1922 is the date assigned here. If this affects synonymies further verification is advised.
[None. Works starts as:]
Die folgenden Zeilen sind als vorläufige Mitteilung über die systematische Bearbeitung eines großen Polychaetenmaterials aus verschiedenen Teilen des Westindien-Meeres zu betrachten, da an eine Veröffentlichung der ausführlichen Arbeit selbst einstweilen nicht zu denken ist.
Mein Untersuchungsmaterial bestand aus der Sammlung von KÜKENTHAL und HARTMEYER, aus einer ansehnlichen Sammlung aus dem Hamburger Zoologischen Museum und aus einer kleinen dem Berliner Museum gehörenden Sammlung. In dem Bestreben, bei der Bearbeitung dieses Materials nach Möglichkeit westindische, ungenügend bekannte Typen älterer Autoren selbst zu vergleichen und klarzustellen, war ich wenigstens teilweise erfolgreich. Ich erhielt von Berlin aus eine Type und ein paar Nebentypen. Die SCHMARDA'schen Typen aus dem Wiener Museum zu erlangen, war bisher wegen Verkehrsschwierigkeiten nicht angängig. Dagegen konnte ich die im Kopenhagener Zoologischen Museum aufbewahrten Typen von GRUBE-OERSTED, KROYER und MÖRCH, soweit sie noch vorhanden waren, untersuchen, und zwar an Ort und Stelle. Ein zu diesem Zweck benötigter mehrwöchentlicher Aufenthalt in Kopenhagen wurde mir ermöglicht durch die Unterstützung von Seiten des RASK-OERSTED-Fonds dortselbst. Ich halte es daher für angebracht, der Direktion des genannten Fonds an dieser Stelle für ihre liberale Unterstützung aufrichtigen und ergebensten Dank auszusprechen. Gleicherweise statte ich hier den Herren Dr. TH. MORTENSEN und HJ. DITLEVSEN in Kopenhagen für ihre freundliche Hilfe meinen besten Dank ab.
Caribbean region
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2022-05-02 09:01:02Z

Amphitrite (Amphitritides) Augener, 1922 accepted as Amphitritides Augener, 1922 (original description)
Autolytus pseudosimplex Augener, 1922 (original description)
Chloeia pseudeuglochis Augener, 1922 (original description)
Cirratulus tortugaensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Cirriformia tortugaensis (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Dasychone pseudoviolacea Augener, 1922 accepted as Branchiomma pseudoviolacea (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Eunice coccinioides Augener, 1922 (original description)
Eunice depressa Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Marphysa depressa (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Eunice gagzoi Augener, 1922 (original description)
Eunice mutilatoides Augener, 1922 accepted as Nicidion mutilata (Webster, 1884) (original description)
Eunice thomasiana Augener, 1922 accepted as Leodice thomasiana (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Eusyllis antillensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Syllis corallicola Verrill, 1900 (original description)
Haplosyllides Augener, 1922 (original description)
Haplosyllides floridana Augener, 1922 (original description)
Harmothoe polytrichoides Augener, 1922 accepted as Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856) (original description)
Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener, 1922 (original description)
Harmothoe roberti Augener, 1922 accepted as Malmgrenia curacaoensis (Horst, 1922) accepted as Malmgreniella variegata (Treadwell, 1917) (original description)
Hydroides (Eupomatus) dianthoides Augener, 1922 [original] accepted as Hydroides sanctaecrucis Krøyer in Mörch, 1863 (original description)
Hypsicomatides Augener, 1922 accepted as Notaulax Tauber, 1879 (original description)
Hypsicomatides loangoensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Notaulax circumspiciens (Ehlers, 1887) (original description)
Hypsicomatopsis Augener, 1922 accepted as Notaulax Tauber, 1879 (original description)
Hypsicomatopsis circumspiciens (Ehlers, 1887) accepted as Notaulax circumspiciens (Ehlers, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Iospilopsis Augener, 1922 (original description)
Iospilopsis antillensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Phalacrophorus uniformis Reibisch, 1895 (original description)
Lanice haitiana Augener, 1922 (original description)
Lepidonotus humilis Augener, 1922 accepted as Lepidonopsis humilis (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Lumbriconereis brevicirrus (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Lumbrineris brevicirra (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Scoletoma brevicirra (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Lumbriconereis testudinum Augener, 1922 accepted as Scoletoma testudinum (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Lycastopsis Augener, 1922 accepted as Namanereis Chamberlin, 1919 (original description)
Lycastopsis beumeri Augener, 1922 accepted as Namanereis littoralis (Grube, 1872) (original description)
Marphysa depressa (Schmarda, 1861) (additional source)
Nicolea bilobata (Grube, 1877) accepted as Lanicides bilobata (Grube, 1877) (basis of record)
Nicolea bilobata antillensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Lanicides taboguillae (Chamberlin, 1919) (original description)
Nicomache antillensis Augener, 1922 (original description)
Parasabella jamaicensis Augener, 1922 (original description)
Polyophthalmus floridanus Augener, 1922 accepted as Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin, 1839) (original description)
Pomatoceros (Pomatoleios) caerulescens Augener, 1922 accepted as Spirobranchus kraussii (Baird, 1864) (original description)
Pomatoleios caerulescens Augener, 1922 accepted as Spirobranchus kraussii (Baird, 1864) (original description)
Potamilla floridana Augener, 1922 accepted as Perkinsiana fonticula (Hoagland, 1919) (original description)
Pseudocirratulus Augener, 1922 (original description)
Pseudocirratulus kingstonensis Augener, 1922 (original description)
Sabella bahamensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Bispira brunnea (Treadwell, 1917) (original description)
Salmacina huxleyi (Ehlers, 1887) (basis of record)
Sclerostyla differens Augener, 1922 accepted as Pyrgopolon differens (Augener, 1922) (original description)
Spirobranchus insignifer Augener, 1922 accepted as Spirobranchus polycerus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Spirorbis antillarum Augener, 1922 (original description)
Sthenolepis kuekenthali Augener, 1922 (original description)
Subprotula appendiculata (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Protula appendiculata Schmarda, 1861 (new combination reference)
Syllis (Typosyllis) corallicoloides Augener, 1922 accepted as Syllis corallicola Verrill, 1900 (original description)
Syllis (Typosyllis) fuscosuturata Augener, 1922 accepted as Branchiosyllis exilis (Gravier, 1900) (original description)
Syllis (Typosyllis) tigrinoides Augener, 1922 accepted as Syllis corallicola Verrill, 1900 (original description)
Syllis (Typosyllis) tortugaensis Augener, 1922 accepted as Syllis armillaris (O.F. Müller, 1776) (original description)
Tubularia magnifica Shaw, 1800 accepted as Sabellastarte magnifica (Shaw, 1800) (new combination reference)
Vermiliopsis annulituba (Augener, 1906) accepted as Vermiliopsis annulata (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Holotype ZMB 6608, geounit Dry Tortugas, identified as Haplosyllides floridana Augener, 1922
 Depth range

Shallow water. Augener (1922) states that the holotype, a swimming male stolon, was probably planktonic. San ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Augener (1922: 47): ''Ich habe diese neue Untergattung errichtet für Amph. gracilis GR. und ... [details]


Gulf of Mexico: South Florida (Dry Tortugas); Cuba (off Havana).  [details]

 Editor's comment

See Amphitritides as genus entry for comments [details]


Not stated. The subgeneric epithet is composed by the name of the genus Amphitrite O.F. Müller, 1771, followed by ... [details]


The name Haplosyllides is composed by the name of the genus Haplosyllis Langerhans, 1879 followed by the suffix of ... [details]


The specific epithet floridana refers to the type locality of the species, Dry Tortugas, in South Florida.  [details]

 Grammatical gender

Amphitritides is here regarded as feminine although its grammatical gender is debatable. Amphitrite is feminine ... [details]


Lives symbiotically inside the sponge Xestospongia muta (Schmidt, 1870), in shallow water. Stolons planktonic.  [details]


There is no description. Here Augener (1922: 49) gives a record of Dasychone bairdi McIntosh, 1885 for the West ... [details]


Neave et al (2013) cite the epithet as 'kükenthali' but diacritics are supressed since 1961. The spelling is ... [details]


Augener used the spelling 'Kükenthali' but this is an incorrect original spelling as diacritics are not legal ... [details]

 Type locality

Pacific Costa Rica, NOT from Caribbean Sea. Bahía Panamá, in the Bahía (or Golfo de) Culebra, Costa Rica. ... [details]

 Type locality

Gulf of Mexico, South Florida, Dry Tortugas (geocoordinates not provided, estimated with gazetteer to be ... [details]

 Type locality

No holotype designated. Type locality split, with syntypes from Kingston, Jamaica, and S. W. Channel, Tortugas, ... [details]

 Type locality

Dry Tortugas islands, SW Channel [details]

 Type material

The holotype (ZMB 6608) is a male stolon.  [details]

 Type species

Augener included both Terebella gracilis from the Mediterranean and Terebella bruneo-comata (as 'brunneo-comata') ... [details]