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Polychaeta distribution - Placedetails

MRGID http://marineregions.org/mrgid/2353
Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishNorwegian Sea(1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in IMIS)   
PlaceType IHO Sea Area 
Latitude 68° 12' 56.3" N (68.21565008°)  
Longitude 4° 33' 59.4" E (4.56651077°)  
Precision 1129458 meter 
Min. Lat 60° 51' 38.9" N (60.8608°)  
Min. Long 13° 30' 2.4" W (-13.5007°)  
Max. Lat 76° 33' 52.4" N (76.5645°)  
Max. Long 25° 47' 19.1" E (25.7887°)  
Source (1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in IMIS)
Part of  Arctic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
Shapefile [download] or view the complete IHO Sea Area shapefile
in this area (4)
Nephthys atlantica Hansen, 1879 accepted as Aglaophamus malmgreni (Théel, 1879)
Onuphis hyperborea Hansen, 1878 accepted as Nothria conchylega (Sars, 1835)
Phyllodoce arctica Hansen, 1882 accepted as Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842
Sphaerodorum abyssorum Hansen, 1878 accepted as Ephesiella abyssorum (Hansen, 1878)
in any subarea
of Norwegian Sea (47)
Ammotrypane ingebrigtsenii Kükenthal, 1887 accepted as Ophelina acuminata Örsted, 1843
Anaitis wahlbergi Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Paranaitis wahlbergi (Malmgren, 1865)
Antinoe promamme Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867)
Antinoella plumosa Fauchald, 1972 accepted as Bylgides groenlandicus (Malmgren, 1867)
Artacama proboscidea Malmgren, 1866
Autolytus fallax Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Proceraea cornuta (Agassiz, 1862)
Autolytus incertus Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Proceraea prismatica (O.F. Müller, 1776)
Autolytus newtoni Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Epigamia alexandri (Malmgren, 1867)
Axiothea catenata Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Axiothella catenata (Malmgren, 1865)
Castalia arctica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Nereimyra aphroditoides (O. Fabricius, 1780)
Chaetozone setosa Malmgren, 1867
Ereutho smitti Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Polycirrus medusa Grube, 1850
Eteone lentigera Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780)
Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867
Eusyllis monilicornis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867
Genetyllis lutea Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nereiphylla lutea (Malmgren, 1865)
Glyphochaeta laudieni Bick, 2005
Harmothoe vittata Trautsch, 1889
Hydroides norvegicus Gunnerus, 1768 accepted as Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, 1768
Laenilla oculinarum Storm, 1879 accepted as Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm, 1879)
Laenilla violacea Storm, 1879 accepted as Leucia violacea (Storm, 1879)
Lanassa nordenskioldi Malmgren, 1866
Laonice cirrata minuta Augener, 1921 accepted as Prionospio cirrifera Wirén, 1883
Leodice gunneri Storm, 1881 accepted as Eunice norvegica (Linnaeus, 1767)
Leucariste albicans Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Polycirrus arcticus Sars, 1865
Lumbriconereis algida Wirén, 1901 accepted as Augeneria algida (Wirén, 1901)
Lumbrineris ater Bidenkap, 1907
Nemidia torelli Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Enipo torelli (Malmgren, 1865)
Nereis madreporae pertusae Gunnerus, 1768 accepted as Eunice norvegica (Linnaeus, 1767)
Nereis norvegica Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Eunice norvegica (Linnaeus, 1767)
Nicolea arctica Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Nicolea venustula (Montagu, 1819)
Nicomache (Loxochona) quadrispinata Arwidsson, 1906
Onuphis grubii Marenzeller, 1886 accepted as Aponuphis grubii (Marenzeller, 1886)
Ophelina helgolandiae Augener, 1912
Ophelina opisthobranchiata Wirén, 1901
Pionosyllis compacta Malmgren, 1867
Praxilla arctica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Praxillella praetermissa (Malmgren, 1865)
Praxillella praetermissa minor Arwidsson, 1906
Pseudeurythoe hemuli Fauchald, 1972 accepted as Linopherus hemuli (Fauchald, 1972)
Pterocirrus nidarosiensis Pleijel, 1987
Sabella spetsbergensis Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Sabella crassicornis Sars, 1851
Scione lobata Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Pista maculata (Dalyell, 1853)
Stauronereis roemeri Augener, 1912 accepted as Dorvillea roemeri (Augener, 1912)
Syllis fasciata Malmgren, 1867
Syllis nidrosiensis Bidenkap, 1907 accepted as Pionosyllis nidrosiensis (Bidenkap, 1907)
Trichobranchus glacialis Malmgren, 1866
Unciniseta swenanderi Bidenkap, 1907
Edit history Last edited on 2017-01-18 17:22:03 by De Hauwere Nathalie
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