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Porifera source details

Sim, C.J. (1994). Sponges from Cheju Island, Korea. In: Van Soest, R.W.M.; Van Kempen, T.M.G.; Braekman, J.C. (eds) Sponges in Time and Space. Biology, Chemistry, Paleontology. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 175-181.
Sim, C.J.
Sponges from Cheju Island, Korea
In: Van Soest, R.W.M.; Van Kempen, T.M.G.; Braekman, J.C. (eds) Sponges in Time and Space. Biology, Chemistry, Paleontology. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 175-181
Proceedings of the 4th International Sponge Conference
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
The present study on marine sponges is based on material from Cheju Island, Korea, located between latitude 33°06'31" to 34°00'00" and longitude 126°08'43" to 126°58'20". The island is characterized by Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary volcanic activity. It is influenced by the Tsushima warm current with an isolated island shelf of 100m depth and 3m tides. The water surface temperature is 14°C in winter with a salinity of 34-34.6%. There are many marine invertebrates known from this island, including a large number of sponges. A systematic survey of these sponges began in 1982 (Sim, 1982), and 151 species in 37 families have been reported so far (Kim et al. ,1968; Rho et al., 1969; Rho & Sim, 1972, 1976, 1981; Sim, 1981; Sim & Kim, 1988; Sim & Byeon, 1989; Sim et al. 1990, 1992).
East China Sea
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues
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2017-06-05 00:06:01Z
2018-09-05 09:18:12Z
2025-01-09 09:22:24Z

Anthosigmella raromicrosclera (Dickinson, 1945) accepted as Cliona raromicrosclera (Dickinson, 1945) (additional source)
Chondrilla australiensis Carter, 1873 (additional source)
Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (additional source)
Erylus koreanus Rho & Sim, 1979 (additional source)
Erylus nobilis Thiele, 1900 (additional source)
Lophacanthus rhabdophorus Hentschel, 1912 accepted as Desmanthus rhabdophorus (Hentschel, 1912) (additional source)
Pachastrella cribrum Lebwohl, 1914 (additional source)
Pachastrella doederleini (Thiele, 1898) accepted as Vulcanella doederleini (Thiele, 1898) (additional source)
Pachastrella japonica Thiele, 1898 accepted as Poecillastra japonica (Thiele, 1898) (additional source)
Pachastrella sollasi (Topsent, 1890) accepted as Characella pachastrelloides (Carter, 1876) (additional source)
Pachastrella tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886) accepted as Poecillastra tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886) (additional source)
Papyrula hilgendorfi (Thiele, 1898) accepted as Penares hilgendorfi (Thiele, 1898) (additional source)
Papyrula metastrosa Lebwohl, 1914 accepted as Penares metastrosus (Lebwohl, 1914) (additional source)
Polymastia clavata Burton, 1959 (additional source)
Spirastrella panis Thiele, 1898 accepted as Spheciospongia panis (Thiele, 1898) (additional source)
Stelletta crassispicula (Sollas, 1886) (additional source)
Suberites axinelloides Brøndsted, 1924 (additional source)
Suberites ficus (Johnston, 1842) (additional source)
Tedania brevispiculata Thiele, 1903 represented as Tedania (Tedania) brevispiculata Thiele, 1903 (additional source)
Tetilla australe Bergquist, 1968 accepted as Tetilla australis Bergquist, 1968 (additional source)
Tetilla japonica Lampe, 1886 (additional source)
Tetilla ovata (Thiele, 1898) accepted as Craniella ovata Thiele, 1898 (additional source)
East China Sea for Chondrilla australiensis Carter, 1873 
East China Sea for Cliona celata Grant, 1826  (doubtful)
East China Sea for Cliona lobata Hancock, 1849  (doubtful)
East China Sea for Pachastrella cribrum Lebwohl, 1914 
East China Sea for Pachastrella cribrum Lebwohl, 1914 
East China Sea for Pachastrella cribrum Lebwohl, 1914 
East China Sea for Pachastrella doederleini (Thiele, 1898) 
East China Sea for Pachastrella japonica Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Pachastrella japonica Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Pachastrella sollasi (Topsent, 1890)  (inaccurate)
East China Sea for Pachastrella tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886) 
East China Sea for Papyrula hilgendorfi (Thiele, 1898) 
East China Sea for Rhizaxinella clavata Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Spirastrella panis Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Spirastrella panis Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Spirastrella panis Thiele, 1898 
East China Sea for Suberites ficus (Johnston, 1842)  (inaccurate)
East China Sea for Tetilla australe Bergquist, 1968 
East China Sea for Tetilla japonica Lampe, 1886 
East China Sea for Tetilla ovata (Thiele, 1898) 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Anthosigmella raromicrosclera (Dickinson, 1945) 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Cliona lobata Hancock, 1849  (doubtful)
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Pachastrella doederleini (Thiele, 1898) 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Pachastrella japonica Thiele, 1898 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Papyrula metastrosa Lebwohl, 1914 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Spirastrella panis Thiele, 1898 
South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone for Tetilla ovata (Thiele, 1898) 

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