Sim, C.J. (1994). Sponges from Cheju Island, Korea. In: Van Soest, R.W.M.; Van Kempen, T.M.G.; Braekman, J.C. (eds) Sponges in Time and Space. Biology, Chemistry, Paleontology. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 175-181.
Sim, C.J.
Sponges from Cheju Island, Korea
In: Van Soest, R.W.M.; Van Kempen, T.M.G.; Braekman, J.C. (eds) Sponges in Time and Space. Biology, Chemistry, Paleontology. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 175-181
Proceedings of the 4th International Sponge Conference
The present study on marine sponges is based on material from Cheju Island, Korea, located between latitude 33°06'31" to 34°00'00" and longitude 126°08'43" to 126°58'20". The island is characterized by Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary volcanic activity. It is influenced by the Tsushima warm current with an isolated island shelf of 100m depth and 3m tides. The water surface temperature is 14°C in winter with a salinity of 34-34.6%. There are many marine invertebrates known from this island, including a large number of sponges. A systematic survey of these sponges began in 1982 (Sim, 1982), and 151 species in 37 families have been reported so far (Kim et al. ,1968; Rho et al., 1969; Rho & Sim, 1972, 1976, 1981; Sim, 1981; Sim & Kim, 1988; Sim & Byeon, 1989; Sim et al. 1990, 1992).
East China Sea
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues