Hughes, G. W. (1985). Silicosphaera asteroderma (Porifera), a new siliceous microfossil from the South China Sea. Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Monatsh. 1985 (10):599-604.
Hughes, G. W.
Silicosphaera asteroderma (Porifera), a new siliceous microfossil from the South China Sea
Siliceous spherical to ellipsoid bodies, less than 160 µm in diameter, collected from
brackish water muds in the Sedili River; and from the littoral muds of Jason Bay, on
the coast of West Malaysia, are tentatively assigned to the steraster type of spicule of
the Subclass Porifera and require a new generic and specific name: Silocosphaera asteroderma.