Wiedenmayer (1989) used this name for what is now understood as Chondropsidae. Stylotella is a junior synonym of ... [details]
The identity of this material has not been properly evaluated by reexamination of the type. Various authors have ... [details]
There is doubt about the synonymy with S.hispida of Ridley's record, but it is unlikely to be conspecific with ... [details]
Lendenfeld (1888: 197) cites Marshall (1880) as the author of this variety, but gives Psammascus decipiens ... [details]
Wiedenmayer (1989) and Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994) assigned this genus to the synonymy of Phoriospongia, but Van ... [details]
This was considered a junior synonym of Phoriospongia argentea (Marshall, 1880) by Wiedenmayer (1989) and Hooper & ... [details]
Wiedenmayer (1989) and Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994) assigned this species to the synonymy of Batzella inaequalis. ... [details]