WoRMS source details

Willey, Arthur. (1905). Report on the Polychaeta collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar by W.A. Herdman, with supplementary reports upon the Marine Biology of Ceylon, by Other Naturalists. Part IV. Supplementary Reports. 30: 243-324, plates I-VIII.
Willey, Arthur
Report on the Polychaeta collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902.
Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar by W.A. Herdman, with supplementary reports upon the Marine Biology of Ceylon, by Other Naturalists. Part IV. Supplementary Reports
30: 243-324, plates I-VIII
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
[Introduction as follows:]
This collection of Polychseta is the most extensive which has been brought together from the coast of Ceylon. There are only three older collections of any magnitude from Ceylon upon which reports have been published, namely, that of Schmarda, worked out by the traveller himself and published in 1861 ('Neue Wirbellose Thiere'); a small series gathered by Mr. Holdsworth and described by Grube in 1874 ('P. Zool. Soc., London'); lastly, another small series collected by Dr. Hans Driesch and described by Michaelsen in 1892 ('J. B. Hamb. Anst.,' ix. 2). Of these older collections the most important was the Schmarda collection, which included the discovery of the remarkable genera Gastrolepidia and Bhawania, the latter not being represented in Professor Herdman's collection.
The material was handed over to me at Professor Herdman's suggestion by Mr. James Hornell in September, 1904. A further consignment which had been taken to England, consisting mostly, but not entirely, of duplicates of some of the species contained in the first set, was sent out to me by Professor Herdman. These had also passed through the hands of Mr. Arnold T. Watson, who kindly forwarded to me such notes and drawings as he had made, some of the latter being reproduced on Plate VIII. A species of Polydora which attacks the pearl oyster was subsequently forwarded by Mr. Hornell.
Some new facts of systematic importance relating to previously described species are recorded here. Among the species described as new are some of considerable interest, e.g., Autolytus orientalis, Branchiomma quadrioculatum, Ceratonereis falcaria, Grymaea cespitosa, Halosydna zeylanica, Leprea inversa, Paramarphysa orientalis, Serpula watsoni, Thalenessa stylolepis.
The occurrence of Onuphis conchylega and the recovery of Harmothoe dictyophora are also noteworthy features of the collection.
Indian Ocean
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-02-25 21:50:01Z
2018-11-03 17:43:11Z

Anaitis zeylanica Willey, 1905 (original description)
Aracoda obscura Willey, 1905 accepted as Arabella mutans (Chamberlin, 1919) (original description)
Armandia lanceolata Willey, 1905 (original description)
Autolytus orientalis Willey, 1905 (original description)
Branchiomma quadrioculatum Willey, 1905 accepted as Acromegalomma quadrioculatum (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Ceratonereis falcaria Willey, 1905 accepted as Nereis falcaria (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Cirratulus complanatus Willey, 1905 accepted as Timarete dasylophius (Marenzeller, 1879) (original description)
Eupomatus heteroceros [auct. lapsus] accepted as Hydroides heterocera (Grube, 1868) (new combination reference)
Eupomatus minax (Grube, 1878) accepted as Hydroides minax (Grube, 1878) (new combination reference)
Grymaea cespitosa Willey, 1905 accepted as Streblosoma cespitosa (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Halosydna zeylanica Willey, 1905 accepted as Pottsiscalisetosus praelongus (Marenzeller, 1902) (original description)
Hermione ridgewayi Hornell, 1903 accepted as Hermonia malleata (Grube, 1875) (source of synonymy)
Hermonia malleata (Grube, 1875) (additional source)
Heterocirrus typhlops Willey, 1905 accepted as Caulleriella typhlops (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Hololepidella Willey, 1905 (original description)
Hololepidella commensalis Willey, 1905 (original description)
Irma limicola Willey, 1905 accepted as Oxydromus limicolus (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Jasmineira caducibranchiata Willey, 1905 accepted as Jasmineira elegans Saint-Joseph, 1894 (original description)
Leprea inversa Willey, 1905 accepted as Terebella inversa (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Loimia medusa angustescutata Willey, 1905 (original description)
Marphysa chevalensis Willey, 1905 (original description)
Nereis (Platynereis) bengalensis Willey, 1905 accepted as Platynereis bengalensis (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Nereis ehlersiana (Grube, 1878) (additional source)
Nereis indica Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Neanthes indica (Kinberg, 1865) (additional source)
Nereis unifasciata Willey, 1905 accepted as Neanthes unifasciata (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Nicomache truncata Willey, 1905 (original description)
Notomastus zeylanicus Willey, 1905 (original description)
Notophyllum laciniatum Willey, 1905 accepted as Notophyllum splendens (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Onuphis basipicta Willey, 1905 accepted as Heptaceras phyllocirra (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Onuphis dibranchiata Willey, 1905 (original description)
Paramarphysa orientalis Willey, 1905 accepted as Marphysa orientalis (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Pectinaria panava Willey, 1905 (original description)
Phyllochaetopterus ramosus Willey, 1905 (original description)
Phyllodoce dissotyla Willey, 1905 (original description)
Phyllodoce foliosopapillata Hornell in Willey, 1905 (original description)
Polydora hornelli Willey, 1905 (original description)
Polymnia labiata Willey, 1905 accepted as Eupolymnia labiata (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Polymnia socialis Willey, 1905 accepted as Lanice socialis (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Polymnia triplicata Willey, 1905 accepted as Eupolymnia trigonostoma (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Polynoe dictyophora Grube, 1878 accepted as Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube, 1878) (new combination reference)
Protula (Protulopsis) palliata Willey, 1905 accepted as Protula palliata (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Protulopsis palliata Willey, 1905 accepted as Protula palliata (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Psammolyce zeylanica Willey, 1905 accepted as Pelogenia zeylanica (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Sabellastarte indica quinquevalens Willey, 1905 accepted as Sabellastarte indica (Savigny, 1822) accepted as Sabellastarte spectabilis (Grube, 1878) (original description)
Serpula watsoni Willey, 1905 (original description)
Spiochaetopterus herdmani Hornell in Willey, 1905 accepted as Phyllochaetopterus herdmani (Hornell in Willey, 1905) (original description)
Spirobranchus cervicornis Willey, 1905 accepted as Spirobranchus tetraceros (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Spirobranchus semperi acroceros Willey, 1905 accepted as Spirobranchus tetraceros (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Spirobranchus tricornigerus (Grube, 1878) accepted as Spirobranchus tetraceros (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Sthenelais zeylanica Willey, 1905 (original description)
Sthenolepis Willey, 1905 (original description)
Thalenessa stylolepis Willey, 1905 accepted as Sigalion stylolepis (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Typosyllis taprobanensis Willey, 1905 accepted as Eusyllis ceylonica Augener, 1926 (original description)
Vermilia pygidialis Willey, 1905 accepted as Vermiliopsis pygidialis (Willey, 1905) (original description)
Gulf of Mannar for Marphysa chevalensis Willey, 1905 
Sri Lankan part of the Laccadive Sea for Armandia lanceolata Willey, 1905 
 Depth range

15-16 m (8 to 9 fathoms). [details]


Java Sea: southern Bangka Strait (Indonesia). Indian Ocean: Galle (Sri Lanka, Laccadive Sea); Visakhapatnam (= ... [details]


The specific epithet, lanceolata, refers to the shape of the body of the worm, having the general appearance of a ... [details]


Not stated. Assumed named for the geographic location of collection, Cheval Paar (= Cheval Bank) Gulf of Mannar, ... [details]


Current taxon synonym of species listed. The species was first synonymized with Haplosyllis spongicola (Grube, ... [details]

 Type locality

Indian Ocean, south of Manaar Island, Sri Lanka. [details]

 Type locality

SW Cheval Paar, Sri Lanka coast (was Ceylon), Gulf of Mannar, Indian Ocean [details]

 Type locality

Cheval Paar (= Cheval Bank), Gulf of Mannar, Sri Lanka western coast, approx area of geolocation 8.6667 N, 79.7667 ... [details]

 Type locality

South-east Cheval Paar (= Cheval Bank), Gulf of Mannar, Sri Lanka western coast, approx area of geolocation 8.6667 ... [details]