WoRMS taxon details
Neptunea Röding, 1798
137710 (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:137710)
Murex antiquus Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758) (type by subsequent designation)
Barbitonia Dall, 1916 · unaccepted
Buccinum (Neptunea) Röding, 1798 · unaccepted
Chrysodomus Swainson, 1840 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Chrysodomus (Barbitonia) Dall, 1916 · unaccepted
Chrysodomus (Chrysodomus) Swainson, 1840 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Chrysodomus (Sulcosipho) Dall, 1916 · unaccepted
Costaria A. N. Golikov, 1977 · unaccepted
Fusus (Chrysodomus) · unaccepted
Fusus (Neptunea) Röding, 1798 · unaccepted
Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973 · unaccepted
Neptunaea [sic] · unaccepted (misspelling by Hutton, 1877)
Neptunea (Barbitonia) Dall, 1916 · alternative representation
Neptunea (Golikovia) Habe & Sato, 1973 · unaccepted
Neptunea (Neptunea) Röding, 179 · alternative representation
Neptunea (Sulcosipho) Dall, 1916 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Neptunia Locard, 1886 · unaccepted (unjustified emendation)
- Species Neptunea acutispiralis Okutani, 1968
- Species Neptunea alabaster Alexeyev & Fraussen, 2005
- Species Neptunea aleutica J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea alexeyevi Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea amianta (Dall, 1890)
- Species Neptunea angulata Harmer, 1914 †
- Species Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Species Neptunea arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858)
- Species Neptunea aurigena Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea baxteri J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea behringiana (Middendorff, 1848)
- Species Neptunea bulbacea (Valenciennes, 1858)
- Species Neptunea communis (Middendorff, 1849)
- Species Neptunea constricta (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea contraria (Linnaeus, 1771)
- Species Neptunea convexa Goryachev, 1978
- Species Neptunea costaria Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea cumingii Crosse, 1862
- Species Neptunea cuspidis Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea cybaea Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea decemcostata (Say, 1826)
- Species Neptunea denselirata Brøgger, 1901
- Species Neptunea despecta (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Species Neptunea dominator J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea elegantula Ka. Ito & T. Habe, 1965
- Species Neptunea ennae Sakurai & Tiba, 1969
- Species Neptunea eos (Kuroda, 1931) †
- Species Neptunea eulimata (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea excelsior Fraussen & Terryn, 2017
- Species Neptunea fitchi (R. N. Clark, 2022)
- Species Neptunea flatteryensis R. N. Clark, 2022
- Species Neptunea frater (Pilsbry, 1901)
- Species Neptunea fukueae Kira, 1959
- Species Neptunea gulbini Goryachev & Kantor, 1983
- Species Neptunea gyroscopoides Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea harrisoni J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea hataii Noda, 1962 †
- Species Neptunea hedychra Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea heros (J. E. Gray, 1850)
- Species Neptunea hesperica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea hiberna Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea higuchii Fraussen & Chino, 2024
- Species Neptunea hukusimensis Nomura & Hatai, 1936 †
- Species Neptunea humboldtiana A. G. Smith, 1971
- Species Neptunea insularis (Dall, 1895)
- Species Neptunea intersculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1899)
- Species Neptunea inversa Harmer, 1918 †
- Species Neptunea ithia (Dall, 1891)
- Species Neptunea jagudinae Goryachev & Kantor, 1983
- Species Neptunea jewetti J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea koromogawana Nomura, 1937 †
- Species Neptunea kuroshio Oyama, 1959
- Species Neptunea laeva A. N. Golikov, Goryachev & Kantor, 1987
- Species Neptunea lamellosa A. N. Golikov, 1962
- Species Neptunea laticostata A. N. Golikov, 1962
- Species Neptunea lyrata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Species Neptunea lyratodespecta Strauch, 1972 †
- Species Neptunea magnanimita Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea mcleani R. N. Clark, 2020
- Species Neptunea meridionalis A. G. Smith, 1971
- Species Neptunea middendorffiana MacGinitie, 1959
- Species Neptunea mikawaensis T. Nakano, Kurihara, Miyoshi & Higuchi, 2010
- Species Neptunea mirabilis Brunetti, Della Bella & Cresti, 2017 †
- Species Neptunea multistriata (Aurivillius, 1885)
- Species Neptunea nikkoensis Nomura, 1937 †
- Species Neptunea nivea Okutani, 1981
- Species Neptunea nodositella Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea occaecata Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea ochotensis A. N. Golikov, 1962
- Species Neptunea oncodes (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea petrelensis J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea phoenicea (Dall, 1891)
- Species Neptunea polycostata Scarlato, 1955
- Species Neptunea pribiloffensis (Dall, 1919)
- Species Neptunea purpurea Tiba, 1983
- Species Neptunea quhmax J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea robusta Okutani, 1964
- Species Neptunea rugosa A. N. Golikov, 1962
- Species Neptunea schrencki (Yokoyama, 1920) †
- Species Neptunea smirnia (Dall, 1919)
- Species Neptunea stilesi A. G. Smith, 1968
- Species Neptunea stonei (Pilsbry, 1892) †
- Species Neptunea subdilatata (Yen, 1936)
- Species Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863)
- Species Neptunea tuberculata (Yokoyama, 1929)
- Species Neptunea umbratica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea varicifera (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea ventricosa (Gmelin, 1791)
- Species Neptunea vesteraalen J. H. McLean & R. N. Clark, 2023
- Species Neptunea vinlandica Fraussen & Terryn, 2007
- Species Neptunea vinosa (Dall, 1919)
- Species Neptunea vladivostokensis (Bartsch, 1929)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Clinopegma) U. S. Grant & Gale, 1931 accepted as Clinopegma U. S. Grant & Gale, 1931 (original rank)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Eosipho) Thiele, 1929 accepted as Eosipho Thiele, 1929
- Species Neptunea (Eosipho) asphaltodes Beets, 1943 † accepted as Eosipho smithi (Schepman, 1911) (synonym)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Golikovia) Habe & Sato, 1973 accepted as Neptunea Röding, 1798
- Species Neptunea (Golikovia) ennae Sakurai & Tiba, 1969 represented as Neptunea ennae Sakurai & Tiba, 1969
- Species Neptunea (Golikovia) fukueae Kira, 1959 represented as Neptunea fukueae Kira, 1959
- Subgenus Neptunea (Lyrofusus) De Gregorio, 1880 † accepted as Lyrofusus De Gregorio, 1880 † (original rank)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Sipho) Mörch, 1852 accepted as Colus Röding, 1798
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) altenai Beets, 1942 † accepted as Colus altenai (Beets, 1942) †
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) arata A. E. Verrill, 1880 accepted as Colus stimpsoni (Mörch, 1868) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) caelata A. E. Verrill, 1880 accepted as Retimohnia caelata (A. E. Verrill, 1880) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) hanseni Friele, 1879 accepted as Colus sabini (J. E. Gray, 1824)
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) pertenuis Sykes, 1911 accepted as Retifusus latericeus (Møller, 1842)
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) terebralis A. Gould, 1860 accepted as Neptunea terebralis A. Gould, 1860 accepted as Aulacofusus brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832)
- Species Neptunea (Sipho) virgata Friele, 1879 accepted as Anomalisipho virgatus (Friele, 1879) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Siphonorbis) Mörch, 1869 accepted as Colus Röding, 1798
- Species Neptunea (Siphonorbis) dalli Friele, 1882 accepted as Turrisipho dalli (Friele, 1881) accepted as Mohnia dalli (Friele, 1881) (basionym)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Sulcosipho) Dall, 1916 accepted as Neptunea Röding, 1798 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea (Sulcosipho) hataii Noda, 1962 † accepted as Neptunea hataii Noda, 1962 †
- Species Neptunea (Sulcosipho) eatoni U. S. Grant & Quayle, 1934 † (uncertain > unassessed)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Trophonopsis) Bucquoy & Dautzenberg, 1882 accepted as Trophonopsis Bucquoy & Dautzenberg, 1882
- Species Neptunea (Trophonopsis) kamchatkanus (Dall, 1902 accepted as Boreotrophon kamchatkanus Dall, 1902 (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea (Trophonopsis) lasia Dall, 1919 accepted as Scabrotrophon lasius (Dall, 1919) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea aestuosa A. Gould, 1860 accepted as Siphonalia cassidariaeformis (Reeve, 1846) (junior synonym)
- Species Neptunea anceps H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 accepted as Pyrula anomala Reeve, 1847 accepted as Solenosteira anomala (Reeve, 1847) (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
- Species Neptunea antarctocostata Stilwell & Zinsmeister, 1992 † accepted as Prosipho antarctocostata (Stilwell & Zinsmeister, 1992) †
- Species Neptunea apolyonis Dall, 1919 accepted as Boreotrophon apolyonis (Dall, 1919) (original combination)
- Species Neptunea aquitanica Locard, 1897 accepted as Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea arata A. E. Verrill, 1880 accepted as Colus stimpsoni (Mörch, 1868) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea asphaltodes Beets, 1943 † accepted as Eosipho smithi (Schepman, 1911) (synonym)
- Species Neptunea beringi (Dall, 1902) accepted as Boreotrophon clathratus (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Species Neptunea berniciensis (W. King, 1846) accepted as Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea bonaespei Barnard, 1963 accepted as Buccipagoda bonaespei (Barnard, 1963) accepted as Sagenotriton bonaespei (Barnard, 1963) (superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea borealis (R. A. Philippi, 1850) accepted as Neptunea communis (Middendorff, 1849) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832) accepted as Aulacofusus brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832)
- Species Neptunea callicerata Dall, 1919 accepted as Boreotrophon avalonensis Dall, 1902 (synonym)
- Species Neptunea cincta Link, 1807 accepted as Filifusus filamentosus (Röding, 1798)
- Species Neptunea costata F. W. Hutton, 1877 † accepted as Nassicola finlayi Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1990 † (Invalid: not Link, 1807)
- Species Neptunea costatus F. W. Hutton, 1877 † accepted as Nassicola finlayi Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1990 † (Invalid: not Link, 1807)
- Species Neptunea danielsseni Friele, 1879 accepted as Mohnia danielsseni (Friele, 1879)
- Species Neptunea doliata Röding, 1798 accepted as Gelagna succincta (Linnaeus, 1771) (synonym)
- Species Neptunea ecaudata Link, 1807 accepted as Latirus gibbulus (Gmelin, 1791)
- Species Neptunea elegantula (Dall, 1907) accepted as Boreotrophon elegantulus Dall, 1907 accepted as Warenia elegantula (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea fasciata Friele, 1882 accepted as Neptunea despecta (Linnaeus, 1758) (synonym)
- Species Neptunea fuscolineata Pease, 1860 accepted as Siphonalia spadicea (Reeve, 1847) (junior synonym)
- Species Neptunea hanseni Friele, 1879 accepted as Colus sabini (J. E. Gray, 1824) (dubious synonym)
- Species Neptunea ithitoma Dall, 1919 accepted as Boreotrophon alaskanus Dall, 1902 (synonym)
- Species Neptunea kotakamaruae Okutani & Iwahori, 1992 accepted as Neptunea elegantula Ka. Ito & T. Habe, 1965
- Species Neptunea lachesis (Mörch, 1869) accepted as Turrisipho lachesis (Mörch, 1869)
- Species Neptunea laevigata Link, 1807 accepted as Fasciolaria tulipa (Linnaeus, 1758) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea lurida A. Adams, 1864 accepted as Neptunea arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea magellanicus Röding, 1798 accepted as Fusitriton magellanicus (Röding, 1798) (original combination)
- Species Neptunea minor (Hirase, 1908) accepted as Neptunea kuroshio Oyama, 1959
- Species Neptunea modestoidea Takeda, 1953 † accepted as Ancistrolepis modestoidea (Takeda, 1953) † (original combination)
- Species Neptunea oncoda (Dall, 1907) accepted as Neptunea oncodes (Dall, 1907) (misspelling)
- Species Neptunea ossiania Friele, 1879 accepted as Beringius turtoni (W. Bean, 1834)
- Species Neptunea pertenuis Sykes, 1911 accepted as Retifusus latericeus (Møller, 1842) (synonym)
- Species Neptunea ponderosa Gabb, 1864 † accepted as Eripachya ponderosa (Gabb, 1864) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea pusilla Röding, 1798 accepted as Nassaria pusilla (Röding, 1798) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea regula (R. B. Watson, 1882) accepted as Pareuthria regulus (R. B. Watson, 1882) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea satura (Martyn, 1784) accepted as Neptunea ventricosa (Gmelin, 1791) (unavailable name)
- Species Neptunea soluta (Hermann, 1781) accepted as Buccinum undatum Linnaeus, 1758
- Species Neptunea staphylina Dall, 1919 accepted as Boreotrophon bentleyi Dall, 1908 (synonym)
- Species Neptunea szukouensis C.-H. Hu & X.-Z. Tao, 1991 † accepted as Linatella caudata (Gmelin, 1791) (junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea taeniata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1880) accepted as Neptunea cumingii Crosse, 1862
- Species Neptunea teglandae C. E. Weaver, 1943 † accepted as Ancistrolepis teglandae (C. E. Weaver, 1943) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea terebralis A. Gould, 1860 accepted as Aulacofusus brevicauda (Deshayes, 1832)
- Species Neptunea tolomia Dall, 1919 accepted as Boreotrophon tolomius (Dall, 1919) (original combination)
- Species Neptunea uwasoensis Otuka, 1935 † accepted as Neptunea intersculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1899) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
- Species Neptunea virgata Friele, 1879 accepted as Anomalisipho virgatus (Friele, 1879)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Barbitonia) Dall, 1916 represented as Neptunea Röding, 1798
- Species Neptunea (Barbitonia) arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858) represented as Neptunea arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858)
- Subgenus Neptunea (Neptunea) Röding, 179 represented as Neptunea Röding, 1798
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) hoernesi (Bellardi, 1873) † accepted as Eosipho hoernesi (Bellardi, 1873) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758) represented as Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) constricta (Dall, 1907) represented as Neptunea constricta (Dall, 1907)
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) eos (Kuroda, 1931) † represented as Neptunea eos (Kuroda, 1931) †
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) frater (Pilsbry, 1901) represented as Neptunea frater (Pilsbry, 1901)
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) hataii Noda, 1962 † represented as Neptunea hataii Noda, 1962 †
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) intersculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1899) represented as Neptunea intersculpta (G. B. Sowerby III, 1899)
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) kuroshio Oyama, 1959 represented as Neptunea kuroshio Oyama, 1959
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) mikawaensis T. Nakano, Kurihara, Miyoshi & Higuchi, 2010 represented as Neptunea mikawaensis T. Nakano, Kurihara, Miyoshi & Higuchi, 2010
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) polycostata Scarlato, 1955 represented as Neptunea polycostata Scarlato, 1955
- Species Neptunea (Neptunea) tuberculata (Yokoyama, 1929) represented as Neptunea tuberculata (Yokoyama, 1929)
- Species Neptunea arata A. Gould, 1860 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Species Neptunea brunnea Kobelt, 1879 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Species Neptunea castanea Dunker, 1858 (uncertain > unassessed)
- Species Neptunea crebricostata Kobelt, 1878 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Species Neptunea enterogamma Gabb, 1860 † (uncertain > unassessed)
- Species Neptunea harpa Dunker, 1858 (uncertain > unassessed)
- Species Neptunea impressa Gabb, 1860 † (uncertain > unassessed)
- Species Neptunea labradorensis (A. S. Packard, 1867) † (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Species Neptunea minor Link, 1807 † (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Species Neptunea nomurai Otuka, 1943 † (uncertain > unassessed)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Röding, P. F. (1798). Museum Boltenianum sive Catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturæ quæ olim collegerat Joa. Fried Bolten, M. D. p. d. per XL. annos proto physicus Hamburgensis. Pars secunda continens Conchylia sive Testacea univalvia, bivalvia & multivalvia. Trapp, Hamburg, viii + 199 pp., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/16230659
page(s): 115 [details]
page(s): 115 [details]
MolluscaBase eds. (2025). MolluscaBase. Neptunea Röding, 1798. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: https://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=137710 on 2025-03-28
The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License
original description
Röding, P. F. (1798). Museum Boltenianum sive Catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturæ quæ olim collegerat Joa. Fried Bolten, M. D. p. d. per XL. annos proto physicus Hamburgensis. Pars secunda continens Conchylia sive Testacea univalvia, bivalvia & multivalvia. Trapp, Hamburg, viii + 199 pp., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/16230659
page(s): 115 [details]
original description (of Chrysodomus Swainson, 1840) Swainson, W. (1840). A treatise on malacology; or the natural classification of shells and shell-fish. Longman, London, viii + 419 pp., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/33450
page(s): 90, 308 [details]
original description (of Chrysodomus (Barbitonia) Dall, 1916) Dall, W. H. (1916). Prodrome of a revision of the chrysodomoid whelks of the boreal and arctic regions. <em>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 29: 7-8., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3336478
page(s): 7 [details]
original description (of Costaria A. N. Golikov, 1977) Golikov, A.N. (1977). Investigation of prosobranchs of the family Fasciolariidae in temperate waters. [Голиков А.Н. 1977. К познанию брюхоногих моллюсков семейства Fasciolariidae в умеренных водах. Исследования фауны морей]. <em>Issledovaniya Fauny Morei.</em> 21(29): 102-104. [in Russian].
page(s): 102 [details]
original description (of Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973) Habe, T. & Sato, J. (1973). [A classification of the family Buccinidae from the North Pacific]. (In Japanese). <em>Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology.</em> 8: 1-8.
page(s): 2 [Japanese text], 6 [English text] [details] Available for editors
original description (of Chrysodomus (Sulcosipho) Dall, 1916) Dall, W. H. (1916). Prodrome of a revision of the chrysodomoid whelks of the boreal and arctic regions. <em>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 29: 7-8., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3336478
page(s): 7 [details]
page(s): 115 [details]
original description (of Chrysodomus Swainson, 1840) Swainson, W. (1840). A treatise on malacology; or the natural classification of shells and shell-fish. Longman, London, viii + 419 pp., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/33450
page(s): 90, 308 [details]
original description (of Chrysodomus (Barbitonia) Dall, 1916) Dall, W. H. (1916). Prodrome of a revision of the chrysodomoid whelks of the boreal and arctic regions. <em>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 29: 7-8., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3336478
page(s): 7 [details]
original description (of Costaria A. N. Golikov, 1977) Golikov, A.N. (1977). Investigation of prosobranchs of the family Fasciolariidae in temperate waters. [Голиков А.Н. 1977. К познанию брюхоногих моллюсков семейства Fasciolariidae в умеренных водах. Исследования фауны морей]. <em>Issledovaniya Fauny Morei.</em> 21(29): 102-104. [in Russian].
page(s): 102 [details]
original description (of Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973) Habe, T. & Sato, J. (1973). [A classification of the family Buccinidae from the North Pacific]. (In Japanese). <em>Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology.</em> 8: 1-8.
page(s): 2 [Japanese text], 6 [English text] [details] Available for editors

original description (of Chrysodomus (Sulcosipho) Dall, 1916) Dall, W. H. (1916). Prodrome of a revision of the chrysodomoid whelks of the boreal and arctic regions. <em>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 29: 7-8., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3336478
page(s): 7 [details]
taxonomy source
Fraussen K. & Terryn Y. (2007). The family Buccinidae. Genus <i>Neptunea</i>. <i>In</i>: A Conchological Iconography [Directed by Guido T. Poppe & Klaus Groh]. ConchBooks, Hackenheim. 159 pp., 154 pls. [details]
additional source
Anonymous. (1941). The type of <i>Neptunea</i> "Bolten" Röding. <em>The Nautilus.</em> 54(4): 125-126., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8519284 [details]
additional source Rehder, H. A. (1942). The genotype of <i>Neptunea</i>. <em>The Nautilus.</em> 56(2): 69., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8520172 [details]
additional source Nelson, C. M. (1976). The type-species of <i>Neptunea</i> Röding, 1798 (Gastropoda: Buccinacea). <em>The Nautilus.</em> 90(4): 139-141., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8276515 [details]
additional source Rehder, H. A. (1942). The genotype of <i>Neptunea</i>. <em>The Nautilus.</em> 56(2): 69., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8520172 [details]
additional source Nelson, C. M. (1976). The type-species of <i>Neptunea</i> Röding, 1798 (Gastropoda: Buccinacea). <em>The Nautilus.</em> 90(4): 139-141., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8276515 [details]

Language | Name | |
Dutch | noordhorens | [details] |
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Costaria) (from synonym Costaria A. N. Golikov, 1977)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Golikovia) (from synonym Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Neptunea)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Neptunia) (from synonym Neptunia Locard, 1886)
To Genbank (from synonym Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973)
To Genbank (from synonym Neptunia Locard, 1886)
To Genbank
To The Arctic Traits Database (13 traits)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Golikovia) (from synonym Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Neptunea)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Neptunia) (from synonym Neptunia Locard, 1886)
To Genbank (from synonym Golikovia Habe & Sato, 1973)
To Genbank (from synonym Neptunia Locard, 1886)
To Genbank
To The Arctic Traits Database (13 traits)