WoRMS source details
Schwabe, E.; Engl, W. (2008). Description of two new deep-water species of the genus Brookula Iredale, 1912 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Trochoidea), with a revision of the genus for the Subantarctic and Arctic Sector of the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa. 1866: 187-204.
Schwabe, E.; Engl, W.
Description of two new deep-water species of the genus <i>Brookula</i> Iredale, 1912 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Trochoidea), with a revision of the genus for the Subantarctic and Arctic Sector of the Atlantic Ocean
1866: 187-204
Available for editors

Benthobrookula A. H. Clarke, 1961 (additional source)
Brookula Iredale, 1912 (basis of record)
Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008 (original description)
Brookula charleenae Schwabe & Engl, 2008 accepted as Benthobrookula charleenae (Schwabe & Engl, 2008) (original description)
Brookula paranaensis (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006) accepted as Benthobrookula paranaensis Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006 (new combination reference)
Brookula pfefferi A. W. B. Powell, 1951 accepted as Benthobrookula pfefferi (A. W. B. Powell, 1951) (additional source)
Brookula Iredale, 1912 (basis of record)
Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008 (original description)
Brookula charleenae Schwabe & Engl, 2008 accepted as Benthobrookula charleenae (Schwabe & Engl, 2008) (original description)
Brookula paranaensis (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006) accepted as Benthobrookula paranaensis Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006 (new combination reference)
Brookula pfefferi A. W. B. Powell, 1951 accepted as Benthobrookula pfefferi (A. W. B. Powell, 1951) (additional source)
Bransfield Strait for Brookula argentina (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006)
Bransfield Strait for Brookula argentina (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006)
Drake Passage for Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008
Drake Passage for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Georgian part of the Southern Ocean for Brookula argentina (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006)
South Georgian part of the Southern Ocean for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Sandwich Islands for Brookula charleenae Schwabe & Engl, 2008
South Sandwich Islands for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Shetland Islands for Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008
Weddell Abyssal Plain for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
Bransfield Strait for Brookula argentina (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006)
Drake Passage for Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008
Drake Passage for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Georgian part of the Southern Ocean for Brookula argentina (Zelaya, Absalão & Pimenta, 2006)
South Georgian part of the Southern Ocean for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Sandwich Islands for Brookula charleenae Schwabe & Engl, 2008
South Sandwich Islands for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961
South Shetland Islands for Brookula bohni Schwabe & Engl, 2008
Weddell Abyssal Plain for Brookula exquisita A. H. Clarke, 1961