Copepoda taxon details
Calanus marshallae Frost, 1974
196770 (
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Frost, B.W. (1974). Calanus marshallae, a new species of calanoid copepod closely allied to the sibling species C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Marine Biology, Berlin 26(1):77-99, figs. 1-21, tabs. 1-5. (12-vii-1974) [details] Available for editors

Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2021). World of Copepods database. Calanus marshallae Frost, 1974. Accessed at: on 2025-03-29
original description
Frost, B.W. (1974). Calanus marshallae, a new species of calanoid copepod closely allied to the sibling species C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Marine Biology, Berlin 26(1):77-99, figs. 1-21, tabs. 1-5. (12-vii-1974) [details] Available for editors
context source (Deepsea) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at [details]
basis of record SAHFOS (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science) - Continuous Plankton Recorder survey [details]
additional source Hartline, D.K., M.C. Cieslak, A.M. Castelfranco, B. Lieberman, V. Roncalli & P.H. Lenz. (2023). De novo transcriptomes of six calanoid copepods (Crustacea): a resource for the discovery of novel genes. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1):1-14. APR 2023., available online at [details] Available for editors
additional source Peterson, W.T. (1980). Life history and ecology of Calanus marshallae Frost in the Oregon upwelling zone. <em>Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.</em> 216 pp. [1979 submitted]. [details] Available for editors
additional source Sullivan, B.K., C.B. Miller, W.T. Peterson & A.H. Soeldner. (1975). A scanning electron microscope study of the mandibular morphology of boreal copepods. <em>Marine Biology, Berlin.</em> 30(2):175-182, figs. 1-7. (23-v-1975). [details] Available for editors
ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at [details] Available for editors

context source (Deepsea) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at [details]
basis of record SAHFOS (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science) - Continuous Plankton Recorder survey [details]
additional source Hartline, D.K., M.C. Cieslak, A.M. Castelfranco, B. Lieberman, V. Roncalli & P.H. Lenz. (2023). De novo transcriptomes of six calanoid copepods (Crustacea): a resource for the discovery of novel genes. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1):1-14. APR 2023., available online at [details] Available for editors

additional source Peterson, W.T. (1980). Life history and ecology of Calanus marshallae Frost in the Oregon upwelling zone. <em>Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.</em> 216 pp. [1979 submitted]. [details] Available for editors

additional source Sullivan, B.K., C.B. Miller, W.T. Peterson & A.H. Soeldner. (1975). A scanning electron microscope study of the mandibular morphology of boreal copepods. <em>Marine Biology, Berlin.</em> 30(2):175-182, figs. 1-7. (23-v-1975). [details] Available for editors

ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at [details] Available for editors

Marine Planktonic Copepods (Banyuls/OOB/UPMC/CNRS) Note: Including taxonomic identification plates, remarks, geographic distribution, ecological information & reference list
To Barcode of Life (40 barcodes)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Calanus marshallae)
To GenBank (41 nucleotides; 17 proteins)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Arthropoda Collection (2 records)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Arthropoda Collection (Holotype USNM 142060)
To Barcode of Life (40 barcodes)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Calanus marshallae)
To GenBank (41 nucleotides; 17 proteins)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Arthropoda Collection (2 records)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Arthropoda Collection (Holotype USNM 142060)