Copepoda taxon details

Calanus marshallae Frost, 1974

196770  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Frost, B.W. (1974). Calanus marshallae, a new species of calanoid copepod closely allied to the sibling species C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Marine Biology, Berlin 26(1):77-99, figs. 1-21, tabs. 1-5. (12-vii-1974) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2021). World of Copepods database. Calanus marshallae Frost, 1974. Accessed at: on 2025-03-29
2006-02-03 11:19:41Z
2008-07-07 06:46:40Z

original description Frost, B.W. (1974). Calanus marshallae, a new species of calanoid copepod closely allied to the sibling species C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Marine Biology, Berlin 26(1):77-99, figs. 1-21, tabs. 1-5. (12-vii-1974) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

context source (Deepsea) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at [details] 

basis of record SAHFOS (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science) - Continuous Plankton Recorder survey [details] 

additional source Hartline, D.K., M.C. Cieslak, A.M. Castelfranco, B. Lieberman, V. Roncalli & P.H. Lenz. (2023). De novo transcriptomes of six calanoid copepods (Crustacea): a resource for the discovery of novel genes. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1):1-14. APR 2023., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Peterson, W.T. (1980). Life history and ecology of Calanus marshallae Frost in the Oregon upwelling zone. <em>Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.</em> 216 pp. [1979 submitted]. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Sullivan, B.K., C.B. Miller, W.T. Peterson & A.H. Soeldner. (1975). A scanning electron microscope study of the mandibular morphology of boreal copepods. <em>Marine Biology, Berlin.</em> 30(2):175-182, figs. 1-7. (23-v-1975). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

