WoRMS taxon details

Cymbiola Swainson, 1831

382352  (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:382352)

Voluta cymbiola Gmelin, 1791 accepted as Cymbiola cymbiola (Gmelin, 1791) (type by absolute tautonymy)
Aulica J. E. Gray, 1847 · unaccepted > superseded combination
Aulicina Rovereto, 1899 · unaccepted (synonym)
Cymbiola (Cymbiola) Swainson, 1831 · alternative representation
Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) Iredale, 1929 · alternative representation
Cymbiolena Iredale, 1929 · unaccepted (synonym)
Melo (Ausoba) H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 · unaccepted (objective synonym - the same type...)  
objective synonym - the same type species
Scapha J. E. Gray, 1847 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Voluta (Aulica) J. E. Gray, 1847 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Voluta (Scapha) J. E. Gray, 1847 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym


  • Alphabetically
  • By status

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  1. Species Cymbiola alexisallaryi T. Cossignani, 2018
  2. Species Cymbiola aulica (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)
  3. Species Cymbiola baili Prati & Raybaudi, 1996
  4. Species Cymbiola cathcartiae (Reeve, 1856)
  5. Species Cymbiola chrysostoma (Swainson, 1824)
  6. Species Cymbiola complexa Iredale, 1924
  7. Species Cymbiola cooperi Petuch & Berschauer, 2024
  8. Species Cymbiola cracenta (McMichael, 1963)
  9. Species Cymbiola cymbiola (Gmelin, 1791)
  10. Species Cymbiola deshayesii (Reeve, 1855)
  11. Species Cymbiola flavicans (Gmelin, 1791)
  12. Species Cymbiola houarti Bail & Limpus, 1998
  13. Species Cymbiola hughmorrisoni Bail & Limpus, 1997
  14. Species Cymbiola imperialis ([Lightfoot], 1786)
  15. Species Cymbiola innexa (Reeve, 1849)
  16. Species Cymbiola intruderi (Poppe, 1985)
  17. Species Cymbiola irvinae (E. A. Smith, 1909)
  18. Species Cymbiola kimbacki Bail & Limpus, 2014
  19. Species Cymbiola laminusa Poppe, Tagaro & Bail, 2011
  20. Species Cymbiola magnifica (Gebauer, 1802)
  21. Species Cymbiola malayensis Douté & Bail, 2000
  22. Species Cymbiola mariaemma (J. E. Gray, 1858)
  23. Species Cymbiola moretonensis Bail & Limpus, 1998
  24. Species Cymbiola nivosa (Lamarck, 1804)
  25. Species Cymbiola nobilis ([Lightfoot], 1786)
  26. Species Cymbiola nusatenggara Crabos, 2025
  27. Species Cymbiola oblita (E. A. Smith, 1909)
  28. Species Cymbiola palawanica Douté & Bail, 2000
  29. Species Cymbiola perplicata (Hedley, 1902)
  30. Species Cymbiola provocationis (McMichael, 1961)
  31. Species Cymbiola pulchra (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)
  32. Species Cymbiola rossiniana (Bernardi, 1859)
  33. Species Cymbiola rutila (Broderip, 1826)
  34. Species Cymbiola scottjordani Poppe & Tagaro, 2005
  35. Species Cymbiola sophia (Gray, 1846)
  36. Species Cymbiola subelongata Bail & Limpus, 1998
  37. Species Cymbiola thatcheri (McCoy, 1868)
  38. Species Cymbiola vespertilio (Linnaeus, 1758)
  39. Subgenus Cymbiola (Aulicina) Rovereto, 1899 accepted as Cymbiola Swainson, 1831
    1. Species Cymbiola (Aulicina) nivosa (Lamarck, 1804) accepted as Cymbiola nivosa (Lamarck, 1804)
  40. Subgenus Cymbiola (Pachycymbiola) Ihering, 1907 accepted as Pachycymbiola Ihering, 1907 (original rank)
  41. Species Cymbiola becki (Broderip, 1836) accepted as Adelomelon beckii (Broderip, 1836) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  42. Species Cymbiola deshayesi [sic] accepted as Cymbiola deshayesii (Reeve, 1855) (unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling)
  43. Species Cymbiola excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998 accepted as Cymbiola pulchra excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998 (original rank)
  44. Species Cymbiola lutea R. B. Watson, 1882 accepted as Alcithoe lutea (R. B. Watson, 1882) (superseded combination)
  45. Species Cymbiola mangeri Preston, 1901 accepted as Odontocymbiola magellanica (Gmelin, 1791) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  46. Species Cymbiola marispuma Angioy & Biraghi, 1977 accepted as Cymbiola innexa (Reeve, 1849) (synonym)
  47. Species Cymbiola octogonalis J. Senders & R. Senders, 1995 accepted as Cymbiola tamariskae Sutanto & Patamakanthin, 2004 accepted as Cymbiola nobilis tamariskae Sutanto & Patamakanthin, 2004 (nomen nudum)
  48. Species Cymbiola randalli Stokes, 1961 accepted as Cymbiola pulchra wisemani (Brazier, 1870) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  49. Species Cymbiola tamariskae Sutanto & Patamakanthin, 2004 accepted as Cymbiola nobilis tamariskae Sutanto & Patamakanthin, 2004
  50. Subgenus Cymbiola (Cymbiola) Swainson, 1831 represented as Cymbiola Swainson, 1831
    1. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) aulica (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825) represented as Cymbiola aulica (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)
    2. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) baili Prati & Raybaudi, 1996 represented as Cymbiola baili Prati & Raybaudi, 1996
    3. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) cathcartiae (Reeve, 1856) represented as Cymbiola cathcartiae (Reeve, 1856)
    4. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) chrysostoma (Swainson, 1824) represented as Cymbiola chrysostoma (Swainson, 1824)
    5. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) cymbiola (Gmelin, 1791) represented as Cymbiola cymbiola (Gmelin, 1791)
    6. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) deshayesi (Reeve, 1855) represented as Cymbiola deshayesi [sic] accepted as Cymbiola deshayesii (Reeve, 1855)
    7. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) flavicans (Gmelin, 1791) represented as Cymbiola flavicans (Gmelin, 1791)
    8. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) hughmorrisoni Bail & Limpus, 1997 represented as Cymbiola hughmorrisoni Bail & Limpus, 1997
    9. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) imperialis ([Lightfoot], 1786) represented as Cymbiola imperialis ([Lightfoot], 1786)
    10. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) innexa (Reeve, 1849) represented as Cymbiola innexa (Reeve, 1849)
    11. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) irvinae (E. A. Smith, 1909) represented as Cymbiola irvinae (E. A. Smith, 1909)
    12. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) magnifica (Gebauer, 1802) represented as Cymbiola magnifica (Gebauer, 1802)
    13. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) malayensis Douté & Bail, 2000 represented as Cymbiola malayensis Douté & Bail, 2000
    14. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) mariaemma (J. E. Gray, 1858) represented as Cymbiola mariaemma (J. E. Gray, 1858)
    15. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) nivosa (Lamarck, 1804) represented as Cymbiola nivosa (Lamarck, 1804)
    16. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) nobilis ([Lightfoot], 1786) represented as Cymbiola nobilis ([Lightfoot], 1786)
    17. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) palawanica Douté & Bail, 2000 represented as Cymbiola palawanica Douté & Bail, 2000
    18. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) rossiniana (Bernardi, 1859) represented as Cymbiola rossiniana (Bernardi, 1859)
    19. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) rutila (Broderip, 1826) represented as Cymbiola rutila (Broderip, 1826)
    20. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) scottjordani Poppe & Tagaro, 2005 represented as Cymbiola scottjordani Poppe & Tagaro, 2005
    21. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) sophia (Gray, 1846) represented as Cymbiola sophia (Gray, 1846)
    22. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiola) vespertilio (Linnaeus, 1758) represented as Cymbiola vespertilio (Linnaeus, 1758)
  51. Subgenus Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) Iredale, 1929 represented as Cymbiola Swainson, 1831
    1. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998 accepted as Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) pulchra excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998 represented as Cymbiola pulchra excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998
    2. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) peristicta McMichael, 1963 accepted as Cymbiola pulchra peristicta McMichael, 1963 (original rank)
    3. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) perplicata (Hedley, 1902) accepted as Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) perplicata (Hedley, 1902) represented as Cymbiola perplicata (Hedley, 1902)
    4. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) thatcheri (McCoy, 1868) accepted as Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) thatcheri (McCoy, 1868) represented as Cymbiola thatcheri (McCoy, 1868)
    5. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) complexa Iredale, 1924 represented as Cymbiola complexa Iredale, 1924
    6. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) cracenta (McMichael, 1963) represented as Cymbiola cracenta (McMichael, 1963)
    7. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) houarti Bail & Limpus, 1998 represented as Cymbiola houarti Bail & Limpus, 1998
    8. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) intruderi (Poppe, 1985) represented as Cymbiola intruderi (Poppe, 1985)
    9. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) moretonensis Bail & Limpus, 1998 represented as Cymbiola moretonensis Bail & Limpus, 1998
    10. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) pulchra (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825) represented as Cymbiola pulchra (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825)
    11. Species Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) subelongata Bail & Limpus, 1998 represented as Cymbiola subelongata Bail & Limpus, 1998
  52. Subgenus Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) Poppe & Tagarao, 2020 represented as Cymbiola Swainson, 1831
    1. Species Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) perplicata (Hedley, 1902) represented as Cymbiola perplicata (Hedley, 1902)
    2. Species Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) thatcheri (McCoy, 1868) represented as Cymbiola thatcheri (McCoy, 1868)
Swainson, W. (1829-1833). Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology, and arranged according to their apparent affinities. Second series. London: Baldwin & Cradock. (Vol. 1-3): pl. 1-30 [1829] pl. 31-45 [1830] pl. 46-85 [1831] pl. 86-96 [1832] pl. 97-136 [1833]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/42278
page(s): pl. 83 [details] 
MolluscaBase eds. (2025). MolluscaBase. Cymbiola Swainson, 1831. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: https://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=382352 on 2025-03-27
2009-02-04 10:57:56Z
2012-07-28 12:32:38Z
2018-03-14 07:29:56Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License


original description Swainson, W. (1829-1833). Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology, and arranged according to their apparent affinities. Second series. London: Baldwin & Cradock. (Vol. 1-3): pl. 1-30 [1829] pl. 31-45 [1830] pl. 46-85 [1831] pl. 86-96 [1832] pl. 97-136 [1833]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/42278
page(s): pl. 83 [details] 

original description (of Cymbiolena Iredale, 1929) Iredale, T. (1929). Mollusca from the continental shelf of eastern Australia. No 2. <em>Records of the Australian Museum.</em> 17(4): 157-189 [4 September 1929]., available online at http://australianmuseum.net.au/journal/Iredale-1929-Rec-Aust-Mus-174-157189
page(s): 181 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

original description (of Scapha J. E. Gray, 1847) Gray, J. E. (1847). A list of the genera of recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> (1847) 15: 129-219. [November 1847]., available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12862913
page(s): 141 [details] 

original description (of Pseudocymbiola McMichael, 1961) McMichael D.F. (1961). New species and new records of marine Mollusca from Australia. <em>Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia.</em> 1(5): 51-57, pls 4-5.
page(s): 54 [details] 

original description (of Volutocorona Pilsbry & Olsson, 1954) Pilsbry, H. A. & Olsson, A. A. (1954). Systems of the Volutidae. <em>Bulletins of American Paleontology.</em> 35(152): 1-36 [271-306], pls 1-4 [25-28]., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/10576508
page(s): 295 [25] [details] 

original description (of Scapha (Aulica) J. E. Gray, 1847) Gray, J. E. (1847). A list of the genera of recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> (1847) 15: 129-219. [November 1847]., available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12862913
page(s): 141 [details] 

original description (of Cymbiolena (Cymbiolacca) Iredale, 1929) Iredale, T. (1929). Mollusca from the continental shelf of eastern Australia. No 2. <em>Records of the Australian Museum.</em> 17(4): 157-189 [4 September 1929]., available online at http://australianmuseum.net.au/journal/Iredale-1929-Rec-Aust-Mus-174-157189
page(s): 181 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

original description (of Cymbiola (Magnavictoria) Poppe & Tagarao, 2020) Poppe, G.T. & Tagaro, S.P. (2020). Description of a new subgenus and three new subspecies in the family Volutidae. <em>Visaya.</em> 5 (4): 5–19.
page(s): 8. [details] 

original description (of Melo (Ausoba) H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853) Adams, H. & Adams, A. (1853-1858). <i>The genera of Recent Mollusca; arranged according to their organization</i>. London, van Voorst. Vol. 1: xl + 484 pp.; vol. 2: 661 pp.; vol. 3: 138 pls. [Published in parts: Vol. 1: i-xl (1858), 1-256 (1853), 257-484 (1854). Vol. 2: 1-92 (1854), 93-284 (1855), 285-412 (1856), 413-540 (1857), 541-661 (1858). Vol. 3: pl. 1-32 (1853), 33-72 (1954), 73-96 (1855), 97-112 (1856), 113-128 (1857), 129-138 (1858)]. , available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3782650
page(s): Vol. 1: 160. [details] 

original description (of Cymbiola (Aulicina) Rovereto, 1899) Rovereto G. (1899). Prime ricerche sinonimiche sui generi dei Gasteropodi. <i>Atti della Società Ligustica di Scienze Naturale e Geografiche, Genova 10</i>: 101-110
page(s): 103 [details] 

basis of record Bail, P.; Poppe, G.T. (2001). A conchological iconography: a taxonomic introduction of the recent Volutidae. <em>ConchBooks, Hackenheim.</em> 30 pp, 5 pl. (updated October 2008 for WoRMS). [details] 

 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 
From editor or global species database
Diagnosis Small to large, with or without shoulder coronation. [details]
