ChaRMS name details

Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) stimpsoni (A. Adams, 1863)

403989  (

 unaccepted > superseded combination
(of ) Adams, A. (1863). On the species of Muricinae found in Japan. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> (1862) 30: 370-376., available online at
page(s): 371-372. [details] 
MolluscaBase eds. (2024). MolluscaBase. Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) stimpsoni (A. Adams, 1863). Accessed through: Xu, K., An, J., Ding, L., Dong, D., Gao, Y., Huang, Y., Jiang, W., Lei, Y., Li, K., Li, X., Li, Y., Liang, X., Lin, G., Lin, M., Liu, H., Liu, J., Liu, W., Liu, X., Lu, D., Ma, Z., Ren, X., Sha, Z., Sun, J., Sun, S., Sun, Z., Tian, L., Wang, D., Wang, J., Wu, X., Xia, B., Xiao, N., Yin, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, E., Zheng, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. & Zhou, K. (2024) Chinese Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-16
Xu, K., An, J., Ding, L., Dong, D., Gao, Y., Huang, Y., Jiang, W., Lei, Y., Li, K., Li, X., Li, Y., Liang, X., Lin, G., Lin, M., Liu, H., Liu, J., Liu, W., Liu, X., Lu, D., Ma, Z., Ren, X., Sha, Z., Sun, J., Sun, S., Sun, Z., Tian, L., Wang, D., Wang, J., Wu, X., Xia, B., Xiao, N., Yin, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, E., Zheng, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. & Zhou, K. (2025). Chinese Register of Marine Species. Pteropurpura (Pteropurpura) stimpsoni (A. Adams, 1863). Accessed at: on 2025-03-16
2009-06-18 17:01:46Z
2010-03-04 15:01:53Z
2012-02-10 22:44:28Z
2013-11-03 08:36:57Z
2024-03-30 10:09:34Z

original description (of ) Adams, A. (1863). On the species of Muricinae found in Japan. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> (1862) 30: 370-376., available online at
page(s): 371-372. [details] 

additional source Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Houart, R. (2011). <i>Ocenebra, Pteropurpura</i>, and <i>Ocinebrellus</i> (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Ocenebrinae) in the northwestern Pacific. <em>American Conchologist.</em> 39 (4): 12-22., available online at [details]