WoRMS source details

Schuchert, P.
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone for Dynamena crisiodes Lamouroux, 1824 
Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone for Dynamena dalmasi (Versluys, 1899) 
Central Atlantic Ocean for Eudendrium islandicum Schuchert, 2000 
Iceland for Abietinaria pulchra (Nutting, 1904) 
Mediterranean Sea for Antennella ansini Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa, 2002 
New Zealand for Podocoryna minima (Trinci, 1903) 
New Zealand for Podocoryna minuta (Mayer, 1900) 
New Zealand part of the South Pacific Ocean for Eleutheria dichotoma Quatrefages, 1842 
North East Atlantic for Antennella ansini Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa, 2002 
North East Atlantic for Coryne fucicola (de Filipi, 1866) 
North East Atlantic for Rosalinda williami Totton, 1949 
Temperate Australasia for Turritopsis rubra (Farquhar, 1895) 

Hydroid colonial on Gastropoda, adult medusa unknown [details]


The gonophores can be released as free swimming medusoids (unpublished observations P. Schuchert). [details]


Likely a synonym of Nemopsis bachei. The species is insufficiently described. [details]


Unrecognisable species, based on a juvenile colony [details]


Calycophorae which develop a temporary larval bract before the larval nectophore, the latter is retained in the ... [details]

 for Actinulida

Very small, medusoid Hydrozoa without polyp phase, living in the sand interstitial, solitary, bell entirely or very ... [details]


Aequoreidae medusae with numerous, unbranched radial canals; subumbrella without rows of gelatinous ... [details]


Physonectae with a biserial arrangement of nectophores in the nectosome, nectophores on the nectosome are budded ... [details]


Physonectae with one or more nectosomal palpons between each pair of nectophores. Nectophore without ridges, deeply ... [details]


Medusa phase reduced, microscopic, creeping within the interstices of coarse sand sediments; umbrella margin with ... [details]


Medusa with simple mouth lips; four or exceptionally eight simple radial canals; perradial tentacles grouped into ... [details]


Siphonophorae without apical pneumatophore, with a nectosome typically formed by one or two nectophores of ... [details]


Calycophorae in which both anterior and posterior nectophores possess a somatocyst. The nectophores are ... [details]


Campanulariidae with free medusa stage. Hydroid generation forming unbranched stoloniferus or branched upright ... [details]


Mitrocomidae medusae with 4 straight radial canals; 8 open statocysts; no marginal cirri; no ocelli. Note: ... [details]


Narcomedusae with perradial and undivided manubrial pouches, with or without peripheral canal system, with ... [details]


Mitrocomidae medusa with 4 long radial canals, each radial canal curved sharply near circular canal and running ... [details]


Siphonophores with a relatively large pneumatophore and without nectosome; pneumatophore with apical pore; siphosome ... [details]


Calycophorae with usually two dissimilar, streamlined definitive nectophores arranged serially; the anterior ... [details]


Medusa manubrium with narrow base; three, four or more radial canals, radial canals either branched or if not so ... [details]


Mitrocomidae medusa with four radial canals; with numerous open marginal vesicles; without ocelli; without marginal ... [details]


Medusa up to 30 mm wide, umbrella nearly hemispherical, middle portion fairly thick. Velum narrow. Peduncle broad, ... [details]


Medusa manubrium small, usually on rather well differentiated gastric peduncle; 4-6 simple radial canals running ... [details]


Physonectae with uncoiled tentilla bearing a hypertrophied cnidoband. Terminal process devoid of cnidocysts. ... [details]


Hydroid colony sometimes stolonal, but mostly with erect branched stem, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza; stem, ... [details]


Long-stemmed Physonectae, the whole stem (nectosome and siphosome) twisted into a spiral, nectophores thus ... [details]


Trachylinae medusae with gastric peduncle; usually four radial canals, sometimes more; with centripetal canals; ... [details]


Body composed a tubular manubrium with a terminal mouth, on aboral end a small cone separated from manubrium by a ... [details]


Hydroid colony usually erect and branching, rarely stolonal, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza; hydrotheca sessile ... [details]


Trachymedusae with wide, circular manubrium; mouth circular, without distinct lips; without peduncle; without ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal or erect branched, hydrotheca campanulate with smooth margin, pedicel present; hydrothecal ... [details]


Calycophorae with biserial arrangement of up to sixteen or more flattened definitive nectophores in varying stages ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal or erect, arising from creeping hydrorhiza; hydrotheca tubular to campanulate, radially or ... [details]


Medusa with marginal cordyli, cordyli with or without nematocysts; with or without marginal cirri; with four or ... [details]


Medusa mostly with 4 or 6 complete radial canals, often also with incomplete centripetal canals not reaching ... [details]


Hydroid colonial, stolonal, growing on an underlying sheet of perisarc; hydrothecae sessile or shortly pedicellate, ... [details]


Medusa manubrium short; no gastric peduncle; no excretory pores; four simple radial canals; marginal tentacles ... [details]


Medusa with umbrella lobed, divided by peronial grooves or similar structures; four radial canals; ring canal ... [details]


Medusa with small manubrium; no gastric peduncle; four to eight, sometimes up to 12 radial canals; gonads completely ... [details]


Medusa with broad manubrium base; eight simple or bifurcated radial canals; marginal tentacles hollow; no cirri, no ... [details]


Microscopic hydroids living in biofilms, resembling polyp stage of some Olindiidae, reduced to a spherical or ... [details]


Medusae without gastric peduncle, with open marginal statocysts; with four, eight or more simple radial canals; ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal, living on bivalve shells; hydrorhiza creeping reticulated or incrusting or both ... [details]


Hydrozoa without polyp stage or only very reduced and modified polyp stage. Meduse with bell composed of a ... [details]


Medusa with eight simple radial canals; eight normal marginal tentacles and16-32 short, club-shaped tentaculae, ... [details]


Australomedusidae medusae with cruciform manubrium, 4 simple lips, no oral tentacles; 8 radial canals; 8 groups of ... [details]


Medusa 1-30 mm, with or without centripetal canals; internal epi-gastrodermal statocysts; unbranched radial ... [details]


Like Hydractinia, but gonozooids completely or nearly so reduced, sporosacs appearing to arise in clusters from ... [details]


Medusa with very short manubrium on large gastric peduncle; mouth with 8-30 sinuous or crenulated folds; eight or ... [details]


Umbrella much reduced and fused to manubrium so that tentacles and statocysts are arranged around oral end of ... [details]


Trachymedusae with four radial canals; no peduncle and centripetal canals; manubrium well developed; four sac-like ... [details]


Medusa with small small manubrium; no gastric peduncle; four radial canals; gonads on radial canals, separated from ... [details]


Medusa with small manubrium; no peduncle; four simple radial canals; gonads on radial canals, completely surrounding ... [details]


Cystonectae with a horizontal pneumatophore.  [details]


Siphonophorae with an apical pneumatophore and beneath it, a series of nectophores (swimming bells), except in the ... [details]


Physonect siphonophores with a vertical nectosome, nectophores budded off on ventral side of stem, with complexly ... [details]


Hydroid colonies erect, branched or not, stems mono- or polysiphonic; hydrothecae always uniseriate, sessile, and ... [details]


Calycophorae with relatively large and usually rounded nectophores, containing large quantities of mesogloea; the ... [details]


Trachymedusae with either simple manubrium without mesenteries, or with eight-lobed manubrium fixed by eight ... [details]


Laodiceidae medusae with large, prismatic manubrium, 4 radial canals connected to stomach via a large, ... [details]


Physonectae with two forms of tentilla on the same tentacle; the more proximal one with a spirally coiled cnidoband, ... [details]


Cystonectae with an apical, vertical pneumatophore. [details]


Physonectae with nectosome and siphosome contracted to form a globular complex below the enlarged pneumatophore. ... [details]


Trachymedusae with a small manubrium; with or without peduncle; no centripetal canals; usually eight radial canals, ... [details]


Narcomedusae without manubrial pouches; with or without peripheral canal system; gonads develop as thickenings or ... [details]


Calycophorae with a single spherical nectophore of larval origin. [details]


Narcomedusae without bell, worm-like, body divided by groove into aboral and oral halves, along groove four ... [details]


Medusa bell hemispherical to higher than broad, margin not lobed, with ring of thickened tissue studded with ... [details]


Australomedusidae medusae with cruciform manubrium with 4 simple lips; 4 radial canals; 4 groups of marginal ... [details]


[Machine translated and adapted from original source]: Bell diameter 4 -5 mm, umbrella hemispherical, top of the ... [details]


The Mediterranean records for Aselomaris michaeli are likely referrable to A. arenosa. This has to be studied further. [details]


Mediterranean distribution record unpublished? It is quite unlikely for this cold water species to appear in the ... [details]


The Mediterranean records are improbable to erroneous [details]


Species occurs in temperate waters [details]


North-Eastern Atlantic, absent from the North Sea, Baltic Sea,Mediterranean and Black Sea. The northernmost record ... [details]


This species does not occur in the European fauna [details]


This is an arctic species and it is thus very unlikely to be present in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean record ... [details]


This species has been reported from Lebanon. [details]


This species does not occur in the European fauna, it is an American species [details]


This species does not occur in the European fauna. It is not a dubious species. [details]


This species is not present in the Mediterranean. [details]


The Meditarranean distribution is probably erroneous, as this is an Indo-Pacific species. [details]


This species was originally based on animals observed in European waters, thus all records as an introduced species ... [details]


Mediterranean records are incorrect, Atlantic records refer to M. hargitti. [details]


Distribution of this species in the Mediterranean is unrealistic and quite unlikely for this arctic species [details]


The distribution record of this species in the Mediterranean Sea is probably erroneous [details]


This is a Pacific species, European records could not be found [details]


This species has been reported repeatedly from the Mediterranean by Goy, although in fact this may be another species. [details]


The Mediterranean distribution is unlikely, as the northern limit of this species is France [details]


The European records of this species (Broch) have beel relegated to S. bathyalis. The distribution for S. ... [details]


There are probably no credible records for the Mediterranean [details]


Turritopsis nutricula is likely not present along the European coasts; all well documented cases belong either to ... [details]


The grammatical root for the formation of the family name based on the genus name Orchistoma is "stomat-", not ... [details]


The grammatical root for the formation of the family name based on the genus name Orchistoma is "stomat-", not ... [details]


In the original paper describing this species, the name was given as Sigiwedellia bathypelagica in the abstract. ... [details]


This is perhaps a form of Craspedacusta, see Holstein (1995). The generic name Calpasoma is neuter (ICZN Art. ... [details]


The correct family name formation would be Halicreadidae according to § 29.3 of the ICZN. However, as explained ... [details]


The original spelling of Hartlaub was Helgicirrha schulzii, which is a correct formation based on the genitiv of ... [details]


THe original spelling brachiatum must be used, although the ending -oides of the genus is masculine gender (ICZN § ... [details]


Romanes usae of Tiarops might have been a misspelling for Tiaropsis Agassiz, 1849. The name should not be regarded ... [details]