WoRMS Taxon list
Search for 'Bathytroctes' returned 34 matching records.
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- Bathytroctes Günther, 1878
- Bathytroctes aequatoris Goode & Bean, 1896 accepted as Rouleina attrita (Vaillant, 1888)
- Bathytroctes alvifrons Garman, 1899 accepted as Bathytroctes macrolepis Günther, 1887
- Bathytroctes antillarum Goode & Bean, 1896 accepted as Talismania antillarum (Goode & Bean, 1896)
- Bathytroctes antipodiana Parrott, 1948 accepted as Alepocephalus antipodianus (Parrott, 1948)
- Bathytroctes antipodianua Parrott, 1948 accepted as Alepocephalus antipodianus (Parrott, 1948)
- Bathytroctes antipodianus Parrott, 1948 accepted as Alepocephalus antipodianus (Parrott, 1948)
- Bathytroctes attritus Vaillant, 1888 accepted as Rouleina attrita (Vaillant, 1888)
- Bathytroctes breviceps Sazonov, 1999
- Bathytroctes calcaratus Weber, 1913 accepted as Bajacalifornia calcarata (Weber, 1913)
- Bathytroctes curvifrons Roule & Angel, 1931 accepted as Barbantus curvifrons (Roule & Angel, 1931)
- Bathytroctes danae Parr, 1951 accepted as Bathytroctes microlepis Günther, 1878
- Bathytroctes drakei Beebe, 1929 accepted as Bajacalifornia megalops (Lütken, 1898)
- Bathytroctes elegans Sazonov & Ivanov, 1979
- Bathytroctes grimaldii Zugmayer, 1911 accepted as Bathytroctes microlepis Günther, 1878
- Bathytroctes homopterus Vaillant, 1888 accepted as Talismania homoptera (Vaillant, 1888)
- Bathytroctes innesi Fowler, 1934 accepted as Holtbyrnia innesi (Fowler, 1934)
- Bathytroctes inspector Garman, 1899
- Bathytroctes koefoedi Parr, 1951 accepted as Bathytroctes macrolepis Günther, 1887
- Bathytroctes kopua Phillipps, 1942 accepted as Persparsia kopua (Phillipps, 1942)
- Bathytroctes longifilis Brauer, 1902 accepted as Talismania longifilis (Brauer, 1902)
- Bathytroctes macrognathus Sazonov, 1999
- Bathytroctes macrolepis Günther, 1887
- Bathytroctes melanocephalus Vaillant, 1888 accepted as Holtbyrnia melanocephala (Vaillant, 1888)
- Bathytroctes michaelsarsi Koefoed, 1927
- Bathytroctes microlepis Günther, 1878
- Bathytroctes mollis Köhler, 1896 accepted as Rouleina attrita (Vaillant, 1888)
- Bathytroctes nasutus Koefoed, 1927 accepted as Rinoctes nasutus (Koefoed, 1927)
- Bathytroctes oligolepis (Krefft, 1970)
- Bathytroctes pappenheimi (Fowler, 1934)
- Bathytroctes rostratus Günther, 1878 accepted as Mentodus rostratus (Günther, 1878)
- Bathytroctes squamosus Alcock, 1890
- Bathytroctes stomias Gilbert, 1890 accepted as Narcetes stomias (Gilbert, 1890)
- Bathytroctes zugmayeri Fowler, 1934