WoRMS Taxon list
Search for 'Lunella' returned 38 matching records.
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- Lunella P. Snoeijs, 1996
- Lunella Röding, 1798
- Lunella (Lunella) Röding, 1798 represented as Lunella Röding, 1798
- Lunella (Ninella) Gray, 1850 represented as Lunella Röding, 1798
- Lunella (Ninella) torquata (Gmelin, 1791) accepted as Lunella torquata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella (Subninella) Thiele, 1929 represented as Lunella Röding, 1798
- Lunella (Subninella) undulata ([Lightfoot], 1786) represented as Lunella undulata ([Lightfoot], 1786)
- Lunella anomala Röding, 1798 accepted as Turbo cidaris cidaris Gmelin, 1791
- Lunella bisecta P.Snoeijs, 1996 (uncertain > unassessed)
- Lunella cinerea (Born, 1778)
- Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella coronata coronata (Gmelin, 1791) accepted as Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella coronata correensis (Récluz, 1853) accepted as Lunella correensis (Récluz, 1853)
- Lunella correensis (Récluz, 1853)
- Lunella excentrica C.L.Graeff, J.P.Kociolek & S.R.Rushford, 2013
- Lunella garyae A.Ulanova & P.Snoeijs, 2006 (uncertain > unassessed)
- Lunella ghalebii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin, 2000 (uncertain > unassessed)
- Lunella grangensis (Pritchard, 1906) †
- Lunella granulata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella jungi (K.-Y. Lai, 2006)
- Lunella kurodai Itoigawa, 1955 †
- Lunella miyarensis MacNeil, 1964 †
- Lunella moniliformis Röding, 1798 accepted as Lunella granulata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella ogasawarana T. Nakano, Takahashi & Ozawa, 2007
- Lunella ozawai (Otuka, 1938) † accepted as Turbo ozawai Otuka, 1938 †
- Lunella picta Röding, 1798 accepted as Lunella cinerea (Born, 1778)
- Lunella smaragda [sic] accepted as Lunella smaragdus (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella smaragdus (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella torquata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella undulata ([Lightfoot], 1786)
- Lunella viridana Röding, 1798 accepted as Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Lunella viridicallus Jousseaume, 1898
- Turbo (Lunella) Röding, 1798 accepted as Lunella Röding, 1798
- Turbo (Lunella) coronatus Gmelin, 1791 accepted as Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Turbo (Lunella) coronatus coreensis (Récluz, 1853) accepted as Lunella correensis (Récluz, 1853)
- Turbo (Lunella) moniliformis (Röding, 1798) represented as Lunella moniliformis Röding, 1798 accepted as Lunella granulata (Gmelin, 1791)
- Turbo (Lunella) ozawai Otuka, 1938 † accepted as Turbo (Marmarostoma) ozawai Otuka, 1938 † represented as Turbo ozawai Otuka, 1938 †
- Turbo (Lunella) radina W. H. Webster, 1905 accepted as Lunella smaragda [sic] accepted as Lunella smaragdus (Gmelin, 1791)