AfReMaS name details
Pavona lata (Dana, 1846)
207298 (
unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
marine, fresh, terrestrial
(of ) Dana, J.D. (1846-1849). Zoophytes. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842. <em>Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia.</em> 7: 1-740, 61 pls. (1846: 1-120, 709-720; 1848: 121-708, 721-740; 1849: atlas pls. 1-61)., available online at [details] 
Hoeksema, B. W.; Cairns, S. (2024). World List of Scleractinia. Pavona lata (Dana, 1846). Accessed through: Odido, M.; Appeltans, W.; BelHassen, M.; Mussai, P.; Nsiangango, S.E.; Vandepitte, L.; Wambiji, N.; Zamouri, N. Jiddou, A.M. (Eds) (2024) African Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-12
Odido, M.; Appeltans, W.; BelHassen, M.; Mussai, P.; Nsiangango, S.E.; Vandepitte, L.; Wambiji, N.; Zamouri, N. Jiddou, A.M. (Eds) (2025). African Register of Marine Species. Pavona lata (Dana, 1846). Accessed at: on 2025-03-12
original description
(of ) Dana, J.D. (1846-1849). Zoophytes. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842. <em>Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia.</em> 7: 1-740, 61 pls. (1846: 1-120, 709-720; 1848: 121-708, 721-740; 1849: atlas pls. 1-61)., available online at [details] 
context source (Hexacorallia) Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Sheppard CRC. (1987). Coral species of the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas: a synonymised compilation and some regional distribution patterns. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 307: 1-32., available online at http:// [details]
additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (1999). Appendix: List of extant stony corals. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 459: 13-46.
page(s): 18 [details]
additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (2007). as a contribution to UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Nemenzo, F. (1955). Systematic studies on Philippine shallow water scleractinians: I. Suborder Fungiida. <em>Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, University of the Philippines.</em> 15: 3-84.
page(s): 5, 12, 15-16 [details]
additional source van der Horst, C.J. (1921). The Madreporaria of the Siboga expedition: 2. Madreporaria Fungida. Siboga-Expeditie: uitkomsten op zoölogisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899-1900 aan boord H.M. Siboga onder commando van Luitenant ter Zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydeman, XVIb. E.J. Brill: Leiden. 53-98, plates I-VI pp. (look up in IMIS)
page(s): 3, 22, 45-46 [details]
additional source Vaughan TW. (1907). Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. <em>US National Museum Bulletin.</em> 59 (9): 1-427., available online at
page(s): 136, 421, 424 [details]
additional source Kitahara, M.V., J. Stolarski, S.D. Cairns, F. Benzoni, J.L. Stake & D.J. Miller. (2012). The first modern solitary Agariciidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) revealed by molecular and microstructural analysis. <em>Invertebrate Systematics.</em> 26 (3): 303-315., available online at
page(s): 314 [details] Available for editors
additional source Pillai CSG. (1972). Stony corals of the seas around India. <em>Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Corals and Coral Reefs, 1969. Marine Biological Association of India Symposium.</em> 5: 191-216.
page(s): 201 [details]
source of synonymy Veron JEN, Pichon M. (1980). Scleractinia of Eastern Australia – Part III. Family Agariciidae, Siderastreidae, Fungiidae, Oculinidae, Merulinidae, Mussidae, Pectinidae, Caryophyllidae, Dendrophylliidae. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science Monograph Series.</em> 4: 1-459. [details]
context source (Hexacorallia) Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Sheppard CRC. (1987). Coral species of the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas: a synonymised compilation and some regional distribution patterns. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 307: 1-32., available online at http:// [details]
additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (1999). Appendix: List of extant stony corals. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 459: 13-46.
page(s): 18 [details]
additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (2007). as a contribution to UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Nemenzo, F. (1955). Systematic studies on Philippine shallow water scleractinians: I. Suborder Fungiida. <em>Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, University of the Philippines.</em> 15: 3-84.
page(s): 5, 12, 15-16 [details]
additional source van der Horst, C.J. (1921). The Madreporaria of the Siboga expedition: 2. Madreporaria Fungida. Siboga-Expeditie: uitkomsten op zoölogisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899-1900 aan boord H.M. Siboga onder commando van Luitenant ter Zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydeman, XVIb. E.J. Brill: Leiden. 53-98, plates I-VI pp. (look up in IMIS)
page(s): 3, 22, 45-46 [details]
additional source Vaughan TW. (1907). Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. <em>US National Museum Bulletin.</em> 59 (9): 1-427., available online at
page(s): 136, 421, 424 [details]
additional source Kitahara, M.V., J. Stolarski, S.D. Cairns, F. Benzoni, J.L. Stake & D.J. Miller. (2012). The first modern solitary Agariciidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) revealed by molecular and microstructural analysis. <em>Invertebrate Systematics.</em> 26 (3): 303-315., available online at
page(s): 314 [details] Available for editors

additional source Pillai CSG. (1972). Stony corals of the seas around India. <em>Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Corals and Coral Reefs, 1969. Marine Biological Association of India Symposium.</em> 5: 191-216.
page(s): 201 [details]
source of synonymy Veron JEN, Pichon M. (1980). Scleractinia of Eastern Australia – Part III. Family Agariciidae, Siderastreidae, Fungiidae, Oculinidae, Merulinidae, Mussidae, Pectinidae, Caryophyllidae, Dendrophylliidae. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science Monograph Series.</em> 4: 1-459. [details]