AfReMaS taxon details

Leptoria phrygia (Ellis & Solander, 1786)

207477  (

Leptoria gracilis (Dana, 1846) · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
marine, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
(of ) Ellis, J.; Solander, D. (1786). The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the Globe. Systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel Solander. 4.(Benjamin White & Son: London): 1-206, pls 1-63., available online at [details] OpenAccess publication
Hoeksema, B. W.; Cairns, S. (2024). World List of Scleractinia. Leptoria phrygia (Ellis & Solander, 1786). Accessed through: Odido, M.; Appeltans, W.; BelHassen, M.; Mussai, P.; Nsiangango, S.E.; Vandepitte, L.; Wambiji, N.; Zamouri, N. Jiddou, A.M. (Eds) (2024) African Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-12
Odido, M.; Appeltans, W.; BelHassen, M.; Mussai, P.; Nsiangango, S.E.; Vandepitte, L.; Wambiji, N.; Zamouri, N. Jiddou, A.M. (Eds) (2025). African Register of Marine Species. Leptoria phrygia (Ellis & Solander, 1786). Accessed at: on 2025-03-12
1997-01-31 16:37:49Z
2000-07-18 15:57:33Z
2008-01-16 10:35:54Z
2014-03-16 13:26:33Z
2021-04-28 05:39:27Z
2022-05-15 06:23:49Z

original description (of ) Ellis, J.; Solander, D. (1786). The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the Globe. Systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel Solander. 4.(Benjamin White & Son: London): 1-206, pls 1-63., available online at [details] OpenAccess publication

context source (Hexacorallia) Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

basis of record Veron JEN. (1986). Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. <em>Angus & Robertson Publishers.</em> [details] 

additional source Veron JEN, Pichon M, Wijsman-Best M. (1977). Scleractinia of Eastern Australia – Part II. Families Faviidae, Trachyphylliidae. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science Monograph series.</em> 3: 1-233. [details] 

additional source Dunn, D.F., 1970. Some observations on marine life at Pulau Aur, Johore. Malay. Nat. J. 23 : 158-167.
page(s): 162 [details] 

additional source Dawson EW. (1992). The Coelenterata of the New Zealand region: a handlist for curators, students and ecologists. <em>Occasional papers of the Hutton Foundation, New Zealand.</em> 1: 1-68.
page(s): 48 [details] 

additional source Hoffmeister, J.E. (1925). Some corals from America Samoa and the Fiji Islands. <em>Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.</em> 22: 1-90, pls. 1-23.
page(s): 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 27-28, Pl. 2, figs. 1a, 1b [details] 

additional source Vaughan TW. (1918). Some shallow-water corals from Murray Island (Australia), Cocos-Keeling Island, and Fanning Island. <em>Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.</em> 9 (213): 49-234, pls. 20-93. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (1999). Appendix: List of extant stony corals. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 459: 13-46.
page(s): 29 [details] 

additional source Randall RH. (2003). An annotated checklist of hydrozoan and scleractinian corals collected from Guam and other Mariana Islands. <em>Micronesica.</em> 35-36: 121-137.
page(s): 133 [details] 

additional source Cairns, S.D., B.W. Hoeksema & J. van der Land. (2007). as a contribution to UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Veron JEN. (2000). Corals of the World. Vol. 1–3. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science and CRR, Queensland, Australia.</em> [details] 

additional source Scheer G, Pillai CSG. (1974). Report on Scleractinia from the Nicobar Islands. <em>Zoologica, Stuttgart.</em> 42(122): 1-75.
page(s): 9, 52, 75 [details] 

additional source Nemenzo, F. (1971). Systematic studies on Philippine shallow-water scleractinians: VII. Additional forms. <em>Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, University of the Philippines.</em> 23: 141-209.
page(s): 143, 166 [details] 

additional source Yabe H, Sugiyama T. (1935). Revised list of the reef-corals from the Japanese seas and of the fossil reef corals of the raised reefs and the Ryukyu limestone of Japan. <em>Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.</em> 42: 379-403.
page(s): 384, 386, 388, 390, 391, 394 [details] 

additional source Cairns, S.D., L. Gershwin, F.J. Brook, P. Pugh, E.W. Dawson, O.V.; Ocaña, W. Vervoort, G. Williams, J.E. Watson, D.M. Opresko, P. Schuchert, P.M. Hine, D.P. Gordon, H.I. Campbell, A.J. Wright, J.A.Sánchez & D.G. Fautin. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria: corals, medusae, hydroids, myxozoans. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia.</em> pp. 59-101., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Pillai CSG, Scheer G (1976) Report on the stony corals from the Maldive Archipelago. Results of the Xarifa Expedition 1957/58. Zoologica, Stuttgart 43 (126): 1-83, pls. 1-32. [details] 

additional source Crossland C (1952) Madreporaria, Hydrocorallinae, Heliopora and Tubipora. Scientific Report Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29 VI(3): 85-257.
page(s): 91 [details] 

additional source Bassett-Smith, P.W. (1890). Report on the corals from Tizard and Macclesfield Banks, China Sea. <em>Annals and Magazine of Natural History,.</em> 6(35): 353-374, 443-458, pls. 12-14., available online at
page(s): 358, 370 [details] 

additional source Chevalier JP. (1975). Les Scléractiniaires de la Mélanésie Française (Nouvelle-Caledonie, Iles Chesterfield, Iles Loyauté, Nouvelles Hébrides). II. Expedition Française sur les Récifs Coralliens Nouv.-Calédonie. 7: 1-407, pls. 1-42. Paris. [details] 

additional source Wijsman-Best M (1976) Biological results of the Snellius expedition: XXVII. Faviidae collected by the Snellius Expedition. II. The genera Favites, Goniastrea, Platygyra, Oulophyllia, Leptoria, Hydnophora and Caulastrea. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 50: 45-63. [details] 

additional source Wijsman-Best M (1972) Systematics and ecology of New Caledonian Faviinae (Coelenterata–Scleractinia). Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 42: 3-90. [details] 

additional source Pichon, M.; Benzoni, F. (2007). Taxonomic re-appraisal of zooxanthellate Scleractinian Corals in the Maldive Archipelago. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 1441: 21–33.
page(s): 32 [details] 

additional source Huang D, Benzoni F, Fukami H, Knowlton N, Smith ND, Budd AF (2014) Taxonomic classification of the reef coral families Merulinidae, Montastraeidae, and Diploastraeidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 277–355., available online at [details] 

additional source Matthai G (1924) Report on the madreporarian corals in the collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Memoirs of the Indian Museum 8: 1-59. [details] 

additional source Faustino LA. (1927). Recent Madreporaria of the Philippine Islands. <em>Bureau of Science Manila Monograph.</em> 22: 1-310, pls. 1-100.
page(s): 13, 37, 40, 142 [details] 

additional source Veron JEN, Marsh LM. (1988). Hermatypic corals of Western Australia : records and annotated species list. <em>Records Western Australian Museum Supplement.</em> 29: 1-136., available online at
page(s): 30, 109 [details] 

additional source Pillai CSG. (1972). Stony corals of the seas around India. <em>Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Corals and Coral Reefs, 1969. Marine Biological Association of India Symposium.</em> 5: 191-216.
page(s): 207 [details] 

additional source Boshoff, P.H. (1981). An annotated checklist of Southern Africa Scleractinia. <em>Oceanographic Research Institute Investigational Report, Durban.</em> 49: 1-45.
page(s): 33 [details] 

additional source Randall RH, Myers RF. (1983). The corals. Guide to the Coastal Resources of Guam: Vol. 2. <em>University of Guam Press, Guam, pp. 128.</em> [details] 

additional source Khalil HM, Fathy MS, Al Sawy SM. (2021). Quaternary corals (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) from the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Red Sea Coast. <em>Geological Journal.</em> , available online at [details] 

additional source Veron, J. E. N. (2000). Corals of the World, Volume III: Families Mussidae, Faviidae, Trachyphylliidae, Poritidae. Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville., volume 3, pp. 490.
page(s): 204-205 [details] 

additional source Maragos, J. E.; Molina, M.; Kenyon, J. (2004). Palmyra Atoll coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000-2002, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2000-2001, and Sette 2004 surveys [Table 8]. UNPUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED [details] 

additional source Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1849). Recherches sur les polypiers, quatrième mémoire. Monographie des astréides (1). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 11, 3, 265-298
page(s): 292 [details] 

additional source Wells JW. (1954). Recent corals of the Marshall Islands: Bikini and nearby atolls, part 2, oceanography (biologic). <em>U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper.</em> 260(I): 385-486.
page(s): 394 [details] 

additional source Pillai CSG. (1983). Structure and generic diversity of recent Scleractinia of India. <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India.</em> 25, 1-2, 78-90.
page(s): 87 [details] 

additional source Sheppard, C. R. C. (1985). Fringing reefs in the southern region, Jeddah to Jizan. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 7, 37-58
page(s): 45 [details] 

additional source Kühlmann, D. H. H. (2006). Die Steinkorallensammlung im Naturhistorischen Museum in Rudolstadt (Thüringen) nebst ökologischen Bemerkungen. Rudolstädter Naturhistorische Schriften, 13, 37-113
page(s): 44 [details] 

additional source Wallace, C. C.; Fellegara, I.; Muir, P. R.; Harrison, P. L. (2009). The scleractinian corals of Moreton Bay, eastern Australia: high latitude, marginal assemblages with increasing species richness. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 54, 2
page(s): 10 [details] 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 



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