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De Broyer, C.; Lowry, J.K.; Jazdzewski, K. & Robert, H. (2007). Catalogue of the Gammaridean and Corophiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean, with distribution and ecological data. In: De Broyer C. (ed.). Census of Antarctic Marine Life: Synopsis of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean. Vol. I. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Biologie. 77, suppl. 1: 1-325.
De Broyer, C.; Lowry, J.K.; Jazdzewski, K. & Robert, H.
Catalogue of the Gammaridean and Corophiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean, with distribution and ecological data. In: De Broyer C. (ed.). Census of Antarctic Marine Life: Synopsis of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean. Vol. I
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Biologie
77, suppl. 1: 1-325
Southern Ocean: Antarctic and Subantarctic marine regions together (= E+W+S+M(+T))
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2013-01-30 10:35:20Z

Acanthonotozomatidae Stebbing, 1906 (additional source)
Adeliella Nicholls, 1938 (basis of record)
Aeginellidae Leach, 1814 accepted as Caprellidae Leach, 1814 (additional source)
Amaryllididae Lowry & Stoddart, 2002 (basis of record)
Amathillopsidae Pirlot, 1934 (additional source)
Ampelisca Krøyer, 1842 (additional source)
Ampeliscidae Krøyer, 1842 (additional source)
Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926 (basis of record)
Amphilochidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Amphilochus Spence Bate, 1863 (additional source)
Amphipoda (additional source)
Ampithoidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Andaniexinae Berge & Vader, 2001 (basis of record)
Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906 (additional source)
Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897 (additional source)
Aora anomala Schellenberg, 1926 (basis of record)
Aora kergueleni Stebbing, 1888 (basis of record)
Aoridae Stebbing, 1899 (additional source)
Apohyale grandicornis (Krøyer, 1845) (basis of record)
Aristias Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Aristiidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (basis of record)
Atylidae Lilljeborg, 1865 (basis of record)
Atylus Leach, 1815 (additional source)
Austropleustinae Bousfield & Hendrycks, 1994 (basis of record)
Biancolinidae J.L. Barnard, 1972 accepted as Ampithoidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Bogidiellidae Hertzog, 1936 (additional source)
Byblis Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Calliopiidae G.O. Sars, 1893 (basis of record)
Caprella ungulina Mayer, 1903 (basis of record)
Caprellidae Leach, 1814 (additional source)
Cheluridae Allman, 1847 (additional source)
Colomastigidae Chevreux, 1899 (additional source)
Colomastix Grube, 1861 (additional source)
Corophiidae Leach, 1814 (additional source)
Cyamus balaenopterae K.H. Barnard, 1931 accepted as Balaenocyamus balaenopterae (K.H. Barnard, 1931) (basis of record)
Cyamus gracilis Roussel de Vauzème, 1834 (basis of record)
Cyamus ovalis Roussel de Vauzème, 1834 (basis of record)
Cyphocarididae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (basis of record)
Cyproideidae J.L. Barnard, 1974 (basis of record)
Dexaminidae Leach, 1814 (additional source)
Didymocheliidae Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1987 (basis of record)
Dikwa Griffiths, 1974 (additional source)
Dikwidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991 (basis of record)
Dogielinotidae Gurjanova, 1953 (basis of record)
Endevouridae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (additional source)
Epimeria A. Costa in Hope, 1851 (additional source)
Epimeriidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Eurytheneidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2004 (additional source)
Eurythenes S.I. Smith in Scudder, 1882 (additional source)
Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888 (additional source)
Eusiroidea Bousfield, 1979 accepted as Eusiroidea Stebbing, 1888 (basis of record)
Eusiroides Stebbing, 1888 (additional source)
Eusirus Krøyer, 1845 (additional source)
Exoedicerotidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982 (basis of record)
Gammarida (additional source)
Gammaridae Latreille, 1802 (additional source)
Gitanopsis G.O. Sars, 1892 (additional source)
Hadziidae S. Karaman, 1943 (basis of record)
Hippomedon Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Hyalidae Bulyčeva, 1957 (additional source)
Iphimedia Rathke, 1843 (additional source)
Iphimediidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Isaeidae Dana, 1852 (additional source)
Ischyroceridae Stebbing, 1899 (additional source)
Kerguelenia antiborealis Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1987 (basis of record)
Lepechinellidae Schellenberg, 1926 (additional source)
Lepidepecreum Spence Bate & Westwood, 1868 (additional source)
Leucothoe spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789) (additional source)
Leucothoidae Dana, 1852 (additional source)
Liljeborgia dubia (Haswell, 1880) (additional source)
Liljeborgia proxima Chevreux, 1907 (basis of record)
Liljeborgia pseudomacronyx Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1987 (basis of record)
Liljeborgiidae Stebbing, 1899 (additional source)
Lysianassidae Dana, 1849 (additional source)
Lysianassoidea Dana, 1849 (additional source)
Megaluropidae Thomas & Barnard, 1986 (additional source)
Melitidae Bousfield, 1973 (additional source)
Melphidippidae Stebbing, 1899 (additional source)
Notopoma Lowry & Berents, 1996 (basis of record)
Ochlesidae Stebbing, 1910 (basis of record)
Oediceroides cinderella Stebbing, 1888 (basis of record)
Oedicerotidae Lilljeborg, 1865 (additional source)
Orchomenella Sars, 1890 (additional source)
Orchomenella (Orchomenopsis) (G.O. Sars, 1891) represented as Orchomenella Sars, 1890 (basis of record)
Orchomenella (Orchomenopsis) chilensis (Heller, 1865) represented as Orchomenella chilensis (Heller, 1865) (basis of record)
Paradexamine Stebbing, 1899 (basis of record)
Paralysianopsis Schellenberg, 1931 (additional source)
Paramoera Miers, 1875 (basis of record)
Parandania boecki (Stebbing, 1888) (additional source)
Parandania gigantea (Stebbing, 1883) (basis of record)
Parandaniexis Schellenberg, 1929 (basis of record)
Parandaniinae Berge & Vader, 2001 (basis of record)
Parapherusa Stebbing, 1906 (basis of record)
Parapherusa crassipes (Haswell, 1879) (basis of record)
Pardaliscidae Boeck, 1871 (additional source)
Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899 (additional source)
Phoxocephalidae G.O. Sars, 1891 (additional source)
Platyischnopidae Barnard & Drummond, 1979 (basis of record)
Pleustidae Buchholz, 1874 (additional source)
Podoceridae Leach, 1814 (additional source)