WoRMS source details

Beu, A. G. (2011). Marine Molluscs of oxygen isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand. Part 4. Gastropoda (Ptenoglossa, Neogastropoda, Heterobranchia). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 41: 1-153.
10.1080/03036758.2011.548763 [view]
Beu, A. G.
Marine Molluscs of oxygen isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand. Part 4
Gastropoda (Ptenoglossa, Neogastropoda, Heterobranchia). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
41: 1-153
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2013-01-20 19:13:36Z
2019-03-12 16:45:26Z
2024-08-17 19:23:22Z

Acirsa cookiana (Dell, 1956) (additional source)
Acirsa oamarutica (Suter, 1917) † (basis of record)
Aeneator (Aeneator) delicatulus A. W. B. Powell, 1929 † accepted as Aeneator delicatulus A. W. B. Powell, 1929 † (basis of record)
Aeneator (Aeneator) marshalli marshalli (Murdoch, 1924) accepted as Aeneator marshalli marshalli (Murdoch, 1924) (additional source)
Agnewia Tenison Woods, 1878 (additional source)
Agnewia kempae A. W. B. Powell, 1934 † (basis of record)
Agnewia tritoniformis (Blainville, 1832) (additional source)
Amalda (Baryspira) olsoni Beu, 1970 † represented as Amalda olsoni Beu, 1970 † (basis of record)
Anomalotomella A. W. B. Powell, 1966 accepted as Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) A. W. B. Powell, 1966 represented as Pleurotomella A. E. Verrill, 1872 (source of synonymy)
Antiguraleus A. W. B. Powell, 1942 (additional source)
Antiguraleus depressispirus (Beu, 1969) † accepted as Antiguraleus ula (R. B. Watson, 1881) accepted as Asperdaphne ula (R. B. Watson, 1881) (source of synonymy)
Antiguraleus ula (R. B. Watson, 1881) accepted as Asperdaphne ula (R. B. Watson, 1881) (basis of record)
Antimelatoma buchanani (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (additional source)
Antimelatoma buchanani maorum (E. A. Smith, 1877) accepted as Antimelatoma buchanani (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Antimelatoma waimea Beu, 2011 † (original description)
Antizafra cancellaria (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † (basis of record)
Antizafra pisanopsis (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † (basis of record)
Aoteadrillia alpha (L. C. King, 1933) † accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Aoteadrillia apicarinata (P. Marshall & Murdoch, 1923) † (basis of record)
Aoteadrillia chordata (Suter, 1908) accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Aoteadrillia finlayi A. W. B. Powell, 1942 (additional source)
Aoteadrillia thomsoni A. W. B. Powell, 1942 † accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Aoteadrillia trifida A. W. B. Powell, 1942 † accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (additional source)
Austrodrillia beta L. C. King, 1933 † accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Austrodrillia gamma L. C. King, 1933 † accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Austrotoma aguayoi (Carcelles, 1953) (status source)
Axymene aucklandicus (E. A. Smith, 1902) (status source)
Axymene traversi (F. W. Hutton, 1873) accepted as Lamellitrophon traversi (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (status source)
Azorilla F. Nordsieck, 1968 accepted as Teretia Norman, 1888 (status source)
Azorilla lottae (A. E. Verrill, 1885) (status source)
Azorilla megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) accepted as Teretia megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) (status source)
Bedeva bartrumi (Marwick, 1948) † (basis of record)
Buccinulum caudatum A. W. B. Powell, 1929 † (basis of record)
Bulla australis A. Férussac, 1822 (additional source)
Bulla quoyii J. E. Gray, 1843 (additional source)
Cirsotrema Mörch, 1852 (additional source)
Cirsotrema (Coroniscala) de Boury, 1909 † represented as Cirsotrema Mörch, 1852 (status source)
Cirsotrema forresti (Dell, 1956) (additional source)
Cirsotrema zelebori (Dunker, 1866) (taxonomy source)
Cominella (Eucominia) elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) represented as Cominella elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) † (additional source)
Cominella (Eucominia) incisa (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † represented as Cominella incisa (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † (basis of record)
Cominella (Eucominia) marlboroughensis A. W. B. Powell, 1946 accepted as Cominella (Eucominia) elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) represented as Cominella elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) † (source of synonymy)
Cominella (Eucominia) onokeana (L. C. King, 1933) † represented as Cominella onokeana (L. C. King, 1933) † (basis of record)
Cominella elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) † (additional source)
Cominella marlboroughensis A. W. B. Powell, 1946 accepted as Cominella elegantula (H. J. Finlay, 1926) † (source of synonymy)
Cryptofusus Beu, 2011 (original description)
Cryptofusus cryptocarinatus (Dell, 1956) (status source)
Cryptofusus otaioensis (H. J. Finlay, 1930) † (basis of record)
Dannevigena Iredale, 1936 accepted as Cirsotrema (Dannevigena) Iredale, 1936 represented as Cirsotrema Mörch, 1852 (source of synonymy)
Drillia chordata Suter, 1908 accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Euthria pangoides (Beu, 1973) † (basis of record)
Fasciolaria decipiens Tate, 1888 † accepted as Pleia decipiens (Tate, 1888) † (source of synonymy)
Fusidaphne Laseron, 1954 accepted as Pleurotomella A. E. Verrill, 1872 (source of synonymy)
Gymnobela gypsata (R. B. Watson, 1881) accepted as Austrobela gypsata (R. B. Watson, 1881) (status source)
Hydatina physis (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Iredalula alticincta (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) (additional source)
Iredalula striata (F. W. Hutton, 1873) † (additional source)
Kuroshioturris angustata (A. W. B. Powell, 1940) (basis of record)
Kuroshioturris putere Beu, 2011 † (original description)
Mitrellatoma angustata (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † (additional source)
Notacirsa Finlay, 1926 accepted as Acirsa Mörch, 1857 (source of synonymy)
Onoketoma Beu, 2011 † (original description)
Onoketoma solitaria (L. C. King, 1933) † (basis of record)
Opalia (Nodiscala) de Boury, 1890 represented as Opalia H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (new combination reference)
Opalia (Nodiscala) nympha (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † represented as Opalia nympha (F. W. Hutton, 1885) † (basis of record)
Opalia (Pliciscala) de Boury, 1887 represented as Opalia H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (new combination reference)
Opalia (Pliciscala) flemingi Beu, 2011 † represented as Opalia flemingi Beu, 2011 † (original description)
Opalia (Rugatiscala) de Boury, 1913 † represented as Opalia H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (status source)
Paracomitas augusta (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) (additional source)
Paracomitas gemmea (Murdoch, 1900) † (basis of record)
Paraguraleus A. W. B. Powell, 1944 (additional source)
Philine tepikia Rudman, 1970 † (basis of record)
Philippia lutea (Lamarck, 1822) (additional source)
Plastiscala Iredale, 1936 accepted as Acirsa Mörch, 1857 (source of synonymy)
Pleurotomella aculeata (W. H. Webster, 1906) (status source)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley, 1915) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley, 1922) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella balcombensis (A. W. B. Powell, 1944) † accepted as Asperdaphne balcombensis A. W. B. Powell, 1944 † (basis of record)
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas, 1877) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto, 1983) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron, 1954) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley, 1922) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella chapplei (A. W. B. Powell, 1944) † accepted as Daphnella cuspidata (Chapple, 1941) † (basis of record)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley, 1922) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella contigua (A. W. B. Powell, 1944) † accepted as Asperdaphne contigua A. W. B. Powell, 1944 † (basis of record)
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple, 1934) † (basis of record)
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell, 1956) (status source)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas, 1871) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron, 1954) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron, 1954) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron, 1954) (basis of record)
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby III, 1896) (basis of record)
Ponderia zealandica (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (additional source)
Propebela decepta (A. W. B. Powell, 1942) † accepted as Antiguraleus deceptus A. W. B. Powell, 1942 † (basis of record)
Pseudoacirsa de Boury, 1909 accepted as Acirsa Mörch, 1857 (source of synonymy)
Surcula castlecliffensis P. Marshall & Murdoch, 1919 † accepted as Paracomitas gemmea (Murdoch, 1900) † (source of synonymy)
Tasmadaphne Laseron, 1954 accepted as Pleurotomella A. E. Verrill, 1872 (source of synonymy)
Xymene coctor Marwick, 1948 † (basis of record)
Xymene drewi (F. W. Hutton, 1882) † accepted as Xymene expansus (F. W. Hutton, 1882) † (basis of record)
Victoria (Australian state) for Asperdaphne balcombensis A. W. B. Powell, 1944 † 
Victoria (Australian state) for Asperdaphne contigua A. W. B. Powell, 1944 † 
Victoria (Australian state) for Daphnella chapplei A. W. B. Powell, 1944 † 
Victoria (Australian state) for Guraleus cuspidatus Chapple, 1934 † 
 Grammatical gender

grammatical gender masculine, as derived from the masculine Latin noun axis [details]