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Kamenskaya O.E. 2000. Xenophyophores (Protista, Xenophyophorea) from the 16th cruise of the R/V "Dmitri Mendeleev". 2. Lobammina rigida gen. et sp. nov. from the Coral Sea. In: Kuznetsov A.P. & Zezina O.N., eds., Benthos of the Russian Seas and the Northern Atlantic, pp. 102-106. VNIRO, Moscow. [In Russian] Translation: Kamenskaya O.E. 2002. New xenophyophore: complete translation of O.E. Kamenskaya, 2000: Xenophyophores (Protista, Xenophyophorea) from the 16th cruise of the R/V “Dmitry Mendeleev” 2. Lobammina rigida gen. et sp. nov. - a new genus and species from the Coral Sea. Deep-Sea Newsletter 31: 102-106, 110-111.