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Landau B.M. & LaFollette P.I. (2015). The Pyramidellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Miocene Cantaure Formation of Venezuela. Cainozoic Research. 15(1-2): 13-54.
Landau B.M. & LaFollette P.I.
The Pyramidellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Miocene Cantaure Formation of Venezuela
Cainozoic Research
15(1-2): 13-54
October 2015
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2015-12-27 04:54:28Z
2016-03-13 13:55:07Z
2023-01-25 21:29:57Z

Aciculina Deshayes, 1861 † accepted as Eulimella Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846 (source of synonymy)
Brachystomia Monterosato, 1884 (additional source)
Brachystomia centaurana Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Callolongchaeus Dall, 1903 † accepted as Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (source of synonymy)
Chemnitzia A. d'Orbigny, 1840 accepted as Turbonilla Risso, 1826 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia angustula (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla angustula Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia aratibacillum (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla aratibacillum Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia compsa (K. J. Bush, 1899) accepted as Turbonilla compsa K. J. Bush, 1899 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia contexta (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla contexta Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia heilprini (K. J. Bush, 1899) accepted as Turbonilla heilprini K. J. Bush, 1899 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia hemphilli (K. J. Bush, 1899) accepted as Turbonilla hemphilli K. J. Bush, 1899 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia insititia (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla insititia Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia macsotayi Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † accepted as Turbonilla macsotayi (Landau & LaFollette, 2015) † (original description)
Chemnitzia paramoea (Dall & Bartsch, 1909) accepted as Turbonilla paramoea Dall & Bartsch, 1909 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia penistoni (K. J. Bush, 1899) accepted as Turbonilla penistoni K. J. Bush, 1899 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia peraequa (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla peraequa Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia pertenuis (Gabb, 1873) † accepted as Turbonilla pertenuis Gabb, 1873 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia santarosana (Dall & Bartsch, 1909) accepted as Turbonilla santarosana Dall & Bartsch, 1909 (basis of record)
Chemnitzia undecimcostata (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † accepted as Turbonilla undecimcostata Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Chemnitzia unilirata (K. J. Bush, 1899) accepted as Turbonilla unilirata K. J. Bush, 1899 accepted as Turbolidium uniliratum (K. J. Bush, 1899) (basis of record)
Chrysallida angusta P. P. Carpenter, 1864 (basis of record)
Chrysallida cantaurana Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Cingula turrita C. B. Adams, 1852 accepted as Ividella notabilis (C. B. Adams, 1852) (source of synonymy)
Dolium octocostatum Emmons, 1858 † accepted as Iselica globosa (H. C. Lea, 1843) (source of synonymy)
Eulimastoma Bartsch, 1916 (basis of record)
Eulimastoma pyrgulopsis (Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917) † (basis of record)
Eulimella Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846 (additional source)
Eulimella dianeae Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Eulimella simplex (A. d'Orbigny, 1841) (additional source)
Eulimella tampaensis Bartsch, 1955 † (basis of record)
Fossarus (Isapis) anomala floridana Mansfield, 1930 † accepted as Iselica globosa (H. C. Lea, 1843) (source of synonymy)
Goniodostomia Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † (basis of record)
Goniodostomia bicarinata Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Iolaea A. Adams, 1867 (basis of record)
Iolaea miocenica Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † accepted as Mulderia miocaenica (Landau & LaFollette, 2015) † (original description)
Iolaea robertsoni (van Regteren Altena, 1975) accepted as Mulderia robertsoni (van Regteren Altena, 1975) (basis of record)
Isapis caloosaensis Dall, 1890 † accepted as Iselica globosa (H. C. Lea, 1843) (source of synonymy)
Iselica globosa (H. C. Lea, 1843) (basis of record)
Ividella Dall & Bartsch, 1909 (basis of record)
Ividella abbotti (Olsson & McGinty, 1958) (basis of record)
Ividella guppyi Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Ividella mariae (Bartsch, 1928) † (basis of record)
Ividella mendozae (F. Baker, G. D. Hanna & A. M. Strong, 1928) (basis of record)
Ividella navisa (Dall & Bartsch, 1907) (basis of record)
Ividella notabilis (C. B. Adams, 1852) (basis of record)
Ividella quinquecincta (P. P. Carpenter, 1857) (basis of record)
Ividella rhizophorae (Hertlein & A. M. Strong, 1951) (basis of record)
Ividella ulloana (A. M. Strong, 1949) (basis of record)
Ividia Dall & Bartsch, 1904 (basis of record)
Ividia aepynota (Dall & Bartsch, 1909) (basis of record)
Ividia havanensis (Pilsbry & Aguayo, 1933) (basis of record)
Kleinella A. Adams, 1860 (basis of record)
Kleinella pumila Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Kleinella sympiesta Melvill & Standen, 1903 (basis of record)
Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (additional source)
Longchaeus calesi Bartsch, 1955 † accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Longchaeus canaliculatus (Gabb, 1873) † (basis of record)
Longchaeus forulatus (Guppy, 1896) † (basis of record)
Longchaeus marionae Bartsch, 1955 † accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Longchaeus olssoni (Maury, 1917) † (basis of record)
Longchaeus punctatus (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Longchaeus acus (Gmelin, 1791) (source of synonymy)
Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (additional source)
Obeliscus crenulatus Holmes, 1859 accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Obeliscus floridanus Mörch, 1875 accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Odostomia subdotella Hertlein & A. M. Strong, 1951 accepted as Eulimastoma dotella (Dall & Bartsch, 1909) (source of synonymy)
Parthenina martae Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Pharcidella Dall, 1889 accepted as Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (additional source)
Pyramidella (Voluspa) Dall & Bartsch, 1904 accepted as Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (source of synonymy)
Pyramidella arenosa Conrad, 1843 accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Pyramidella diademata Maury, 1917 † accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Pyramidella forulata famelica Pilsbry & C. W. Johnson, 1917 † accepted as Longchaeus olssoni (Maury, 1917) † (source of synonymy)
Pyramidella punctata A. Férussac, 1821 accepted as Longchaeus acus (Gmelin, 1791) (basis of record)
Pyramidella punctata Schubert & J. A. Wagner, 1829 accepted as Longchaeus acus (Gmelin, 1791) (source of synonymy)
Pyramidella semicanaliculata Maury, 1917 † accepted as Longchaeus suturalis (H. C. Lea, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Pyrgiscus R. A. Philippi, 1841 (additional source)
Pyrgiscus caribbaeus Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Pyrgiscus cedrosus (Dall, 1884) (new combination reference)
Pyrgiscus silvai Landau & LaFollette, 2015 † (original description)
Pyrgostelis Monterosato, 1884 accepted as Pyrgiscus R. A. Philippi, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Telloda Hertlein & A. M. Strong, 1951 accepted as Eulimastoma Bartsch, 1916 (source of synonymy)
Turbonilla paraguanensis Landau & LaFollette, 2016 † (original description)
Turbonilla plastica Guppy, 1896 † (basis of record)
Voluta acus Gmelin, 1791 accepted as Longchaeus acus (Gmelin, 1791) (subsequent type designation)
Wingenella Laseron, 1959 accepted as Longchaeus Mörch, 1875 (source of synonymy)