WoRMS source details

Günther, A. (1862). Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum, London. 4: i-xxi + 1-534.
Günther, A.
Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Museum
British Museum, London
4: i-xxi + 1-534
Date of publication: 8 Nov. From Eschmeyer on the web.
Publication date: 8 Nov. From Eschmeyer on the web.

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BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2017-07-31 06:43:15Z

Ammodytes (Hyperoplus) Günther, 1862 accepted as Hyperoplus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Ammotretis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Ammotretis rostratus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Bleekeria Günther, 1862 (original description)
Bleekeria kallolepis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Brachypleura Günther, 1862 (original description)
Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862 (original description)
Cheilinus orientalis Günther, 1862 accepted as Oxycheilinus orientalis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Choerops rubescens Günther, 1862 accepted as Choerodon rubescens (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Chromis guineensis Günther, 1862 accepted as Coptodon guineensis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Citharichthys spilopterus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Coris atlantica Günther, 1862 (original description)
Coris longipes Günther, 1862 accepted as Hologymnosus longipes (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Cossyphus unimaculatus Günther, 1862 accepted as Bodianus unimaculatus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Crenicichla acutirostris Günther, 1862 (original description)
Crenicichla strigata Günther, 1862 (original description)
Cynoglossus trigrammus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Doratonotus megalepis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Halargyreus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Halargyreus johnsonii Günther, 1862 (original description)
Hemichromis guttatus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Hemirhombus Bleeker, 1862 accepted as Syacium Ranzani, 1842 (original description)
Hemirhombus guineensis Bleeker, 1862 accepted as Syacium guineense (Bleeker, 1862) (original description)
Heros affinis Günther, 1862 accepted as Thorichthys affinis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros aureus Günther, 1862 accepted as Thorichthys aureus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros autochthon Günther, 1862 accepted as Australoheros autochthon (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros godmanni Günther, 1862 accepted as Chuco godmanni (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros intermedius Günther, 1862 accepted as Chuco intermedium (Günther, 1862) accepted as Theraps intermedius (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros margaritifer Günther, 1862 accepted as Amphilophus margaritifer (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros melanurus Günther, 1862 accepted as Vieja melanurus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros microphthalmus Günther, 1862 accepted as Chuco microphthalmus (Günther, 1862) accepted as Theraps microphthalmus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros salvini Günther, 1862 accepted as Trichromis salvini (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros spilurus Günther, 1862 accepted as Cryptoheros spilurus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros temporalis Günther, 1862 accepted as Hypselecara temporalis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Heros urophthalmus Günther, 1862 accepted as Mayaheros urophthalmus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Hyperoplus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Labrichthys gymnogenis Günther, 1862 accepted as Notolabrus gymnogenis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Mesops taeniatus Günther, 1862 accepted as Apistogramma taeniata (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Novacula aneitensis Günther, 1862 accepted as Iniistius aneitensis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Parma Günther, 1862 (original description)
Parma microlepis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Parma polylepis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Pegusa Günther, 1862 (additional source)
Pegusa Günther, 1862 (original description)
Peltorhamphus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862 (original description)
Petenia Günther, 1862 (original description)
Petenia splendida Günther, 1862 (original description)
Phrynorhombus Günther, 1862 (additional source)
Phrynorhombus norvegicus (Günther, 1862) accepted as Zeugopterus norvegicus (Günther, 1862) (additional source)
Platyglossus tenuispinis Günther, 1862 accepted as Halichoeres tenuispinis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Pomacentrus obtusirostris Günther, 1862 accepted as Pristotis obtusirostris (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Psammodiscus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Psammodiscus ocellatus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Pseudoscarus caudofasciatus Günther, 1862 accepted as Scarus caudofasciatus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Rhomboidichthys assimilis Günther, 1862 accepted as Bothus assimilis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Rhomboidichthys leopardinus Günther, 1862 accepted as Bothus leopardinus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Rhombosolea Günther, 1862 (original description)
Rhombosolea leporina Günther, 1862 (original description)
Rhombosolea tapirina Günther, 1862 (original description)
Rhombus (Lepidorhombus) Günther, 1862 accepted as Lepidorhombus Günther, 1862 (original description)
Rhombus norvegicus Günther, 1862 accepted as Zeugopterus norvegicus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Scarus strigatus Günther, 1862 accepted as Sparisoma strigatum (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea (Pegusa) Günther, 1862 accepted as Pegusa Günther, 1862 (original description)
Solea aurantiaca Günther, 1862 accepted as Pegusa lascaris (Risso, 1810) (original description)
Solea fimbriata Günther, 1862 accepted as Trinectes fimbriatus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea fonsecensis Günther, 1862 accepted as Trinectes fonsecensis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea indica Günther, 1862 (original description)
Solea jenynsii Günther, 1862 accepted as Catathyridium jenynsii (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea mentalis Günther, 1862 accepted as Hypoclinemus mentalis (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea microcephala Günther, 1862 accepted as Soleichthys microcephalus (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Solea scutum Günther, 1862 accepted as Achirus scutum (Günther, 1862) (original description)
Sphagebranchus lumbricoides Bleeker, 1864 accepted as Yirrkala lumbricoides (Bleeker, 1864) (original description)
Theraps Günther, 1862 (original description)
Theraps irregularis Günther, 1862 (original description)
Xiphochilus robustus Günther, 1862 accepted as Choerodon robustus (Günther, 1862) (original description)