Between brackets is the number of accepted marine extant species
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Shows the number of accepted marine extant species within the taxon
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- Biota (247 219)
- Kingdom Animalia (211 198)
- Subkingdom Animalia incertae sedis
- Subkingdom Metazoa accepted as Animalia
- Phylum Acanthocephala (517)
- Phylum Annelida (14 063)
- Phylum Arthropoda (59 642)
- Phylum Aschelminthes
- Phylum Brachiopoda (407)
- Phylum Bryozoa (6 528)
- Class Gymnolaemata (5 872)
- Order Cheilostomata accepted as Cheilostomatida
- Order Cheilostomatida (5 531)
- Order Ctenostomata accepted as Ctenostomatida
- Order Ctenostomatida (341)
- Suborder Alcyonidiina (106)
- Suborder Ctenostomatida incertae sedis (5)
- Suborder Flustrellidrina (20)
- Suborder Paludicellina
- Suborder Stolonifera
- Suborder Stoloniferina (85)
- Superfamily Aeverrillioidea d'Hondt, 1983 (4)
- Superfamily Arachnidioidea Hincks, 1880 (21)
- Family Arachnidiidae Hincks, 1880 (21)
- Genus Arachnidia Hincks, 1859
- Genus Arachnidium Hincks, 1859 (6)
- Genus Arachnoidea Moore, 1903
- Genus Arachnoidella d'Hondt, 1983 (11)
- Species Arachnoidella annosciae (d'Hondt & Geraci, 1976)
- Species Arachnoidella barentsia Kluge, 1962
- Species Arachnoidella brevicaudata (d'Hondt & Mawatari, 1987)
- Species Arachnoidella dhondti (Franzén & Sandberg, 2001)
- Species Arachnoidella dubia (d'Hondt, 1976)
- Species Arachnoidella echinophilia Gordon, 1986
- Species Arachnoidella evelinae (Marcus, 1937)
- Species Arachnoidella ophidiomorpha (d'Hondt & Mawatari, 1987)
- Species Arachnoidella prenanti (d'Hondt, 1976)
- Species Arachnoidella protecta Harmer, 1915
- Species Arachnoidella thalassae (d'Hondt, 1979)
- Genus Cryptoarachnidium Jebram, 1973 (1)
- Genus Parachnoidea d'Hondt, 1979 (2)
- Genus Pierrella Wilson & Taylor, 2012 (1)
- Superfamily Hislopioidea Jullien, 1885
- Superfamily Penetrantioidea Silén, 1946 (11)
- Superfamily Terebriporoidea d'Orbigny, 1847 (16)
- Superfamily Triticelloidea Sars, 1873 (16)
- Superfamily Walkerioidea Hincks, 1877 (17)
- Suborder Vesicularina (82)
- Suborder Victorellina (40)
- Superfamily Benedeniporoidea Delage & Hérouard, 1897 (3)
- Family Claviporidae accepted as Clavoporidae Osburn & Soule, 1953
- Family Nollelidae accepted as Nolellidae Harmer, 1915
- Class Phylactolaemata (2)
- Class Stenolaemata (654)
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha
- Phylum Chaetognatha (132)
- Phylum Chordata (24 075)
- Phylum Cnidaria (12 560)
- Phylum Ctenophora (184)
- Phylum Cycliophora (2)
- Phylum Dicyemida (122)
- Phylum Echinodermata (7 626)
- Phylum Ectoprocta accepted as Bryozoa
- Phylum Entoprocta (201)
- Phylum Gastrotricha (522)
- Phylum Gnathostomulida (100)
- Phylum Hemichordata (133)
- Phylum Kinorhyncha (348)
- Phylum Loricifera (46)
- Phylum Mesozoa accepted as Dicyemida
- Phylum Mollusca (52 004)
- Phylum Nematoda (6 756)
- Phylum Nematomorpha (6)
- Phylum Nemertea (1 341)
- Phylum Nemertina represented as Nemertea
- Phylum Nemertini accepted as Nemertea
- Phylum Orthonectida (24)
- Phylum Pentastomida accepted as Pentastomida
- Phylum Phoronida (13)
- Phylum Placozoa (4)
- Phylum Platyhelminthes (13 499)
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera (9 437)
- Phylum Priapulida (22)
- Phylum Rotatoria accepted as Rotifera
- Phylum Rotifera (184)
- Phylum Sipunculida accepted as Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada (263)
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha (437)
- Kingdom Archaea (117)
- Kingdom Bacteria (2 223)
- Kingdom Chromista (20 779)
- Kingdom Fungi (1 432)
- Kingdom Monera represented as Bacteria
- Kingdom Plantae (10 578)
- Kingdom Protozoa (766)
- Kingdom Viruses (115)