WoRMS source details
Ledoyer, M. (1978). Amphipodes gammariens (Crustacea) des biotopes cavitaires organogènes récifaux de l'Ile Maurice. The Mauritius Institute Bulletin. 8 (3): 197-332.
Ledoyer, M.
Amphipodes gammariens (Crustacea) des biotopes cavitaires organogènes récifaux de l'Ile Maurice
The Mauritius Institute Bulletin
8 (3): 197-332
Ant'Phipoda Literature database
Available for editors [request]
Indian Ocean, Western
Spacial and ecological distribution, Zonation, Microdistribution
Spacial and ecological distribution, Zonation, Microdistribution
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
Amphilochella laticarpa Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ampithoe pollex hirsutus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Plumithoe hirsutus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Anamixis grossimana Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Nepanamixis grossimana (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Aorcho curvipalma Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ceinina latipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ceradocus (Denticeradocus) mahafalensis incisa Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ensayara angustipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ericthonius latimanus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Ericthonius ledoyeri Barnard & Karaman, 1991 (original description)
Eriopisella dentifera Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Maleriopa dentifera (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Gammaropsis grandimana Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Latigammaropsis grandimana (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Gammaropsis mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Iphimedia compacta Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Laetmatophilus acuticephalus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Lembos pseudopunctatus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Bemlos pseudopunctatus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Leucothoe acutilobata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Leucothoe predenticulata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paradexamine indentata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paradusa mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Parajassa spinipalma longicephalus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Ruffojassa longicephalus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Paralysianopsis mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paranamixis excavatus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Pseudelasmopus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Pseudelasmopus cheliferus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ritaumius Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ritaumius longicornis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Seba hirsuta Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Unyapheonoides dabber angustipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ampithoe pollex hirsutus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Plumithoe hirsutus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Anamixis grossimana Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Nepanamixis grossimana (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Aorcho curvipalma Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ceinina latipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ceradocus (Denticeradocus) mahafalensis incisa Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ensayara angustipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ericthonius latimanus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Ericthonius ledoyeri Barnard & Karaman, 1991 (original description)
Eriopisella dentifera Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Maleriopa dentifera (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Gammaropsis grandimana Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Latigammaropsis grandimana (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Gammaropsis mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Iphimedia compacta Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Laetmatophilus acuticephalus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Lembos pseudopunctatus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Bemlos pseudopunctatus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Leucothoe acutilobata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Leucothoe predenticulata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paradexamine indentata Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paradusa mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Parajassa spinipalma longicephalus Ledoyer, 1978 accepted as Ruffojassa longicephalus (Ledoyer, 1978) (original description)
Paralysianopsis mauritiensis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Paranamixis excavatus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Pseudelasmopus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Pseudelasmopus cheliferus Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ritaumius Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Ritaumius longicornis Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Seba hirsuta Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Unyapheonoides dabber angustipes Ledoyer, 1978 (original description)
Mauritius for Laetmatophilus acuticephalus Ledoyer, 1978
Type material
Holotype, female, 3 mm. Paratype, 1 specimen. Outer reef, Trou aux Biches, Mauritius (20°02'30"S, 57°32'E), 10 m ... [details]