WoRMS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 389 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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- Ambiphrya miri Raabe, 1952
- Caliperia longipes Laird, 1953
- Carchesium duplicatum Precht, 1935
- Carchesium gammari Precht, 1935
- Carchesium jaerae Precht, 1935
- Carchesium pectinatum (Zacharias, 1897) Kahl, 1935
- Carchesium polypinum Linnaeus, 1758
- Carchesium spectabile Ehrenberg-Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Carchesium steinii Wrzesniowski, 1877
- Cothurnia acuta Levander, 1915
- Cothurnia antarctica (Daday) Warren & Paynter, 1991
- Cothurnia arcuata Mereschkowsky, 1879
- Cothurnia borealis (Hensen, 1890) Ostenfeld, 1916
- Cothurnia calix Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia ceramicola Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia coarctata Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia complanata Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia cordylophorea Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia curvula Entz, 1884
- Cothurnia cypridicola Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia fecunda Stokes, 1893
- Cothurnia gammari Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia grandis (Perty)
- Cothurnia guyanensis Fernandez-Leborans & Sorbe, 2003
- Cothurnia halacaricola Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia harpactici Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia innata O. F. Müller, 1786
- Cothurnia limnoriae Dons, 1927
- Cothurnia longipes Kellicott, 1894
- Cothurnia maritima Ehrenberg, 1838
- Cothurnia maritima subsp. nodosa Claparède & Lachmann, 1858 accepted as Cothurnia nodosa Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Cothurnia mobiusi (Möbius, 1888) Stiller, 1939
- Cothurnia nebaliae Dons, 1927
- Cothurnia nereicola Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia nitocrae Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia nodosa Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Cothurnia oblonga Kahl, 1935
- Cothurnia ovalis Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia patellae Hutton, 1878 accepted as Mantoscyphidia patellae (Hutton, 1878) Jankowski, 1985
- Cothurnia pedunculata Dons, 1918
- Cothurnia peloscolicis Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia plectostyla Stokes,
- Cothurnia poculum Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia recurva Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Cothurnia simplex Kahl, 1933
- Cothurnia socialis Gruber, 1879
- Cothurnia stylarioidis Precht, 1935
- Cothurnia subglobosa (Daday) Warren & Paynter, 1991
- Cothurnia triangula Precht, 1935
- Craspedomyoschiston sphaeromae Precht, 1935
- Dipartiella simplex (Raabe, 1959)
- Ellobiophrya donacis Chatton & Lwoff, 1923
- Ellobiophrya maliculiformis Peters, Van As, Basson & Van As, 2004
- Epicarchesium abrae (Precht, 1935) Ji, Song & Warren, 2004
- Epicarchesium corlissi Sun, Song & Warren, 2006
- Epistylis acuminata Song, 1986
- Epistylis arenicolae Fabre-Domergue, 1888
- Epistylis aselli Stiller, 1941
- Epistylis bimarginata Nenninger, 1948
- Epistylis botrytis Ehrenberg, 1832 accepted as Codosiga botrytis (Ehrenberg) Bütschli, 1878
- Epistylis caliciformis Kahl, 1933
- Epistylis callinectes Ma & Overstreet, 2006
- Epistylis carcini Precht, 1935
- Epistylis clampi Ma & Overstreet, 2006
- Epistylis elongata Stokes, 1889
- Epistylis gammari Precht, 1935
- Epistylis harpacticola Kahl, 1933
- Epistylis hentscheli Kahl, 1935
- Epistylis jaerae Precht, 1935
- Epistylis niagarae Kellicott, 1883
- Epistylis nitocrae Precht, 1935
- Epistylis paradoxa Xu & Song, 2003
- Epistylis plicatilis Ehrenberg, 1838
- Epistylis rotans Svec, 1897
- Epistylis uyemurai Song, 1992
- Epistylis vaginula Stokes, 1884
- Haplocaulus amphiurae (Cuénot, 1891) Warren, 1986
- Haplocaulus claparedei (Andrussowa, 1886) Warren, 1986
- Haplocaulus elegans (Dons, 1915) Stiller, 1971
- Haplocaulus furcellariae Precht, 1935
- Haplocaulus fusca (Biernacka, 1963) Warren, 1986
- Haplocaulus nicoleae Precht, 1935
- Hemitrichodina robusta Basson & Van As, 1989
- Intranstylum antarcticum Wilbert & Song, 2005
- Intranstylum asellicola Kahl, 1935
- Intranstylum brachymyon Precht, 1935
- Intranstylum coniferum Precht, 1935
- Intranstylum duplicatum Precht, 1935
- Intranstylum intermedium Song, 1986
- Intranstylum longum Precht, 1935
- Lagenophrys aselli Plate, 1886
- Lagenophrys callinectes Couch, 1967
- Lagenophrys cochinensis Santhakumari & Gopalan, 1980
- Lagenophrys eupagurus Kellicott, 1893
- Lagenophrys lunatus Imamura, 1940
- Lagenophrys maxillaris (Jankowski, 1993)
- Lagenophrys rotunda Precht, 1935
- Leiotrocha patellae (Cúenot, 1891)
- Mantoscyphidia patellae (Hutton, 1878) Jankowski, 1985
- Myoschiston balanorum Mereschkowsky, 1877