WoRMS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 41 matching records.
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- Affecauda annulata Hall & Chambers, 1999
- Affecauda rugosa Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Affecauda salacia Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Apharyngogyliauchen callyodontis Yamaguti, 1942
- Apharyngogyliauchen opisthovarius Gu & Shen, 1983
- Apharyngogyliauchen scarustis Gu & Shen, 1983
- Apharyngogyliauchen thalassamae (Wang, 1977) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Dissotrema papillatum Goto & Matsudaira, 1918 accepted as Gyliauchen papillatus (Goto & Matsudaira, 1918) Goto, 1919
- Flagellotrema amphitrite Hall & Cribb, 2008
- Flagellotrema centropygis Yamaguti, 1970 accepted as Hadrobolbus centropygis (Yamaguti, 1970) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Flagellotrema chaetodontis (Manter & Pritchard, 1962) Yamaguti, 1970 accepted as Hadrobolbus chaetodontis (Manter & Prtichard, 1962) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Flagellotrema convolutum Ozaki, 1936
- Flagellotrema potteri Yamaguti, 1970 accepted as Hadrobolbus potteri (Yamaguti, 1970) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Flagellotrema reburrus Hall & Cribb, 2008
- Gyliauchen caudatus (Ozaki, 1933) Yamaguti, 1954 accepted as Telotrema caudatum Ozaki, 1933
- Gyliauchen indicum Gupta & Tandon, 1983
- Gyliauchen nahaensis Ozaki, 1937
- Gyliauchen oligoglandulosus Gu & Shen, 1979
- Gyliauchen ozakii Srivastava, 1938
- Gyliauchen papillatus (Goto & Matsudaira, 1918) Goto, 1919
- Gyliauchen parapapillatus Nahhas & Wetzel, 1995
- Gyliauchen pomacentri Nahhas & Wetzel, 1995 accepted as Telotrema pomacentri (Nahhas & Wetzel, 1995) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Gyliauchen tarachodes Nicoll, 1915
- Gyliauchen thalassamae Wang, 1977 accepted as Apharyngogyliauchen thalassamae (Wang, 1977) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Gyliauchen volubilis Nagaty, 1956
- Gyliauchen zancli Nahhas & Wetzel, 1995
- Hadrobolbus centropygis (Yamaguti, 1970) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Hadrobolbus chaetodontis (Manter & Prtichard, 1962) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Hadrobolbus potteri (Yamaguti, 1970) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Ichthyotrema chaetodontis Manter & Pritchard, 1962 accepted as Flagellotrema chaetodontis (Manter & Pritchard, 1962) Yamaguti, 1970 accepted as Hadrobolbus chaetodontis (Manter & Prtichard, 1962) Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Ichthyotrema vogelsangi Caballero y C. & Bravo-Hollis, 1954
- Leptobulbus magnacirratus Manter & Pritchard, 1962
- Progyliauchen magnacetabulum Al-Jahdali, 2013
- Progyliauchen sigani Shalaby & Hassanine, 1997
- Ptychogyliauchen himinglaeva Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Ptychogyliauchen leucothea Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Ptychogyliauchen thetidis Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Ptychogyliauchen thistilbardi Hall & Cribb, 2004
- Telotrema brevicaudatum Hall & Cribb, 2005
- Telotrema caudatum Ozaki, 1933
- Telotrema pomacentri (Nahhas & Wetzel, 1995) Hall & Cribb, 2005