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WoRMS Photogallery » Chromista - Foraminifera (foraminifers)
Cyclopsinella roselli Villalonga, Boix, Frijia, Parente, Bernaus & Caus, 2019
Description Cyclopsinella roselli a: axial section of a megalospheric specimen (holotype); b: broken axial section lacking the embryo (B? form); c: subaxial section far from the centre showing the pillars in the equator of the shell; d: fragment of an axial section (compare with a); e: fragment of a subequatorial section showing the endoskeleton almost in the equatorial plane and the empty chambers in both sides. The incomplete section suggests that the specimen is slightly undulated. Cyclopsinella roselli is here associated to the fragments of the genus Dicyclina. Scale bar 0.5 mm. ch chamber, E embryo, ew external wall, f foramen, p pillar, s septum (From Villalonga et al., 2019).
Author Consorti, Lorenzo
JPG file - 1.50 MB - 1 978 x 2 657 pixels
added on 2024-10-07120 viewsWoRMS taxaDigital photo, part of species Cyclopsinella roselli Villalonga, Boix, Frijia, Parente, Bernaus & Caus, 2019 †checked Consorti, Lorenzo 2024-10-07
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